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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,814 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Optimization of Offshore Platform Layouts

B. Cote

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to be optimised in relation to environment requirements and expected production. Such optimisation asks for risk and benefit assessments. There is a need...


The Geology and Oil Fields of Archer County, Texas

W. E. Hubbard, W. C. Thompson

AAPG Bulletin

.... This is probably the equivalent of the Dalmar or Upper Wilmot pay. RELATION OF SAND BODIES TO SOURCE OF OIL The depositional nature of the producing zones...


Subsurface Character of Mineralization at Silver Reef, Utah, and a Possible Model for Ore Genesis

Laurence P. James, E. W. Newman

Utah Geological Association

..., A., and Sangster, D. F., 1978, An overview of sandstone lead deposits and their relation to red-bed copper and carbonate-hosted lead zinc deposits: Economic Geology...


Installation of Deepwater FPSO Moorings Using Suction Anchors

John Sheridan

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... identified the following options for proof loading the anchors: Subsea tensioning method - using Bruce and Stevtensioner type bow string tensioners...


Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetite Content of Sands and Shales

D. M. Collingwood

AAPG Bulletin

...Magnetic Susceptibility and Magnetite Content of Sands and Shales D. M. Collingwood 1930 1187 1190 14 9. (September) During a study of the relation...


FALCON® Airborne Gravity Gradiometry Provides a Smarter Exploration Tool for Unconventional and Conventional Hydrocarbons: Case Study from the Fitzroy Trough, Onshore Canning Basin

David Moore, Priyanka Roy Chowdhury, Tony Rudge

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...’s to present day, and as proof of concept and validation of the FALCON ® AGG method, this information is invaluable, which is why this area was chosen...


Indirect Genesis Through Transformation of Organic Matter in Sediments: Chapter 5: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott

AAPG Special Volumes

... geologists were provincial, and the passage quoted earlier is worth repeating here: The relation of geology to the occurrence of bitumens has been very...


Structural Evolution of Southern California: The Caliente Mountain District and Salinia (Part of Compilation by Reed and Hollister for AAPG, Dec. 1936)

R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister

AAPG Bulletin

... paleontologic proof. It may be as young as Lower Miocene or as old as Eocene. Miocene: Toward the southeast the Caliente Mountain ridge grades into a badland...


The Caliente Mountain District and Salinia: Chapter V

R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister

AAPG Special Volumes

... method of mechanical speculation, or by analogy with other regions where the evidence is clearer. The Coast Ranges furnish adequate proof...


Application of Principle of Differential Settling to Tracing of Lenticular Sand Bodies

John L. Rich

AAPG Bulletin

... attempts to use the method. The method is far from fool-proof and experience and judgment as well as extremely careful mapping are essential for its...


Stratigraphic Change in Organic Composition Demonstrated by Oil Specific Gravity-Depth Correlation in Tertiary Green River Oil Shales, Colorado

John Ward Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... shale: U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 5725, 16 p. Stanfield, K. E., and Frost, I. C., 1949, Method of assaying oil shale by a modified Fischer retort: U...


3DKL v1.0: Creating the First 3D Geological Model of Kuala Lumpur

Marcus R. Dobbs, Qalam A’zad Rosle, Dalila Ahmad, Helen F. Burke, Muhammad Ezwan Dahlan, Jontih Enggihon, Richard B. Haslam, Nicholas Jacob, Kenneth Lawrie, A. Graham Leslie, Alvyn Clancey Mickey, Muhammad Ramzanee Mohd Noh, Syed Omar, Nikki A. Smith, Steve Thorpe

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... software. 3DKL v1.0 has demonstrated proof-of-concept: we have developed a workflow, based largely on freely-available software, for transforming...


The Effect of Differences in Interpretation on the Lithological Evaluation of Electric Logs

Brian Hitchon

CSPG Bulletin

... (1962). Data used in compiling stratigraphic maps are probably most conveniently read from well logs. Commonly, the inflection point method is used...


Non-First-Break Solution for Shallow Velocity Anomaly Problem; #41602 (2015)

Emil Blias

Search and

... ([email protected]) Abstract A method of compensation for the presence of discrete shallow velocity anomalies (SVAs) has been developed. When the first breaks...


Combined Geological and Surface Geochemical Methods Discovered Agaritta and Brady Creek Fields, Concho County, Texas

D. F. Saunders , K. R. Burson , J. J. Brown , C. K. Thompson

AAPG Bulletin

... Society Publication 89-85, p. 139-148. Saunders, D. F., K. R. Burson, and C. K. Thompson, 1991, Observed relation of soil magnetic susceptibility...


Problems in Application of Modern Tectonic Hypotheses to Cuba and Caribbean Region

Manuel A. Iturralde-Vinent

AAPG Bulletin

... structures in Puerto Rican ophiolites and their relation to the tectonic history of Greater Antilles: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 84, p. 21-37. Meyerhoff...


Counting Grain Mounts: Number Percentage Vs. Number Frequency: NOTES

Jon S. Galehouse

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... diagenesis. The fact that the results of the Line Method of counting grain mounts have been used so successfully in the past is proof...


Oil and Gas in North Central Texas, United States

Samuel P. Ellison Jr.

Abilene Geological Society

...: Univ. Texas Bull. 5605, p. 1--261. Fuqua, H. B., and Thompson, B. E., 1929, Relation of Production to Structure in Central Wilbarger County, Texas...


Some Suggestions in Regard to Pennsylvanian Paleogeography in the Henryetta District, Oklahoma

R. D. Reed

AAPG Bulletin

..., however, is its apparent relation to a line of very productive oil fields. Beginning at the north end of the portion shown on the map, the Booch...


Relationship Between Paleotopography and the Thickness and Geochemistry of a Pennsylvanian Freshwater Limestone

E. G. Williams , R. E. Bergenback , J. N. Weber

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., this does not demonstrate that such a surface possessed relief prior to limestone desposition. Proof of relief can be obtained only by analyzing the nature...


New Orleans Geological Society 1973 Spring Field Trip: Geology of the Mississippi-Alabama Coastal Area and Nearshore Zone

Ervin G. Otvos, Jr.

New Orleans Geological Society

...: Transactions 34th North Amer. Wildlife and Natl. Resources Conference, p. 51-74. Gunter, G., 1972, Use of Dead Reef Shell and Its Relation...


Amplitude Recovery of Digitally Recorded Data

Roy O. Lindseth

Pacific Section of AAPG

... the means to approximate the true amplitude relationships of reflections obtained at any point by the seismic reflection method. The amplitude of reflections...


Major Interregionally Correlatable Events in the Jurassic of Western Interior, Arctic, and Eastern Offshore Canada

T. P. Poulton

CSPG Special Publications

... causes, so that the empirical proof of eustasy, a theoretically attractive concept, is not universally accepted (e.g. Jeletzky, 1978; Miall, 1986...


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