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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Geostatistical 3-D Facies Modeling of a Carbonate Reservoir Outcrop Analogue Based on a New Pluri-Gaussian Approach; #90310 (2017)
Thomas T. Le Blevec, Olivier Dubrule, Cedric M. John, Gary Hampson
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoir models at the inter-well to field scale...
Abstract: Roncador Field, Appraisal and Development Planning, by K. Pádua, M. Mihaguti, C. Stank, and C. Soares; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Memoir 71, Chapter 23: Integrated Reservoir Characterization: Improvement in Heterogeneous Stochastic Modeling by Integration of Additional External Constraints
B. Doligez, H. Beucher, F. Geffroy, and R. Eschard
AAPG Special Volumes
...Memoir 71, Chapter 23: Integrated Reservoir Characterization: Improvement in Heterogeneous Stochastic Modeling by Integration of Additional External...
Abstract: A Workflow and Analysis Tools for the Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs, by Arnaud G. Lange, Andre Fourno, Matthieu Delorme, Nina Khvoenkova, and Catherine Ponsot-Jacquin; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Characterization and Modeling of a CO2 Huff n Puff to Predict and Verify EOR Production and CO2 Storage, #90104 (2010)
Knudsen Damion J.; Gorecki Charles D.; Bremer Jordan M.; Holubnyak Yevhen I.; Mibeck Blaise A.; Schmidt Darren D.; Smith Steven A.; Sorensen James A.; Steadman Edward; Harju John A.
Search and Discovery.com
...’ Puff project was commenced in the E. Goetz 1. well in the Northwest McGregor Field of Williams County, North Dakota. The Northwest McGregor huff ‘n...
From 3-D Photogrammetric Outcrop Model Towards Reservoir Models: An Integrated Modeling Workflow
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Reservoir Properties of Banded Coal: Formation and Characterization of Fractures, by L. Paterson, M. Smyth, K. Y. C. Chan, and C. Sirakoff; #91015 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
The Geology and Development History of Plato Field, Saskatchewan
W.W. Wilson
Saskatchewan Geological Society
...The Geology and Development History of Plato Field, Saskatchewan W.W. Wilson 1970 Mesozoic Core Seminar, October 28-30, 1970. The Geology...
How to Train Your Fracture Network Simulation? 2-D to 3-D Fracture Network Detection and Forecasting in a Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Using Multiple Point Statistics (MPS), #42168 (2017).
Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Nico Hardebol, Kevin Bisdom, Julien Straubhaar, Grégoire Mariethoz, Giovanni Bertotti
Search and Discovery.com
...How to Train Your Fracture Network Simulation? 2-D to 3-D Fracture Network Detection and Forecasting in a Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Using Multiple...
Production optimization through Integrated Asset Modelling for gas reservoir
Jeffier Winarta, Esterlinda R.M. Sinlae
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Feasibility for additional X Field development began with reservoir simulation and integrated simulation where the expected result would represent...
The Marchand Trend
Tom Graff
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... oil production in the Marchand sand. The name Marchand apparently comes from the Cement Field where a sand in a similar portion of the Missourian-Hoxbar...
ABSTRACT: Kirana Discovery : Integrated Approach to Economic Oil Field, by Budi Satrio, Jendra Alfredy, Asep Syaefuddin, and Ken J. Yeats; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geological Characterization and Site Selection for Enhanced Oil Recovery, Lawrence Field, Illinois, by S. Whitaker, B. Schonert, J. Brenizer, and B. Clayton; #90095 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Laboratory and Numerical Studies of Heat Extraction from Porous Media by Means of CO2 - Implications for Field-Scale Enhanced Geothermal Systems, #90128 (2011)
Mario Magliocco, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Karsten Pruess, Steven Glaser
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Laboratory and Numerical Studies of Heat Extraction from Porous Media by Means of CO2 - Implications for Field-Scale Enhanced Geothermal...
Ferron Sandstone Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Ivie Creek Area, Emery County, Utah (OFR-390)
Paul B. Anderson, Thomas C. Chidsey Jr., Kevin McClure, Ann Mattson, Stephen H. Snelgrove
Utah Geological Survey
... for field work, additional reservoir models and simulations, facies analysis, sequence stratigraphic studies, and numerous other applications. 1...
Fault Damage Zones-Observations, Dynamic Rupture Modeling and Implications on Fluid Flow; #41249 (2013)
Madhur Johri, Mark Zoback, Eric M. Dunham, and Peter Hennings
Search and Discovery.com
... of fault damage zones. Finally, the damage zone observations and modeling results are used to build a reservoir model of the gas field using a discrete...
Abstract: Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Modeling of Fluvial Systems: A Bridge to the Future of Reservoir Management, by D. Edington, T. Cross, and M. Lessenger; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Modeling of Fluvial Systems: A Bridge to the Future of Reservoir Management, by D. Edington, T. Cross, and M. Lessenger; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Some Aspects of Oil Exploration in California
Mason L. Hill
AAPG Bulletin
.... (Note: the Wilmington field is also famous as the world's largest water-flooding operation. Water-flooding operations designed to raise reservoir pressure...
Abstract: Interactive Modeling, Visualization & Visual Analytics Challenges for Smart Oil/Gas Exploration & Production; #90174 (2014)
Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
... scale and complexity of reservoir simulations; (2) the need to integrate, visualize and explore a broader range of AAPG Datapages/Search...
Sheep Mountain and Dike Mountain Fields, Huerfano County, Colorado; A Source of CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery
George Roth
Four Corners Geological Society
... and produce the CO2 reservoir for delivery to selected fields in West Texas to be used for tertiary miscible-flooding. Figure 1 illustrates the route...
MicroModelling in a Complex Shaly Sand Reservoir: A Case Study in Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait; #51246 (2016)
Muhammad Yaser, Kalyanbrata Datta, Luis R. Diaz Teran, Muhammad Ibrahim, Ernest Gomez
Search and Discovery.com
...MicroModelling in a Complex Shaly Sand Reservoir: A Case Study in Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait; #51246 (2016) Muhammad Yaser, Kalyanbrata Datta, Luis...
Sunoco-Felda Field, Hendry and Collier Counties, Florida
A. N. Tyler, W. L. Erwin
AAPG Special Volumes
... from marine limestones to a dolomite-evaporite facies. The Sunniland oil reservoir at Sunoco-Felda field appears to be a localized reef buildup...
Integration of Geology, Geomechanics, and Completion Data in Modeling for Future Well and Completion Optimization: An Unconventional Diyab Case Study
H. Pourpak, W. Newby, S.Taubert, H. Al Marzooqi, M. Z. Baig, A. Lefebvre-Prudencio, Y. Wu, C. Pointer, F. Cafardi, V. De Gennaro , M. L. Nistor
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of possible variations for SRV geometry. X-02H Reservoir Production Simulation Once the hydraulic fracture simulations of all stages in X-02H were...