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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: A Methodology to Build a 3D Geological Model of Reservoir from Well Data Using Seismic Information, by Nawee Anantraksakul, Brigitte Doligez, Philippe Joseph, Patrick Pouclee, and Jean Pouzet; #90913(2000).
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Abstract: Hydrocarbon Production and Microseismic Monitoring — Treatment Optimization in the Marcellus Shale, by Neuhaus, Carl W.; #90163 (2013)
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Abstract: Assigning Volumes for Realistic Assessment of Value in Multiple-Lease Prospects or Discoveries, by Norman, Charles D.; #90163 (2013)
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Incorporation of Spatial Variations in Elastic Rock Properties in Geomechanical Reservoir Models – Workflow and Case Studies
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ABSTRACT: From 2D Data to 4D Fracture Network Models: Structural Modelling of a Complex Thrust Trap, a Case Study from the Tarija Basin, Argentina; #90007 (2002)
Carlo Sanders, Estanislao Kozlowski, Massimo Bonora, Claudio A Sylwan, David Richards
Search and Discovery.com
... production rates from the Santa Rosa Fm. in the Tarija basin, Argentina, indicate the presence of naturally fractured reservoirs. The reservoir's production...
ABSTRACT Assigning Volumes for Realistic Assessment of Value in Multiple-Lease Prospects, #90104 (2010)
Norman Charles D.
Search and Discovery.com
... of the potential hydrocarbon volume within the lease boundary. Calculating the hydrocarbon volume by lease for a field or a well‐defined discovery...
Assigning Volumes in Multiple-Lease Prospects; #70082 (2010)
Darrel Norman
Search and Discovery.com
... structural area and reservoir thickness with depth can be used to construct appropriate container models for each lease. Monte Carlo simulations can...
Geostatistical models for shales in distributary channel point bars (Ferron Sandstone, Utah): From ground-penetrating radar data to three-dimensional flow modeling
Hongmei Li, Christopher D. White
AAPG Bulletin
... seismic data in reservoir stochastic simulations: A case study: Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 2225...
Ninian Field, U.K. Sector, North Sea
W. A. Albright , W. L. Turner , K. R. Williamson
AAPG Special Volumes
... 1968-1978 The Ninian oil field was discovered in January 1974 and went on production in December 1978. The reservoir is in fluvio-deltaic Middle Jurassic...
Geological characterization and modeling of the Cypress Sandstone at Noble Field, Southeastern Illinois
Search and Discovery.com
The Influence of Fracture Closure from Petroleum Production from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: A Simulation Modelling Approach, #40442 (2009)
Jo Hansford and Quentin Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
... geomechanical and reservoir simulations Stress path parameter & Stress arching phenomenon Models Simulations Application to reservoir Part 2: The un...
3-D Modelling of Epeiric Carbonate Reservoirs: A Workflow from Outcrop to Streamline Simulation, by Denis Palermo, Thomas Aigner, Sergio Nardon, and Wolfgang Blendinger, #50092 (2008).
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ABSTRACT: Seismic Heterogeneity Cubes and Corresponding Equiprobable Simulations; #90013 (2003)
Matthias Imhof, William Kempner
Search and Discovery.com
... simulations to obtain reservoir realizations which could be used for fluid flow modeling, risk analysis, etc. Commercial tools for geostatistical...
ABSTRACT: Evolution of Structural Damage-Role of Geomechanical Simulations; #90013 (2003)
Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Nigel G. Higgs, Peter W. H. Olden
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...ABSTRACT: Evolution of Structural Damage-Role of Geomechanical Simulations; #90013 (2003) Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Nigel G. Higgs, Peter W. H...
3-D Geometrical Simulations of LOSCs (Laterally Offset Stacked Channels), by Richard Labourdette, Sebastien Ducos, and Tarick Bahraoui; #90052 (2006)
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Abstract: Role of Geomechanics on Clastic and Carbonate Tight Reservoirs: A Middle Eastern Perspective; #90316 (2017)
Satya Perumalla, Amir Ghadimipour, Javier Franquet, Alfredo Mendez, Ghazal Izadi
Search and Discovery.com
... for better frac execution. Simulating the Response of Complex Reservoirs during Fracturing: In general, complexities in the reservoir due to field...
Reactive Transport Modeling of Anthropogenic Carbon Mineralization in Stacked Columbia River Basalt Reservoirs
Ruoshi Cao, Katherine A. Muller, Quin R.S. Miller, Mark D. White, Diana H. Bacon, H. Todd Schaef
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... sensitivity analyses and is part of a larger suite of simulations that are benchmarked against our Wallula field study (e.g., time-resolved water chemistry...
Upper Morrow Purdy Sandstone, Interstate Field, Morton County Kansas
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... reservoir in the Interstate Field. The subdivisions used in this report are similar to those devised by Forgotson et al. (1966). Swanson (1979...
Memoir 71, Chapter 20: An Efficient Permeability Scaling-Up Technique Applied to Discretized Flow Equations
Denise Urgelli and Yu Ding
AAPG Special Volumes
... AAPG Memoir 71: Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances Grid-block permeability scaling-up for numerical reservoir simulations has been discussed...
ABSTRACT: The Ongoing Journey of Incorporating Reservoir Properties from Seismic at Agbami Field, OML 127 & 128, Deepwater Nigeria; #90115 (2010)
Lydia Novakovic, Joy Roth, and Adeniyi A. Oshinubi
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: The Ongoing Journey of Incorporating Reservoir Properties from Seismic at Agbami Field, OML 127 & 128, Deepwater Nigeria; #90115 (2010...
Relationship of Geology to Unit Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Involving Government Lands
C. Dwight Avery , J. Charles Miller
AAPG Bulletin
..., Big Sand Draw, Billy Creek, and Pitchfork fields in Wyoming. The geology of the McCallum field, North Park, Colorado, for which unit operation...