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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 15,872 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Use of the Regulated Directional Reception Method in Exploration for Reefs in Bashkiria

Yu. N. Voskresenskiy, Ya. I. Shul’ts

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...., no. 2. 3. Rapoport, M. B., 1961, Reflection of seismic waves from non-reflecting boundaries: Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. Geofiz., no. 2. 4. Ryabinkin, L...


Extended Abstract: Recent Progress in Understanding a Two-stage Opening Model for the Gulf of Mexico and its Implications for Deepwater Exploration in the US and Mexican Maritime Zones

Paul Mann

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of GOM opening that respects all available seismic reflection, refraction, and well data, as well as satellite imagery. Implications for deepwater...


Extended Abstract: Recent Progress in Understanding a Two-stage Opening Model for the Gulf of Mexico and its Implications for Deepwater Exploration in the US and Mexican Maritime Zones

Paul Mann

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of GOM opening that respects all available seismic reflection, refraction, and well data, as well as satellite imagery. Implications for deepwater...


Anisotropic Velocity Model of a Fractured Formation using a High Resolution VSP Survey and Forward Modeling

Search and

... depth increments, a reflection/refraction survey in two azimuthal directions (to the Northeast and Southeast), with the seismic lines intersecting...


Geophysics: Target Shooting for the Drill

A. Easton Wren

CSPG Special Publications

... (Westby, 1977). Figure 3. Early seismic refraction crew in Texas, 1925. (Courtesy Prakla) The Reflection Seismic Method The reflection seismic method...


Oil Exploration in the Kaliningrad Region and Prospects for Discovering New Fields

A. V. Ovcharenko, N. A. Usanov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., 14-Druzhba, 15-Oktyabr, 16-Bagrationov; e-uplifts on lower Paleozoics disclosed by seismic reflection surveys; 17-Taurag, 18-Teplin, 19-Yasenov...


Geophysical History of South Houston Salt Dome and Oil Field, Harris County, Texas

J. Brian Eby

AAPG Bulletin

... in weeks later by reflection seismograph, by the Independent Exploration Company, under contract to the Stanolind. The original gravity anomaly...


Reveal The Velocity Anomalies in Complex Overburden and Enhanced The Imaging through Shallow Gas: A Case Study in SisiNubi Mahakam, Indonesia

Annas Astuti, Yohanes Kristomo, Bee Jik Lim, Ginanjar Satria, Natalia Anggriani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...), the conventional reflection tomography workflow utilized in the legacy reprocessing workflow did not adequately resolve the complexities of the shallow...


Imaging of Shallow Coal Structures Using 2D6C Mini-SOSIE

Shaun Strong, James Alderman, Steve Hearn

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of the base of weathering are often difficult to image using seismic reflection. This is due to low target fold and the presence of noise (both coherent...


Abstract: A Comparison of Trenched Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to Trenched and Surface 3C Geophones … Daly, Manitoba, Canada; #90224 (2015)

Rob Kendall

Search and

... clear reflection, refraction and coherent noise signal but at a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the geophone data. It was also noted that for our...


Continental Rise off Eastern North America

K. O. Emery , Elazar Uchupi , J. D. Phillips , C. O. Bowin , E. T. Bunce , S. T. Knott

AAPG Bulletin

... of geophysics under discussion--seismic refraction, reflection profiling, or correlation of oceanic with continental structure. Because this report concerns...


Basic Seismic Processing: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

Peter M. Duncan

AAPG Special Volumes

... related to shot and receiver positions on the surface of the earth, an elapsed time after the shot that originated the reflection or echo (traveltime...


New Seismic Data Concerning Sediments and Diapiric Structures in Sigsbee Deep and Upper Continental Slope, Gulf of Mexico

Maurice Ewing , John Antoine

AAPG Bulletin

...' previous work in this area. It consisted principally of sediment coring, seismic-reflection profiling, and topographic (bathymetric) studies. Less...


Symposium on Geochemical Exploration Geochemical Prospecting for Petroleum

Esme Eugene Rosaire

AAPG Bulletin

... the Thompsons oil field. Such a misinterpretation of geochemically shortened travel times occurs in either refraction or reflection (whether dip...


Structural Framework of Sunda Shelf

Zvi Ben-Avraham, K. O. Emery

AAPG Bulletin

... Archipelago: Royal Geol. Soc. London Jour., v. 15, p. 358-365. Edgar, N. T., J. I. Ewing, and J. Hennion, 1971, Seismic refraction and reflection in Caribbean...


Geophysical Study of Antilles Outer Ridge, Puerto Rico Trench, and Northeast Margin of Caribbean Sea

E. T. Bunce , J. D. Phillips , R. L. Chase

AAPG Bulletin

..., Seismic refraction and reflection measurements--Puerto Rico Outer Ridge: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 74, p. 3082-3094. Bunce, E. T., J. D. Phillips...




Williston Basin Symposium

... refraction and reflection field observations. This data set is still under analysis; however, some definite results can be reported from...


Sediment Thickness and Depth to Basement in Western North Atlantic Ocean Basin

Brian E. Tucholke , Robert E. Houtz , William J. Ludwig

AAPG Bulletin

... 1395 66 9. (September) More than 200,000 km of single-channel and multi-channel seismic reflection data are used to construct an isopach map of sediment...


Structure of Upper Cenozoic Strata Beneath Kodiak Shelf, Alaska

Michael A. Fisher, Roland Von Huene

AAPG Bulletin

... derived from refraction data are about 10% higher than values on the curve from reflection data. Unlike the CDP velocity analyses, the refraction profiles...


Marine Geophysical Study Northeast of Trinidad-Tobago

B. G. Bassinger , R. N. Harbison , L. Austin Weeks

AAPG Bulletin

.... Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 38, no. 5, p. 707-773. Edgar, N. T., 1968, Seismic refraction and reflection in the Caribbean Sea: Ph.D. dissert...


Problems with Plate Tectonics: The Labrador Sea

A. C. Grant

CSPG Bulletin

... to the availability of deep penetration multichannel reflection seismic data, and partly to the dubious quality of the refraction data. It also...


Structural Framework and the Evolutionary History of the Continental Margin of Western India: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Bhoopal R. Naini , Manik Talwani

AAPG Special Volumes

... Commission of India, p. 15. Ewing, J. I., 1963, Seismic refraction and reflection measurements,. M. N. Hill, ed., The sea, v. 3: New York, Interscience...


Partial Immersion Technique for the Photography of Sand Grain Surfaces

George R. Fournier

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... have a high degree of transparency. The use of incident illumination was discarded because the physical nature of quartz does not permit reflection...


A Study of the West Florida Escarpment

J. W. Antoine

GCAGS Transactions

... by oil companies, seismic reflection data from recent cruises, seismic refraction profiles, and gravity and magnetic models across the scarp. It is hoped...


Crustal Structure of Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: A Model Based on Integration of COCORP Reflection Profiles and Regional Geophysical Data

Robert J. Lillie , K. Douglas Nelson , Beatrice De Voogd , Jonathan A. Brewer , Jack E. Oliver , Larry D. Brown , Sidney Kaufman , George W. Viele

AAPG Bulletin

... of the south-central United States (Woollard and Joesting, 1964) with the approximate locations of published seismic refraction and deep seismic reflection...


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