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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Applying Simple Geostatistical Techniques to a Routine Production Geology Problem--A Case Study, by R. J. Norris, A. Hewitt, and G. J. Massonnat; #90982 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Resolution of Water Influx Patterns Through Application of Multidisciplinary 3D Reservoir Modeling, by Paula L. Wigley, David Masson, Jerry Hadwin, and Richard W. A. Keech; #91019 (1996)
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3-D Modeling, Upscaling, and Simulation of the Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, West Texas, by Fred P. Wang, F. Jerry Lucia, and Stephen C. Ruppel; #90029 (2004)
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Old Ocean Field, Brazoria and Matagorda Counties, Texas
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Special Volumes
... that of an oil field to that of a gas-condensate field with an oil rim; this required reservoir control and wider spacing of wells for efficient...
ABSTRACT: Permeability Structure of an Exhumed Faulted and Folded Reservoir: A Study of the Navajo Sandstone and the Teasdale Fault; #90013 (2003)
Jeffrey T. Dunn, Craig B. Forster, Laird B. Thompson
Search and Discovery.com
... directions. Results from counting probes are utilized in single-phase fluid flow groundwater modeling simulations to determine overall reservoir...
High-Performance Reservoir Simulations on Modern CPU-GPU Computational Platforms; #70385 (2019)
Kirill Bogachev, Sergey Milyutin, Alexey Telishev, Vladimir Nazarov, Vasilii Shelkov, Dmitry Eydinov, Olivier Malinur, Simon Junior Hinneh
Search and Discovery.com
...High-Performance Reservoir Simulations on Modern CPU-GPU Computational Platforms; #70385 (2019) Kirill Bogachev, Sergey Milyutin, Alexey Telishev...
ABSTRACT: 3D Stochastic Models for Reservoir Characterization (on the Example of Bahar Field, Azerbaijan); #90051 (2006)
Baghir V. Ibrahimov
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: 3D Stochastic Models for Reservoir Characterization (on the Example of Bahar Field, Azerbaijan); #90051 (2006) Baghir V. Ibrahimov AAPG...
Abstract: 4D Seismic in the Deepwater – Challenges and Rewards, by David Johnston; #90073 (2007)
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Abstract: Investigation of Electromagnetic Heating Methods for Heavy Oil Reservoirs, by A. Sahni; #90911 (2000)
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Revolutionising History Matching and Uncertainty Assessment
Jens-Petter Nørgård
GEO ExPro Magazine
..., since calculations are done using the simple proxy model, not the reservoir simulator. With 100 simulations this can be expensive, while the quali...
Production Revival of the Oklahoma City South Wilcox Sand Unit, Oklahoma City Field, Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma, #20417 (2018).
Jim Tull
Search and Discovery.com
...Production Revival of the Oklahoma City South Wilcox Sand Unit, Oklahoma City Field, Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma, #20417 (2018). Jim...
Mitigating Water Encroachment in a Fractured and Faulted Carbonate Gas Field: An Uncertainty Management and Field Optimization Study Using Unstructured Discrete Fracture Models; #120064 (2013)
Robin Hui
Search and Discovery.com
... unstructured discrete fracture models (DFMs) for a large sector of the field was applied. Introduction Our workflow begins with reservoir...
Revisiting the Eland Field Lodgepole Mound Complex (Stark County, North Dakota) Twenty Years after its Discovery
Mark W. Longman, Stephen P. Cumella
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... S., 1995, Dickinson Field Lodgepole reservoir: Significance of this Waulsortian-type mound to exploration in the Williston Basin: The Mountain Geologist, v...
ABSTRACT: Red River "B" Zone - Southwest Williston Basin: Application of Horizontal Drilling in a Thin Oil Zone, by T. S. McClellan, J. Burd, and R. Gaber; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: Detailed Characterization and Redevelopment of the 80-year-old Hugoton Field , Martin Dubois , Article #90097 (2009)
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Abstract: 2-D and 3-D Representations of Outcrop Heterogeneity from Lidar Imagery for Groundwater Modeling, by E. M. Nichols, G. Weissmann, T. Wawrzyniec, J. Frechette, and L. A. Scuderi; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
FLNG Integrated Supply Chain Analysis from Reservoir to LNG terminals
Sugito Wadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... into the shipping logistic software “Witness”, in order to perform the stochastic LNG supply simulations from the reservoir to LNG receiving terminals...
ABSTRACT: Simulating Geochemical Formation Damage Using REACTRAN Computer Code, by Craig H. Moore and P. Ortoleva; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT 3-D Geological Modeling and Reservoir Flow Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs, #90104 (2010)
Santacruz Carlos A.; Slatt Roger; Akkutlu Yucel; Marfurt Kurt J.
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT 3-D Geological Modeling and Reservoir Flow Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs...
Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland Fold and Thrust Belts
Rudy Swennen, Franois Roure, James W. Granath
AAPG Special Volumes
... conditions for forward diagenetic simulations applied to a specific reservoir layer, particularly for those episodes of either vertical or horizontal...