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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Characterization of McCracken Sandstone Member of Elbert Formation (Upper Devonian) at Lisbon Field, Paradox Basin, San Juan County, Utah
Rex D. Cole, George E. Moore
Utah Geological Association
..., McCracken gas injection project, in Union Oil Company of California, McCracken secondary recovery unit, Lisbon field, San Juan County, Utah: Unitization...
Abstract: 3-D Seismic and Reservoir Modeling, Ram Prospect, Viosca Knoll Block 912, Offshore Gulf of Mexico, by W. Carew, P. F. Ostendorf, and G. K. Krum; #90989 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Overview of a CO2 sequestration field test in the West Pearl Queen reservoir, New Mexico
Rajesh J. Pawar, Norm R. Warpinski, John C. Lorenz, Robert D. Benson, Reid B. Grigg, Bruce A. Stubbs, Philip H. Stauffer, James L. Krumhansl, Scott P. Cooper, Robert K. Svec
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
..., and numerical simulations were performed in support of the field experiment. Results show that the response of the West Pearl Queen reservoir during the field...
ABSTRACT: Process-Like Method Modeling of Diagenetic Overprints in Carbonates Reservoir, by Planteblat, Caroline
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Abstract: Conditioned Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Large Carbonate Fields: A Dionisos Model of Karachaganak, by Miriam S. Andres, Phil Bassant, and Paul M. Harris; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Parametric analysis of CO2 geologic sequestration in closed volumes
Srikanta Mishra, Yagna Deepika Oruganti, and Joel Sminchak
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... scoping-level multi-phase simulations to examine the interplay between regional storage field arrangements and key model input parameters...
Abstract: Exploring the Potential of Reactive Transport Modeling for Predicting Carbonate Diagenesis, by Fiona Whitaker, Anwar Al-Helal, and Yitian Xiao; #120034 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Role of Hydrodynamism in Compositional Heterogeneities in Acid Gas Reservoir, by Bonnaud, Estelle
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Abstract: An Example of the Use of 3D Geological Modelling in the Development of the Complex Dunbar Field, UK North Sea, by J. Ritchie, T. Coombes, and S. Hayes; #90937 (1998).
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Recent Advancements in Mechanical Earth Modeling at Farnsworth Unit, Texas, USA, #80722 (2020).
Robert Balch, Robert Will, Marcia McMillan,
Search and Discovery.com
... periods, as well as an optimized WAG prediction period. These simulations suggest that the field has been operating at conditions which...
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir and Seal Quality at the Field and Basin Scale, #41626 (2015).
John Pantano, Stephen Franks
Search and Discovery.com
...Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir and Seal Quality at the Field and Basin Scale, #41626 (2015). John Pantano, Stephen Franks PS Diagenetic Controls...
Heterogeneity Modeling and Geopseudo Upscaling Applied to Waterflood Performance Prediction of an Incised Valley Reservoir: Countess YY Pool, Southern Alberta, Canada
Madeleine Peijs-van Hilten, Timothy R. Good, and Brian A. Zaitlin
AAPG Bulletin
...Heterogeneity Modeling and Geopseudo Upscaling Applied to Waterflood Performance Prediction of an Incised Valley Reservoir: Countess YY Pool...
ABSTRACT: Fracture Characterization of Malampaya Field, Offshore Northwest Philippines; #90061 (2006)
Wayne Narr, Updesh Singh, and Arman Vahedi
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Fracture Characterization of Malampaya Field, Offshore Northwest Philippines; #90061 (2006) Wayne Narr, Updesh Singh, and Arman Vahedi...
3-D Geological Modeling and Reservoir Flow Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs; #40555 (2010)
Carlos A. Santacruz, Roger Slatt, Yucel Akkutlu, Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
.... Reservoir properties used in the flow simulations. Flow Simulation Eclipse flow simulation Figure 26. Field oil cumulative production...
Memorial: Robert William Bradley, Jr. (1929-1991)
Sam Thompson III
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... family was transferred to Albuquerque, and Bob began field work on this project in the summer of 1958. He did an outstanding job and paid special...
Effects of Fluid and Rock Compositions on Diagenesis: A Modeling Investigation
Craig H. Moore, Peter J. Ortoleva
AAPG Special Volumes
...-transport codes in predicting reservoir quality, we have carried out simulations of four generalized systems using the REACTRAN computer code. The systems...
Abstract: Upscaling Reservoir Transport Parameters for Fractured Porous Media, by H. Deng; #90094 (2009)
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Shale Pad Optimization: Assessing Completion Designs to Optimize Stage Sequencing, Production, and Induced Stress Using a 3D Simulator
Christopher A. Green, Andrew Benson, Robert D. Barree
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fracture flowing area. Simulations were done using an actual calibrated field model as the basis for the study, rather than an idealized analytical model...
Abstract: 4D Finite Difference Forward Modelling Within a Redefined Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Work-Flow; #90254 (2016)
David Hill, Dominic Lowden, Sonika Sonika, Mehdi Paydayesh, Andrej Bulat, Leigh Truelove, Clark Chahine, and Adrian Rodriguez Herrera
Search and Discovery.com
... will be included in a later publication. One component of the redefined closed-loop seismic reservoir monitoring workflow is Full- Field 4D Image-Modelling. Full...