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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Contemporary Challenges in Unitization and Equity Redetermination of Petroleum Accumulations
Paul F. Worthington
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... field with laterally consistent, discernible reservoir properties and fairly uniform hydrocarbon that is unitized pre-production with a perception...
Unitization Practices in Indonesia
July Usman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... only be done if the reservoir is exploited under one single production policy and management or, in other word, it is unitized. Unitization...
Unitization of Geologic Media for the Purpose of Monetizing Geologic Sequestration Credits
James A. Sorensen, Lisa S. Botnen, Edward N. Steadman, John A. Harju, Lynn D. Helms, David W. Fischer
AAPG Special Volumes
... already been established in the oil field unitization process under which the United States petroleum industry currently operates. Oil and gas...
I've Got a New Producer in South Louisiana -- Now What?
Frank W. Harrison
GCAGS Transactions
... work done on oil and gas wells. Upon public hearing, establish field rules for each individual reservoir. From the above list it is obvious...
Unitization For Secondary Recovery Operations - Workshop Summary
Walt King
... resources with the best economic, geological and engineering principles applicable to the particular reservoir. Unitization allows for production...
Haight Ranch North
Andy Finley
Wyoming Geological Association
.... Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission records. Field Haight Ranch North Location T46-47N R71W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir...
Geology and Unitization of Soso Field
Max Newsom
GCAGS Transactions
... of conservation, unitization of this field might be highly desirable. With continued development of the -11,701 Bailey oil reservoir, on a 40-acre well...
Williston Basin Symposium
... performance and analysis of reservoir data, the Dollard Field of Southwestern Saskatchewan was early recognized as having limited areal...
Brookhaven Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Robert Womack, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... to a study of the reservoir conditions that resulted in a voluntary unitization agreement among the various operators and royalty owners for a pressure...
Unitization in the Tuscaloosa Trend
Joe B. Adams
New Orleans Geological Society
... under additional orders to cover an area of approximately 30 square miles. More recently, units affected by the reservoir boundary on the main field...
Fairway James Lime Field, East Texas: Still Developing After 48 Years; #110061 (2008)
Robert E. Webster, David Luttner, Lawrence Liu
Search and Discovery.com
... Operations FAIRWAY FIELD OVERVIEW • • Discovered 1960 Main Reservoir – James Lime (Aptian, 110 ma.) – • • • • • Also Pettet, Rodessa...
Yates Field, West Texas: Thousands of Caves, Millions of Years, Billions of Barrels: ABSTRACT
Dexter H. Craig
AAPG Bulletin
... drilling, logging, and coring since unitization have greatly enhanced geologic knowledge about the Yates field reservoir. This knowledge is being...
Chapter 19: The Procedure for Unitization in the Pre-Salt Polygon, Southeast Brazil
H. T. F. Silva, C. M. Kuyven, R. O. Loureiro
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the shared reservoir will be appropriated. However, there is no record of this type of ANP interference in unitization processes with NCA in Brazil...
Where to Locate Your Confirmation Well [Abstract]
Donald Muth
New Orleans Geological Society
... but not limited to reservoir characteristics, competitive lease position, unitization issues, SEC reporting requirements, cash flow, product pricing...
Compulsory Unitization: A Trend in Okahoma
H. Trattner
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...Compulsory Unitization: A Trend in Okahoma H. Trattner 1995 57 62 Vol. 46 (1995) No. 3. (November/December) The history of the domestic petroleum...
Memoir 71, Chapter 11: Transient Productivity Index for Numerical Well Test Simulations
G. Blanc, D. Y. Ding, A. Ene, T. Estebenet, and D. Rahon
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the bottom-hole flowing (BHF) pressure. In full-field simulations, this pressure is derived from the well-block pressure (WBP) using a numerical...
Black Lake Field, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana: Case Histories
B. Ross White
AAPG Special Volumes
... of gas. UNITIZATION The "Pettet" zone reservoir in the Black Lake field proved to be an associated reservoir with a gas cap overlying a sizable oil...
Art Creek
Kerry L. Phelps
Wyoming Geological Association
...Art Creek Kerry L. Phelps 2000 20 21 Field Art Creek Location T51N R67W County, State Crook County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Minnelusa Upper "B...
Joe Creek
Jimmy E. Goolsby, Graeme D. Finley
Wyoming Geological Association
... Commission files. Field Joe Creek Location T56-57N R75W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Muddy Author Jimmy E. Goolsby...
Prudhoe Bay--Greatest Geologic Explosion of Our Time: ABSTRACT
Thomas E. Kelly
AAPG Bulletin
... and Early Cretaceous ages. A model concept of field-wide unitization will be in effect before production commences in the mid-1970s. End_of_Article...
Abstract: Application of Geostatistical and Fluid Flow Simulations to Evaluate Options for Well Placement, by R. Pathak, D. Ogbe, and J. Jensen; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Combining Sequence Stratigraphy, Geostatistical Simulations, and Production Data for Modeling a Fluvial Reservoir in the Chaunoy Field (Triassic, France)
R. Eschard, P. Lemouzy, C. Bacchiana, G. Désaubliaux, J. Parpant, and B. Smart
AAPG Bulletin
...Combining Sequence Stratigraphy, Geostatistical Simulations, and Production Data for Modeling a Fluvial Reservoir in the Chaunoy Field (Triassic...
Jay Field, Florida--Jurassic Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT
Robert D. Ottmann, Paul L. Keyes, Martin A. Ziegler
AAPG Bulletin
...Jay Field, Florida--Jurassic Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT Robert D. Ottmann, Paul L. Keyes, Martin A. Ziegler 1973 798 799 57 4. (April) The first...
Jay Field--Jurassic Stratigraphic Trap: ABSTRACT
R. D. Ottman, P. L. Keyes, M. A. Ziegler
AAPG Bulletin
... a complex, extensive, high-quality reservoir. Irregular distribution of facies presents difficult problems in development drilling, unitization...
Abstract: Nexen Rosebank Unit An Overview; #90225 (2015)
Karen S. P. Webster
Search and Discovery.com
.... The Rosebank Frobisher-Alida pool is a mature oil field, located in southeast Saskatchewan in Townships 4 and 5, Range 32W1M, approximately 225km southeast...