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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 21,267 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Application of Seismic Data to Lithology and Hydrocarbon Identification in East China

Qian Shao-Xin, Liu Wen-Lin

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... a deep water 478 LITHOLOGY AND HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION, EAST CHINA Figure 4. Relation between layer thickness and reflection frequency. fan...


Floor of the North Atlantic--Summary of Geophysical Data: Chapter 4: Introductory Papers

J. E. Nafe , C. L. Drake

AAPG Special Volumes

... differences between the observed seismic velocities at the more northerly stations and those at stations farther south. To make these differences clear, some...


Simple Models for the Stress-Dependence of Anisotropic Seismic Velocities in Fractured Rock; #120053 (2012)

Richard L. Gibson, Jr. and Kai Gao

Search and

...Simple Models for the Stress-Dependence of Anisotropic Seismic Velocities in Fractured Rock; #120053 (2012) Richard L. Gibson, Jr. and Kai Gao Simple...


Continuous Seismic Profiles of a Shelf-Edge Bathymetric Prominence in Northern Gulf of Mexico

R. K. Matthews

GCAGS Transactions

... as to the nature of the prominence and its relation to flanking sediments. The prominence is located at the break in slope between continental shelf...


Sonic Log Analysis from Isotropic and Anisotropic Media In Carbonate Reservoir, the Case Study at Stella Alpina Field

Wahyu Tri Sutrisno, Septian Prahastudhi, Ari Teguh Sugiarto, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Dwa Desa Warnana, Yulia Putri Wulandari

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... between the P-wave velocities in the horizontal and vertical directions. Parameter is more difficult to interpret, but contributes to both near...


Velocity and Velocity

M. Al-Chalabi

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... for depth conversion. More crucial is the fact that the relation between the velocities and provelocities follows no simple or systematic pattern...


Geophysical Constraints on Geodynamic Models--Summary

L. Knopoff

AAPG Special Volumes

... in it. The channel of low seismic velocities has been widely supposed to be the asthenosphere--that is, a zone of low viscosity. Shear-wave (S-wave) velocities...


Seismic Expression of Carbonate Build-Ups, Northwest Java Basin

J. E. Burbury

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...: "Seismic velocities from Surface Measurements", Geophysics. FLETCHER, G.L. and SOEPARJADI, R.A., 1977: "Indonesia's Tertiary Basins - The Land...


Recent Sediments of Lake Maracaibo

R. Sarmiento, R. A. Kirby

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (water content).--Trask (1932) has shown that there is a general relation between grain size and porosity in unconsolidated sediments. In sand (median...


AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 19: The Future of Pressure Prediction Using Geophysical Methods

Alan R. Huffman

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the seismic velocities themselves, (2) the lack of understanding of the basic causes of pressure, and (3) the effects of pressure End_Page 217...


Seismic Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level: Part 1. Overview: Section 2. Application of Seismic Reflection Configuration to Stratigraphic Interpretation

P. R. Vail, R. M. Mitchum, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... settings allows the interpreter to predict the lithology of the seismic facies. Analysis of relative changes of sea level consists of constructing...


The Benefit of 3D Seismic Data for Muda Reservoir Characterization from ABCŽ Discovery, South Natuna Sea Block B, West Natuna Basin

Pintarwan Sasi Kirana, Retno Wijayanti, Salwan Suheri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... between sand A and sand B also supported by log, core, and poro-perm correlation. In terms of rock physics and its correlation with seismic...


Effect of Mineralogy on NMR, Sonic, and Resitivity: NMR, Sonic, and Resistivity: A Case Study of the Monterey Formation

Saul Rivera, Manika Prasad

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Additionally, the Vp45 and Vp135 velocities lie in between the Vp90 (minimum) and Vp0 (maximum). The only exception is sample 8288 which has a Vp90...


Can Resistivity be Predicted from Elastic Properties?

Maman Hermana, Luluan A. Lubis, Cow Weng Sum, Deva P Ghosh, Kazuki Ishikura

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... be used as a bridge between all electrical method including Electromagnetic (EM) with Seismic. We introduce two new attributes called SQp (Scaled...


Quantitative characterization of lrati shale through laboratory measurement and rock physical modeling

Hemin Yuan, Jin Shi, Ruotong Zhao, Xiaofan Hu

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... line can be used to match the data. The best fit line between ɛ and γ is: (3)   0.6323    0.05337 Based on this relation, we can obtain the γ...


Exploration Methods for Stratigraphic Traps in Carbonate Rocks: Geologic Exploration Methods

Mahlon M. Ball

AAPG Special Volumes

...--contrasts between relatively light granitic rocks and denser metamorphic and basic igneous rocks. Subsurface control confirms this relation in Alberta...




Montana Geological Society

... because, for the most part, there is little relationship between the normal weathered layer and these partially buried low velocities...


Prediction of Abnormal Pressure Based on Seismic Data: A Case Study of Exploratory Well Drilling in Pertamina UEP I and UEP II Work Areas

P. Manik, P. A. Soedaldjo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of lithology involved. The "tentative mud weight curve" which we make, based on the interval velocity, represents the relationship between depth...


Uncovering potential of seismic for reservoir characterization in Canadian oil sands

Olena Babak, Jeremy Gallop

CSPG Bulletin

... include: weak correlation between seismic-derived maps and continuous/SAGD-able pay and its properties; poor facies discrimination and lithology mapping...


Velocity-depth trends in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Norwegian Shelf: Discussion

Peter Japsen

AAPG Bulletin

... estimates of exhumation based on shale velocities (Liu et al., 1992), but they do not discuss the offset between the erosion-corrected trend, the general...


Renewed Field Development Plan from Recently Found Uncertainty in Sungai Gelam Field, South Sumatra Basin, Jambi

Reza Rahadian, Erwin Dicky Dusyanto, Adi Widyantoro, Oki Musakti, Hendra Baskara

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the 3D seismic data used. The inconsistency between time domain and depth domain is exist. SGC structure is constitute as a highly structural trap...


Seismic Stratigraphy of Baltimore Canyon Trough

John S. Schlee

AAPG Bulletin

... velocities for unit H are between 1.5 and 2.1 km/sec. The range is similar to the one Woollard (1962, p. 42) compiled for terrigenous mud and saturated sand...


Abstract: Near-Surface Volcanic Rocks in the SE Nechako Basin, BC: Results of Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data using First-Arrival Tomographic Inversion; #90171 (2013)

Nathan Hayward and Andrew J. Calvert

Search and

... (~3100 ms-1) are also observed in relation to some outcrops of the Endako Group. High interval velocities (~2900 ms-1) are observed in relation...


Sediment Distribution in Western Atlantic Off Northern Brazil--Structural Controls and Evolution

Naresh Kumar

AAPG Bulletin

...°W, upper curve for area east of 43°W) which show the relation between one-way travel time in seconds and sediment thickness in kilometers. Because...


Stratigraphy and lithologic heterogeneity in the Mannville Group (southeast Saskatchewan) defined by integrating 3-D seismic and log data

Sabrina Sarzalejo, Bruce S. Hart

CSPG Bulletin

... Saskatchewan showing the relation between the lithostratigraphic units described by Christopher (2003) and the seismic units defined in this paper...


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