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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Resuscitation of an Uneconomic Steamdrive Through Reservoir Modeling: Midway-Sunset Field, Section 26C, by D. C. Steward and L. L. Williams; #90920 (1999).
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Abstract: Application of Mechanical Stratigraphy to the Development of a Fracture-Enhanced Reservoir Model, Polvo Field, Campos Basin, Brazil, by M. R. Gross, T. C. Lukas, and P. Schwans; #90090 (2009).
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Revolutionising the Prediction of Reservoir Performance
Sina Mohajeri, Matthias Hartung
GEO ExPro Magazine
... in prediction mode only. Evergreen Model Predictions Field development decision making needs reliable predictive calculations, so a hybrid approach to reservoir...
Puerto Chiquito Mancos, East (Oil), T. 25-27 N., R. 1 E., NMPM, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
Albert R. Greer
Four Corners Geological Society
... within the gravity drainage ability of the reservoir, there has been no need to maintain pressure by gas injection thus far. Prior to field depletion...
ABSTRACT Across-Fault Pressure Perturbation Induced by CO2 Injection, #90104 (2010)
Chang Kyung Won; Meckel Tip; Hesse Marc A.; Nicot Jp.
Search and Discovery.com
.... A reservoir‐scale fault intersects the reservoir between the injection and observation well. Available field data will be integrated with the flow model...
ABSTRACT: Sequestration of CO2 in a Depleted Oil Reservoir, by Henry R. Westrich, Carlos Jove-Colon, John Lorenz, Norman Warpinski, Rajesh Pawar, Dongxiao Zhang, Reid Grigg, Bruce Stubbs, and David Martin; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Full-Field 4D Image-Modelling to Optimize a Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Work-Flow; #90255 (2017)
David Hill, Sonika Sonika, Mehdi Paydayesh, Dominic Lowden, Andrej Bulat, Leigh Truelove, Clark Chahine, Adrian Rodriguez Herrera
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Full-Field 4D Image-Modelling to Optimize a Closed-Loop Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Work-Flow; #90255 (2017) David Hill, Sonika Sonika...
Discrete Fracture Network Simulation of Production Data from Unconventional Wells
Thomas Doe, Chunmei Shi, Clifford, Knitter, Cristian Enachescu, Stefan Rohs
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fracture network models can provide insights to fracture length, stimulated reservoir volume, and fracture-matrix interaction. These questions...
Abstract: Multidisciplinary Reservoir Description to Characterize Connectivity in a Complex Minibasin Fill: An Integrated Approach at Holstein Field
T. R. Wiseman, P. R. Ballin, M. C. Lederer, R. N. Wagerle, and N. F. McCaslin
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Multidisciplinary Reservoir Description to Characterize Connectivity in a Complex Minibasin Fill: An Integrated Approach at Holstein Field...
Abstract: The PDO Gharif Field Development and Integration Catalogue: Data Driven Decision Making; #90314 (2018)
Chris Pentland, David Alsop, Bob Svec, Rodi Heidorn, Hisham Salem, Safa Al-Habsi, Walid Hamed
Search and Discovery.com
..., Decision Based Integrated Reservoir Modeling, Muscat, Oman, October 30 – November 1, 2017 The PDO Gharif Field Development and Integration Catalogue: Data...
Abstract: 4-D Seismic in the Deepwater — Challenges and Rewards, by David H. Johnston; #90082 (2008)
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Enhanced CO2 Storage as a Result of CO2-Water-Silicate Mineral Reactions; Evidence from Produced Fluid Geochemistry and Geochemical Modeling at the IEA Weyburn Project
Search and Discovery.com
... storage of CO2 as CaCO3. Using geochemical modeling software, reaction path simulations over 100s of years, calibrated via history matching over the first...
ABSTRACT: Discrete Fracture Network Simulation: Application of Tectonic Simulation and Conditional Global Optimization Technique
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MassFLOW-3D Simulation of Sediment Flow and Distribution of the Ty Sandstone Reservoir in the Nini Field, Central Graben; #20140 (2012)
Riccardo Basani, Ernst Hansen, Romain Rouzairol, Jens Peter Vind Hansen, Mette Groth-Pedersen, and Snorre Heimsund
Search and Discovery.com
...MassFLOW-3D Simulation of Sediment Flow and Distribution of the Ty Sandstone Reservoir in the Nini Field, Central Graben; #20140 (2012) Riccardo...
Abstract: Geostatistical Modeling and Reservoir Simulations of Reservoirs in the Greater Monument Butte Region, Uinta Basin, Utah, by M. D. Deo, R. J. Pawar, and J. E. Dyer; #90952 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Simulation of Khuff K3 Fractured Deep Gas Reservoir Using Single Porosity System; #90319 (2018)
Ali Al-Muftah, Mohamed Shamlooh
Search and Discovery.com
... in enhancing the productivity from deep, thick, tight and fractured deep gas-bearing carbonate reservoir in the Bahrain field. The Lower Permian K3...
ABSTRACT: Pressure and Fluid-Flow Response to Production from Reservoirs Bounded by Faults with Relay Structures, by S. K. Matthai, A. Aydin, and D. D. Pollard; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Multidisciplinary Examination of a Deepwater Turbidite Reservoir Outcrop Analogue, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand; #90061 (2006)
Anthony Paul Gartrell, Brian Evans, Derek Woodward, and Greg Browne
Search and Discovery.com
... resolution 2-D/3-D seismic, drill coring and logging in order to construct a detailed 3-D geological framework model. Reservoir flow simulations based...
ABSTRACT: Hydrothermal Karst Process-Like Modelling of Palaeozoic Complex Mound Reservoir from Kazakhstan, by Lapointe, Philippe A.; Labourdette, Richard; #90142 (2012)
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Improving the Understanding of Fault Sealing Properties and Minimizing Fault Reactivation
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A Review of Reservoir Modelling Methodologies
Gordy Shanor, Mark Whelan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... within 3D modelling environments for enhanced productivity, risk analysis and robust field development planning. Reservoir modelling has come a long way...
Confinement Effects on Hydrocarbon Mixture Phase Behavior in Organic Nanopore
Behnaz Rahmani, Yucel I. Akkutlu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of state (filled circles) and NPT-Gibbs simulations (empty circles). Mixing Rules In the reservoir fluid properties packages of reservoir simulators...