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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Modeling: Rapid, Repeatable Model Updates for 4-D Reservoir Surveillance, by Paula L. Wigley, Serge Galley, Andrew Evans, Roelof Pieterson, and Jim O'Connell; #90124 (2011)
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The impact of fine-scale turbidite channel architecture on deep-water reservoir performance
Faruk O. Alpak, Mark D. Barton, Stephen J. Naruk
AAPG Bulletin
..., A., T. Primmer, C. Douglas, N. Moodie, M. Davies, and F. Nieuwland, 2006, Reservoir management in a deep-water subsea field: The Schiehallion...
Geomechanical insights on the importance of mechanical stratigraphy to hydraulic fracture containment
Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, and Alan P. Morris
AAPG Bulletin
... of hydraulic fractures. The two-dimensional simulations consider initial normal-faulting stress states at 3000-m depth and moderately overpressured conditions...
ABSTRACT: Application of Outcrop Analogs to Reservoir Characterization of Shallow-Marine and Coastal-Plain Reservoirs: An Example from the San Joaquin Basin, California, by Robert A. Bridges and James W. Castle; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: The Influence of Matrix Diffusion from Production Rates of Gas Shales: Results from Experimental and Numerical Analyses, by Amanda M. Bustin, Xiaojun Cui, and Robert M. Bustin; #90078 (2008)
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Quantitative Assessment of Karst Pore Volume in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Discrete Karst Networks
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ABSTRACT: Mechanical Reconstruction of Fracture Development in Weber Sandstone Formation, Split Mountain (Utah); #90013 (2003)
William Sassi, Martin L. E. Guiton, Jean-Marc Daniel, Jean-Luc Faure, Jean-Marie Mengus, Julien Schmidtz, Sylvie Delisle, Yves M. Leroy, Jerome Massot
Search and Discovery.com
... is presented to constrain the prediction of natural fractures which could be linked to reservoir simulations. It uses an original elasto-plasticity model...
Hierarchical Outcrop Reservoir Modeling of a Shallow Marine Deltaic Complex from the Eocene Roda Sandstone, Spain, by Håvard H. Enge, Beate L.S. Leren, Simon Buckley, John A. Howell, and Allard W. Martinius; #90052 (2006)
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Abstract: Deep Water Reservoir Characterization Using Transient Well Test Data, by Hong Tang, Fengjun Zhang, and Kathy Mabe; #90124 (2011)
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Taking a Second Look May Prevent Bypassed Reserves
W. L. Tidwell and S. K. Baijal
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... down oil sand in a field that had long since lost its reservoir pressure was incredible. The upper part of the sand was no doubt drained by wells...
A New Technology for Well Stimulation And Eor Using Electromagnetic Heating: Key Factors to Achieve Optimum Condition of Heating Using Nanoparticles
R. K. Santoso, S. Rachmat, A. H. Resha, W. D. K. Putra, R. Maulana, I. Fauzi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... S. Geological Survey. Sierra, R., Tripathy, B., Bridges, J. E., & Ali, S. M. F., 2001, Promising Progress in Field Application of Reservoir Electrical Heating...
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Geomechanical Modeling of Complex Reservoirs: Recent Lessons and Current State of the Art, by J. T. Fredrich, #90027 (2004)
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Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Shoal Complex Reservoirs, Womack Hill Field, Choctaw and Clarke Counties, Alabama
Mancini, Ernest A., Panetta, Brian J.
GCAGS Transactions
...Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Shoal Complex Reservoirs, Womack Hill Field, Choctaw and Clarke...
North Glo Field: A Minnelusa Discovery Resulting from the Integration of the Stratigraphic-Seismic Method with Subsurface Geology
Daniel K. Allan, R. Randy Ray
Wyoming Geological Association
... velocity contrasts. The lower B sandstone in the field area is complex having many thickness variations and the reservoir has undergone significant...
RUTH — A Norwegian Program for R&D — A Focus on Gas Based Methods for IOR
O. S. Hustad, I. Akervoll, P. K. Munkerud, L. Hinderaker
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... There are, however, some important exceptions. The Oseberg field and the Statfjord reservoir of the Statfjord field (representing 1/3 of that field) are produced...
Abstract: Unique Horizontal Wells Boost Primary and EOR Production, Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska, by Robert S. Tye, Becky A. Watson, Patrick L. McGuire, and Mathew M. Maguire; #90914(2000)
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Abstract: Unique Horizontal Wells Boost Primary and EOR Production, Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska, by R. Tye, B. Watson, P. McGuire, and M. Maguire; #90911 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Unique Horizontal-Well Designs Boost Primary and EOR Production, Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska, by Robert S. Tye, Becky A. Watson, Patrick L. McGuire, and Mathew M. Maguire; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geological Characterization for the IEA GHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project: Past Successes and Future Challenges; #90171 (2013)
Gavin Jensen, Erik Nickel, Steve Whittaker, and Ben Rostron
Search and Discovery.com
...-lapse geophysical surveys; carried out surface and subsurface geochemical surveys; and undertook numerical reservoir simulations. Results...
AAPG Eastern Section 43rd Annual Meeting
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