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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Comprehensive Guideline of Reservoir to Surface Network Coupling in Complex Deepwater Gas Condensate Field Development
Chandra Fadhillah Amiin, Galih Pandu Atmaja, Andi Magfirah, Sebastiano Dondo, Shahnaz Adiibah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Comprehensive Guideline of Reservoir to Surface Network Coupling in Complex Deepwater Gas Condensate Field Development Chandra Fadhillah Amiin, Galih...
Enhancing Reservoir Performance
Erik Johnson
GEO ExPro Magazine
... makes fast, accurate reservoir modelling a practical component of field management. 8002 - 6 .oN ,5 .loV ni deraeppa elcitra sihT UpdateAbility...
ABSTRACT: Clastic Reservoir Description from Pre and Post-Stack Seismic Data, by Keith Wrolstad and Frederic Lefeuvre; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Insights into Mobilization of Shale Oil Using Microemulsion
Khoa, Bui, Yucel Akkutlu, Andrei, Zelenev, Hasnain Saboowala, John R. Gillis, James A. Silas
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Using non-equilibrium simulations based on the external force field approach we numerically performed steadystate flow measurements to establish...
Enhanced Oil Recovery of Shale Oil: A Molecular Simulation Study
Mohammad Kazemi, Ali Takbiri-Borujeni, Jesse R. Hansel, Manuel Valera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the carbon dioxide. At the beginning of the simulations, a wall is placed between the URTeC 937 3 carbon dioxide reservoir and kerogen channel...
Abstract: Geostatistical Simulation of Reservoir Heterogeneity in a Lower Mississippian Sandstone, Appalachian Basin, by M. E. Hohn and R. R. McDowell; #90987 (1993).
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Abstract: Fault Characterization and Reservoir Development at Kuparuk River Field, Part 2: Understanding Fault Zones and Predicting Fault Seal, by R. W. Krantz and M. R. Longden; #90008 (2002).
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Abstract: Rock Physics and Seismic Modeling Guided Application of 4-D Seismic Attributes to Monitoring Enhanced Oil Recovery CO
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Abstract: Integrated Model Assisted Characterization of Karst Reservoirs; #90319 (2018)
Fermin Fernandez-Ibanez, Gareth D. Jones, Paul J. Moore, Rodrick D. Myers
Search and Discovery.com
... Permeability flow simulations. In both applications a karst intensity property is distributed in a full field model to reflect the conceptual models...
Can incomplete chlorite grain coats preserve porosity in deep-water sandstones?
Ann Maria Elisabeth Marchand, Jonathan Crouch
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...). The model simulations where chlorite grain coat coverage was reduced to < 10% are shown in Figures 5C and 5D for the shallower reservoir...
EOS Modeling and Reservoir Simulation Study of Bakken Gas Injection Improved Oil Recovery in the Elm Coulee Field, Montana
Wanli Pu, Todd Hoffman
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) modeling for the Bakken reservoir fluids in the Elm Coulee Field, and the application of the EOS model to compositional model simulations of gas...
Abstract: Probabilistic Modeling of Subseismic Faults in the Pelican Field (Block 211/26a), North Sea, Offshore U.K., by B. D. M. Gauthier, S. Lake, and Y. Jensen; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Fit-for-Purpose Stochastic Evaluation of OOIP and Recoveries, Negage Field, Block 14 Deepwater Angola, by Kathleen Mabe, Pat Burdett, Yan Chen, Masroor M. Chaudhri, and Jay Byers; #90082 (2008)
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GCTime-Lapse 4-D Technology: Reservoir Surveillance, by David H. Johnston, #40142 (2005).
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Abstracts: Tertiary Development of Heavy Oil Sands Through Thermal Recovery in the Wilmington Oil Field, California: An Update and Some New Challenges, by D. D. Clarke and C. C. Phillips; #90945 (1997).
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ABSTRACT: Sleipner/Utsira CO2 Geological Storage Full Field Flow and Geochemical Coupling to Assess the Long Term Fate of the CO2, by Frangeul, Johann, Long Nghiem, Emmanuel Caroli, Sylvain Thibeau; #90026 (2004)
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Using Seismic Facies to Constrain Electrofacies Distribution as an Approach to Reduce Spatial Uncertainties and Improve Reservoir Volume Estimation, #40768 (2011)
Bruno de Ribet, Pedro Goncalves, Luis H. Zapparolli, Cesar A. Ushirobira,
Search and Discovery.com
... simulations for identification of connected bodies. The target field under investigation Location: Campos Basin, offshore Brazil Discovered...
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Retrograde Condensation in Nanoporous Shale
William R. Welch, Mohammad Piri
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... simulations were performed in the MPI-enabled parallel version of GROMACS 5.0.9 Molecular interactions were modeled in the TraPPE united atom force field of I.J...
ABSTRACT: Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development, by M. Kumar, A. A. Reed, M. E. Smith, D. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, and S. J. Gross; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Discrete Fracture Models of the Austin Chalk Group, by Christopher E. Wilson, Atilla Aydin, Mohammed Karimi-Fard, Lou Durlofsky, Amir Sagy, and Emily Brodsky; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Christian Onwunyili
Search and Discovery.com
... comparison to the predictions of reservoir simulations, while generating an ensemble of earth models in an optimisation loop. In the second stage...
ABSTRACT: The Impact of Dynamic Behavior of Fault Zone to Field's Production and Development Strategies, by Onyeagoro, U.O., S. J. Naruk; #90026 (2004)
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ABSTRACT: Thermal Buffering by Basement Rocks in Numerical Simulations of Basin-Scale Heat Flow, by Jeffrey A. Nunn, Guichang Lin, and David Deming; #91019 (1996)
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Abstract: Multiphase Simulations of Alternative Production Scenarios in Fractured Reservoirs; #90063 (2007)
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