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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Calcite Diagenesis, a Key Factor Controlling Petrophysical and Dynamical Behaviour of a Mature Field, by Frederic Brigaud and Frederic Pinçon; #90082 (2008)
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Chemical-Mechanical Interactions in Natural Fracture Growth
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Abstract: Handling Complex Stratigraphic Relationships Using Volume Based Modeling and Stair-Step Grids; #90255 (2017)
Rosa Ma Aguilar, Carlos Nuñez, Vanessa Villarroel, Marcos Victoria
Search and Discovery.com
... complications during the simulation stage. The challenge of the study was to model a complex carbonate’s geology in a three-dimensional reservoir model...
The Digital Oilfield: Are We There Yet?
Taha Taha
GEO ExPro Magazine
... real-time reservoir models and production information to optimise field operations and support production. From remote real-time facility monitoring...
A complex bimodal fluid gradient in a simple tilted sheet reservoir is explained and modeled by (biogenic) gas addition to an oil column
Morten Kristensen, Tarek S. Mohamed, Carlos Torres-Verdin, Oliver C. Mullins
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... bimodal distribution of GOR and biogenic solution gas. 2D reservoir simulations with different reservoir geometries are used to show the fluid properties...
Abstract: Fast-Track and Robust Reservoir Modeling Using Probabilistic Neural Network; #90319 (2018)
Islam A. Mohamed, Basem K. Abd El-Fattah
Search and Discovery.com
... is a must. The reservoir characterization is a continuous process that begins with the field discovery and ends with the last phases of production...
Production Problems and Practices
J. R. Hamke, L. C. Marchant, C. Q. Cupps
Bureau of Mines
... gradient of 3.5° F increase per 100 feet of depth exists in the Poplar area of Montana, where the reservoir temperature in the East Poplar field is 235° F...
House Creek Field; Past and Future
J. M. Sabel
Wyoming Geological Association
... in thickness (Figure 2). The reservoir can be found 20 to 50 feet below the Sussex Bentonite (Figure 3). Figure 2. Net pay map of the House Creek Field Sussex...
Residual Saturation During Multiphase Displacement in Heterogeneous Fractures with Novel Deep Learning Prediction
Eric Guiltinan, Javier E. Santos, Qinjun Kang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... for in reservoir simulators. However, performing these simulations at the field scale is not possible due to their computational expense. Therefore, we...
ABSTRACT: Geological Modeling Challenges and Applications: San Miguelito Oil Field, Ventura, California, by Miller, Donald D.; Harris, John H.; Johnston, Duane; Liang, Ling; Simlote, Visheshwar N.; #90142 (2012)
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3D Stochastic Models for Reservoir Characterization (on the Example of Bahar Field, Azerbaijan)
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Abstract: A Methodology for Incorporating Geomechanically Constrained Fault Damage Zones Into Reservoir Simulation, by Pijush K. Paul, Mark D. Zoback, and Peter Hennings; #90078 (2008)
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Fralick West
Alfred James III
Kansas Geological Society
...). An engineering study in May 1968 estimated primary oil recovery for the field at 2,160,000 BO, and recommended unitization for secondary recovery...
Phase Field Approaches to the Kinetic Modeling of Hydrate Phase Transitions
Bjorn Kvamme, Atle Svandal, Trygve Buanes, Tatyana Kuznetsova
AAPG Special Volumes
... the phase field model and the CA model used in studying hydrate nucleation and growth and the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations used to investigate...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization and Improved Water-Flood Performance in Glenn Pool Field: A DOE Class I Project, by D. R. Kerr, L. Ye, M. Kelkar, and B. Asnul; #91021 (2010)
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Mitigating Compartmentalization: Challenges in Appraisal and Field Development Planning, by U.O. Onyeagoro; #90052 (2006)
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ABSTRACT Simulation of CO2 Distribution at the In Salah Storage Site Using High-Resolution Field Scale Models, #90103 (2010)
Andrew Cavanagh, Philip Ringrose
Search and Discovery.com
... with the present-day stress field. The reservoir/aquifer is also segmented by a number of strike-slip faults (E-W) related to a regional mid-to-late...
Subsurface Geology of the Purdy Oil Field Garvin County, Oklahoma
Philip H. Bohart Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Purdy, and Northwest Purdy. However, with new discoveries and a program for unitization, the Purdy field now comprises not only the Purdy pools...
A Geomaterials Approach to Fault-Zone Characterisation; #41693 (2015)
Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Elma Charalampidou, Jingsheng Ma, Antonio Zamarron
Search and Discovery.com
... simulations of the deformation • Application to reservoir flow simulation • Synthetic seismic of fault Investigation Approach point-wise measurements...
A Geomaterials Approach to Fault-Zone Characterisation
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Proposition Curve: A Tool for Reservoir Modeling and for Improvement of Sedimentological Interpretations, by C. Ravenne and A. Galli; #90988 (1993).
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Abstract: Visualization of Drainage Imaged with 4-D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring, by R. N. Anderson, G. Guerin, W. He, A. Boulanger, U. Mello, and T. J. Watson; #90937 (1998).
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ABSTRACT: "Back Doors:" Their Role in Reservoir Charge, by Joel S. Watkins, Jianyong Bai, and Carrie L. Decker; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Enhancing Reservoir Management with Time-Lapse Seismic Attribute Data: The Girassol/Jasmim Case Study, by Philippe Prat and Gilles Lapierre; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
The Misener Strike-Valley Sandstone Reservoir, Grant and Garfield Counties, Oklahoma
J. W. Busanus
Tulsa Geological Society
...) and cross sections (Figures 7 and 8) also have been constructed. Gross reservoir thickness is as much as 59 feet, average field porosity reaches 13.5...