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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,817 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Deep Subsurface of the West Sector of the Eurasian-Arctic Zone of Transition from Continent to Ocean

V. V. Belousov, N. I. Navienkova, G. N. Kvyatkovskaya

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of cross sections of figures 3 and 4. The main structural features of the study region are reflected in the gravity and magnetic fields. See figure 2...


The Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Area Underlying the Magnetic Quiet Zone on the Margin South of Australia: Rifted Margins

Manik Talwani , John Mutter , Robert Houtz , Michael Konig

AAPG Special Volumes

... crustal refraction measurements made aboard R/V Vema in January and February, 1976, are combined with new and existing seismic reflection, shallow...


Extended Abstract: A Mapping Accord Project: Sedimentary Basins of Eastern Australia, with Comments on 1989 Bowen Basin Deep Seismic Profiles

R. J. Korsch, K. D. Wake-Dyster, D. W. Johnstone

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

....!_- - - (: : : _ _ _ I lower oil shale unit \- - I_ I FIGURE 4 \ \ --\reflected \ refraction \ \ - multiples...


Abstract: A Comparison of Trenched Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to Trenched and Surface 3C Geophones … Daly, Manitoba, Canada; #90224 (2015)

Rob Kendall

Search and

... clear reflection, refraction and coherent noise signal but at a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the geophone data. It was also noted that for our...


Seismic Reflections from a Lau Basin Magma Chamber

Janet L. Morton, Norman H. Sleep

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... (Lister, 1983a; Lister, 1983b) or that the chamber is located beneath the usual depth of the Moho (Bibee et al, in press). Seismic refraction studies...


West Delta Block 107 Field

Carl W. Kuhnen

GCAGS Transactions

... 1988 3-D seismic data was reprocessed with refraction statics corrections by Shell Offshore, Inc. in 1993, was it possible to interpret structure...


Marine Seismic Sources: Part XII: Sound in the Sea

Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen

GEO ExPro Magazine

... to the law of refraction of light. But it is now known that this law was first described by the Arabian optics engineer lbn Sahl (9401000) working in Baghdad...


Mineralogy of the Lower Cretaceous Argillaceous Rocks of the Grozny-Dagestan Oil District

E. A. Shabaeva

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... with an increase of K2O in the specimens. A rectilinear interrelationship of the percent of K2O and H2O is reflected in Figure 1. There is also...


Results of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas by the Middle Volga Geological Administration in 1960 and Plans for 1961-65

S. K. Zhadchenko, R. B. Davydov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the period of formation of the sedimentary cover, repeated movements both upward and downward were reflected in the distribution of facies...


Results of Oil and Gas Exploration in 1960 in the Stalingrad Region and their Trends for 1961-65

A. G. Gabrielyan

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... surveying, systematic refraction surveying was begun for the first time, experimental work on studying the seismo-geologic environment of several...


Tectonic Basis for Oil-Gas Exploration in the North Border Zone of the Caspian Synclize

V. A. Klubov, L. E. Levin, G. B. Sal’man, M. B. Ezdrin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... and grabens in the interior subsided zone of the border structural terrace. These structural elements of the basement are reflected very weakly...


Methods of Geologic Prospecting for Oil and Gas in Bashkiria

A. G. Bikbulatov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... prospects has been studied by seismic surveying, mainly by reflection shooting and its modifications. Refraction shooting was used in regional work...


2.2 Basement Involved: 2.2.1 Crustal Profiles: COCORP Seismic Traverse Across the Rio Grande Rift

L. D. Brown, S. Kaufman, and J. E. Oliver

AAPG Special Volumes

... the Rio Grande rift from seismic refraction profiles, in R.E. Riecker, ed., Rio Grande rift: tectonics and magmatism: Washington, D.C., Am. Geophys...


Bars, Spits, and Ripple Marks in a Michigan Lake: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

George R. Wulf

AAPG Bulletin

... marks. Most of the observed ripple marks are directly the result of the incoming waves. Wave refraction around headlands and shallows makes most...


Geology of the Southern Border of the South Mangyshlak Downwarp on a Basis of Seismic Studies

A. U. Zakhidov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... Mangyshlak downwarp beneath a thick cover of gently dipping sediments. It is difficult to trace them here using seismic refraction surveying with present...


3.2 Basement Involved: 3.2.1 Crustal Profiles: COCORP Deep Seismic Profiles Across the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming

AAPG Special Volumes

... refraction from the nearest fault. A strong event between 5 and 6 secs beneath the Wind River thrust may also represent a reflected refraction from...


An Optical Interferometric Method for the Measurement of Microdeformation in Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Nils-Gunnar Ohlson , Dorothy Guy-Ohlson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... m/s2 k spring constant of test platform, cf. Figure 2 m, M mass of platform and of extra weight n index of refraction of water, 1.33 No positive...


Geologic Framework of the Alaskan Continental Terrace in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas

Arthur Grantz, Mark L. Holmes, Bruce A. Kososki

CSPG Special Publications

...). Milne, A. R., 1966: A Seismic Refraction Measurement in the Beaufort Sea; Seismol, Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 56, no. 3, p. 775-779. Morgridge, D. L...


Deep Crustal Structure of the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Yosio Nakamura ,, Dale S. Sawyer , F. Jeanne Shaub, Kevin MacKenzie , Jurgen Oberst

GCAGS Transactions

... the acquired data using two-dimensional ray tracing to match the theoretical and observed arrival times of refracted and reflected waves, refining both...


Alteration of Volcanic Ash Near Denver, Colorado

Julius Schlocker, Richard Van Horn

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of refraction of the fresh shards is 1.496 ±.002; no variations from this range were detected. The fresh shards contain both parallel, elongated...


Border Zone of the Peri-Caspian Depression–Immediate Prospects for Increasing the Oil and Gas Reserves in the Lower Volga Area

S. P. Kozlenko, K. A. Mashkovich, A. I. Khramoy, M. B. Ezdrin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the Peri-Caspian depression. Data of great theoretical value were obtained from refraction profiles across the outer border parts of the Orenburg...


Interrelationship of Geology and Geophysics

O. L. Brace

AAPG Bulletin

... the torsion balance, the magnetometer, and the refraction seismograph, followed more recently by the reflection seismograph. OF GEOPHYSICS The Gulf Coast...


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