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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,825 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Base-Replacement Studies of Oklahoma Shales--Critique of Taylor Hypothesis

L. C. Case

AAPG Bulletin

.... Inst. Petrol. Tech., Vol. 15, No. 74 (1929), pp. 372-84. E. McK. Taylor, "Base Exchange Between Clay and Solutions of Sodium Salts and Its Relation...


Mineral PRofile of Oil Shales in Colorado Core Hole No. 1, Picenace Creek Basin, Colorado

William A. Robb, John Ward Smith

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... method (Arkin and Colton, 1950; Smith and Robb, 1973). Results of these statistical analyses are summarized here. The mineral relation tests show...


Analysis of Crustal Relative Stability from Some Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Floral Records

Charles J. Smiley

AAPG Special Volumes

...., 1937, The relation between the late Paleozoic floras of eastern and northern Asia: 2d Cong. Stratig. Carbonifere, Heerlen 1935, Compte Rendu, v. 1, p...


Occurrence of Alkali Metals in Some Gulf of Mexico Sediments

Charles W. Welby

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Rubber Publishing Co., Cleveland, 2640 p. KELLY, W. P., AND LIEBIG, G. F., JR., 1934, Base exchange in relation to composition of clay with special...


Geology and Occurrence of Natural Gas in Oriskany Sandstone in Pennsylvania and New York

Fenton H. Finn

AAPG Bulletin

... Pennsylvania and Its Relation to the Occurrence of Gas in the Oriskany Sand," ibid., Bull. 108 (March, 1934). 5. CATHCART, S. H., "Supplementary Record of 'Deep...


Phosphorus in Black Sea: Water

Stig H. Fonselius

AAPG Special Volumes

...., and J. P. Riley, 1962, A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters: Anal. Chim. Acta, v. 27, p. 31-36. Ostlund...


Map Project: Introductory Comments

Warren O. Addicott

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... is a cooperative international effort designed to show the relation of known energy and mineral resources to the major geologic features of the Pacific basin...


Mechanics of Basin Evolution and Its Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin: Topical Papers

K. F. Dallmus

AAPG Special Volumes

...Mechanics of Basin Evolution and Its Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin: Topical Papers K. F. Dallmus 1958 883 931 SP 18: Habitat of Oil...



AAPG Special Volumes

.... This diversion appears to have paid large dividends as it led to our discovery of Miocene fossils on one of the banks, giving good proof...


Visualization Informed Drilling: Optimization and Automation On-The-Fly at the Bit; #120174 (2014)

Robello Samuel, Umesh Nalmada, Aniket Kumar

Search and

... envelope cube. This method provides a better optimization environment by providing for optimization and tracking in a single 3-D view, thus...


PHi Mean and Phi Standard Deviation of Grain-size Distribution in Sediments: Method of Moments

Mounir T. Moussa

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...PHi Mean and Phi Standard Deviation of Grain-size Distribution in Sediments: Method of Moments Mounir T. Moussa 1977 Vol. 47 No. 3. (September...


Prediction Project Task Completion Using Supervised Machine Learning Method: A Conceptual Approach

Muhammad Riandhy Anindika Yudhy, Andrey Putra Wijayanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Prediction Project Task Completion Using Supervised Machine Learning Method: A Conceptual Approach Muhammad Riandhy Anindika Yudhy, Andrey Putra...


Hydrodynamics of the Hunton Group Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1

Paul E. Blubaugh Jr.

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... with lateral fluid migration throughout Figure 1. Study area with counties and Hunton subcrop boundary. Figure 2. Generalized structural cross section...


An Explanation for Large Amounts of Gas in Anderson and Leon Counties, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Russell S. Tarr

AAPG Bulletin

... cases, the time of accumulation in relation to folding, is unsusceptible of proof. Since so few facts are really known regarding source...


Arabian Upper Jurassic Carbonate Reservoir Rocks

R. W. Powers

AAPG Special Volumes

... zonation, (b) delineation of original environment-sedimentation patterns and (c) relation of reservoir properties to original textures and secondary...


Stratigraphy and its Role in the Future Exploration for Oil and Gas in the Gulf Coast

E. H. Rainwater

GCAGS Transactions

.... Generalized depositional-environment sections of the productive and nonproductive formations and small-scale dip sections showing depositional...


Origin of Phosphatic Black Shale Facies in Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of Mid-Continent North America

Philip H. Heckel

AAPG Bulletin

... of Illinois stratigraphy: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 95, 261 p. Wilson, J. L., 1967, Cyclic and reciprocal sedimentation in Virgilian strata of southern New...


Jamin Action--What It Is and How It Affects Production of Oil and Gas

Stanley C. Herold

AAPG Bulletin

... accompanying the use of pumps or gas-lifts are discussed. The forced drive is given a brief review, and the paper concludes with a description of the method...


Middle Devonian Bentonite in Michigan Basin

E. J. Baltrusaitis

AAPG Bulletin

... herein are from wells drilled by this method. In cuttings from rotary-drilled wells, the biotite flakes and other associated minerals commonly...


Hydraulic fracturing during the formation and deformation of a basin: A factor in the dewatering of low-permeability sediments

John W. Cosgrove

AAPG Bulletin

..., Price, 1966) that the vertical and horizontal stresses are related as follows: where m is Poison's number, the reciprocal of Poison's ratio...


Granite and Limestone Velocity Determinations in Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma

B. B. Weatherby, W. T. Born, R. L. Harding

AAPG Bulletin

... from the same locality, by a method giving results accurate to less than 1 per cent. The velocities so obtained were somewhat higher. Velocity...


Successful Collaboration of CO2 Injection Implementation Towards Indonesias Decarbonization Road Map (Case Study of Jatibarang Field, West Java - Indonesia)

Debby Halinda, Merry Marteighianti, Andri Haribowo, Hiroshi Okabe, Kazuaki Mikami

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... 3). As well objectively as a first step towards full scale, CO2 injection can be done using the Huff & Puff method because the CO2 requirement...


Was Decay Important in Origin of Coal?

James M. Schopf

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... since 1931, but most of these methods do not permit the same refinements of observation that are possible by Thiessen's method for estimating classes...


Stratification Styles in Eolian Sandstones: Some Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Examples from the Western Interior U.S.A.

Ralph E. Hunter

Special Publications of SEPM

... than or greater than the angle between the ripple stoss slope and the generalized depositional surface a surface 8 R interpolated uL Structures l...


Disseminated Oil in Pleistocene Water Sands of Corpus Christi Area, Texas

W. Armstrong Price

AAPG Bulletin

.... The very generalized Beaumont-Lissie contact as mapped by Deussen (2, 1924)(FOOTNOTE 1) is shown in Figure 1. Lobes of sand of Lissie type, largely...


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