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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reservoir Modeling for Simulation Purposes: Part 10. Reservoir Engineering Methods
Koen Weber
AAPG Special Volumes
... a Reservoir Simulation Study: An Overview" in Part 10) performed at early stages of field development are done to estimate parameters such as optimal well...
Estimates of CO2 Storage Capacity in Oil Fields of the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Region
James Sorensen, Steven Smith, David Fischer, Edward Steadman, and John Harju
Saskatchewan Geological Society
.... A detailed description and discussion of the methodologies and reservoir- characterization data used to develop oil-field-related CO2-sequestration...
Why Do Microquartz Coatings Preserve Sandstone Reservoir Quality? by Robert H. Lander, Richard E. Larese, and Linda M. Bonnell; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Geostatistical Models of Secondary Oil Migration Within Heterogeneous Carrier Beds: A Theoretical Example
Lee Rhea , Mark Person , Ghislain de Marsily , Emmanuel Ledoux , Alain Galli
AAPG Bulletin
... characterization of interwell-scale reservoir heterogeneity, Dune field, Crane County, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology...
Geology and Natural Gas in Collegeport Field, Matagorda County, Texas
Curtis C. Fleming
AAPG Special Volumes
... reservoir at the east end of the field. Most of the reservoirs are sandstone lenses limited to the field area. The field is fully developed in the Miocene...
An Outcrop Based Integrated Reservoir Model of the Frontier Formation Hybrid Play in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Search and Discovery.com
Petrology of a Partially Dolomitized Reservoir: Blackjack Creek Field, Santa Rosa County, Florida
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping
GCAGS Transactions
...Petrology of a Partially Dolomitized Reservoir: Blackjack Creek Field, Santa Rosa County, Florida Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping 1988 Vol. 38 (1988...
Gas and Oil Developments in New York State, 1963
W. Lynn Kreidler
AAPG Bulletin
.... Thirteen wells were completed to the Oriskany and 6 to the Onondaga. There were 225 oil-field development wells drilled in 1963. Oil production...
ABSTRACT: Poikilotopic Anhydrite Enhances Reservoir Quality, by Lucia, F. Jerry, Rebecca H. Jones, James W. Jennings; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Integration of Fracture, Production, and Diagenetic Data in Static Subsurface Models Using 3-D Visualization, by R.A. Nelson, #90027 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Interactive Modeling, Visualization and Visual Analytics Challenges in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering, #120046 (2012)
Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
...: (1) the growing scale and complexity of reservoir simulations; (2) the need to integrate, visualize and explore a broader range of data fused...
Applying Exploration Common Process to Site Selection for Geologic Carbon Storage Complexes; #80743 (2024)
Christopher Walker, Tony Espie, Jonathan Evenick, Jonathan Hodgkinson, Simon Shoulders, Ashleigh Ross
Search and Discovery.com
... storage • Regulatory framework; pore space ownership, unitization, long-term liability … making decisions on reservoir development with only access...
Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Structures, Part II: Propagation of a Pressurized Fracture in Rock Layers with Damage Rheology; #40484 (2010)
Seth Busetti and Ze'ev Reches
Search and Discovery.com
... processes in reservoir rocks using numerical simulations with the code Abaqus. Part I (Busetti et al.) covers rock rheology and benchmark simulations...
Abstract: Seismic velocity modeling of the Southern California Coastal Basins:Methods and Applications, by M. Peter Suess, Carlos Rivero, John H. Shaw, and Jeroen Tromp; #90066 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Chapter 10: Reservoir Modeling and Fluid-Flow Simulation, Ivie Creek Case-Study Area - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)
C.B. Forster, S.H. Snelgrove, J.V. Koebbe
Utah Geological Survey
... geology on numerical simulations of reservoir performance. The stratal architecture exposed at Ivie Creek consists of the juxtaposition of many...
Geothermal Resource Characterization of the Slave Point Formation in Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada, #80643 (2018).
Evan Renaud, Nicholas Harris, Jonathan Banks, John Weissenberger
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoir unit = Slave Point Formation Field Suitability for Geothermal Energy • Field shows an anomalous water drive • Field shows an anomalous...
Abstract: Interpretation and Modeling of Time-Lapse Seismic Data: Lena Field, Gulf of Mexico
D. H. Johnston, J. J. Shyeh, J. E. Eastwood, ] M. Khan, and L. R. Stanley
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... The time-lapse differences for the B80 reservoir are compared with production data, geologic models, flow simulations, and forward seismic models...
Exploring the Lower Tuscaloosa in Southwest Mississippi
Ralph D. Gruebel
GCAGS Transactions
.... The pattern of drilling within the field indicates a stratigraphic trap with pinchout against regional dip. Field unitization for the purpose of a waterflood...
Abstract: Potential for Infill Drilling in a Naturally Fractured Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir, by H. Harstad, L. W. Teufel, J. C. Lorenz, and W. H. Babcock; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Potential for Infill Drilling in a Naturally Fractured Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir, by H. Harstad, L. W. Teufel, J. C. Lorenz, and W. H. Babcock; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Surface-Based Modeling to Capture High-Resolution Facies Architecture and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Volumes and Recovery, #90104 (2010)
Jackson Matthew D.; Sech Richard P.; Hampson Gary
Search and Discovery.com
..., United Kingdom. (2) ExxonMobil, Houston, TX. Conventional reservoir modeling approaches are developed to account for uncertainty associated...
Abstract: Multi Azimuth Survey Design for a Complex Carbonate Reservoir in Offshore Spain; #90255 (2017)
German Ocampo, Guillermo Marro, Pedro Muñoz, Carlos Gordillo, Pablo Ortoloa, Miguel Polanco, Mauricio Hanzich, Juan-Esteban Rodriguez, Josep De La Puente
Search and Discovery.com
... image of the top reservoir horizon, to establish a confident velocity field model, to make possible amplitude analysis for determining complex reservoir...