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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Assisted History-Matching for Fractured Reservoirs Characterization and Recovery Optimization using Connectivity Analysis, by Arnaud Lange and Alexandre De Lima; #120034 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Enhancing reservoir simulation workflows by coupling a GPU-accelerated full-physics simulator with a Fourier neural operator-based surrogate model
Karthik Mukundakrishnan, Klaus Wiegand, Vidyasagar Ananthan, Daniel Kahn, Dmitriy Tischekin, Marcos Kajita, Clement Etienam
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... insights. Introduction Many fundamental reservoir engineering tasks such as history matching, uncertainty quantification, and field development...
Quantifying the Risk on Reservoir Quality with Forward Stratigraphic Modelling in Frontier Areas - Orphan Basin, Canada
Search and Discovery.com
Hybrid Physics and Data-Driven Modeling for Unconventional Field Development Onshore US Basin Case Study
Jaeyoung Park, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Ajay Singh, Sathish Sankaran
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and data-driven approach for unconventional field development planning. We used physics-based reservoir simulations to generate training datasets...
Stimulation of Watered-Out Inactive/Marginal Wells With Dual Completions - Workshop Summary
Andrew K. Wojtanowicz, William C. Kimbrell, Juan Hernandez, Chris Sandoz
..., half of the production was from the KEKF-R1 reservoir. The field was shut-in in 1990 and remained so through 2000. A study and simulation...
Abstract: Natural Gas Accumulation Processes of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs in Shixi Block, Eastern Margin of Ordos Basin, China
Chao Liu, Xu Wang, Beilei Sun, Fuhui Qi
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of tight sandstone gas by using petrological, fluid inclusion, and thermal history simulations. Results show that the tight gas reservoir...
Numerical Modeling of Adsorption and Roughness Effects on Gas Transport in Shale Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Search and Discovery.com
Poroelastic Models for Fault Reactivation in Response to Injection and Production: Application to an Earthquake Sequence near Venus, Johnson County, Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Reactive transport modeling of early burial dolomitization of carbonate platforms by geothermal convection
Fiona F. Whitaker, Yitian Xiao
AAPG Bulletin
.... Swart, R. C. Handford, C. G. Kendall, and H. Westphal, 2004, Geology and production significance of dolomite trends, Arab-D reservoir, Ghawar field...
Role of Petroleum Geologist in Development of Law of Oil and Gas
George A. Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... is discussed. The new theories of development are based on increased knowledge of geology, such as unitization and community operations. Expert testimony...
"Water and Miscible Flood Optimization in a Layered Reservoir [Abstract]"
Styan, W., Mullane, T.
CSPG Bulletin
... permeability variations. Profile logging has shown that gravity override plays a significant role in this reservoir. A field test will be conducted...
The United States--From Scarcity to Surplus, 1921-1940: Chapter 10
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... million barrels in Woodbine sand, but operations were promptly placed under unitization. Van was the largest oil field which had been discovered...
Additional Methods for the Analysis of Seismic Data and Risk Reduction Through the Interpretation and Reservoir Modelling of Scaled Analogue Models
Search and Discovery.com
Reservoir Properties of Lacustrine Carbonate Buildups From Pleistocene Lake Lahontan: Analogues for South Atlantic Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Characterizing Fluvial Architecture Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Outcrop-Based Modeling: Implications for Reservoir Performance, Southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado
Search and Discovery.com
Peter W. Taylor
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... recoverable reserves are calculated in a similar manner to calculating the recoverable reserves, see below. The original oil in place in a reservoir, field...
Abstract: SECARB Field Test for CO2 Sequestration in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black Warrior Basin, Alabama; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
The Impact of Oil Viscosity Heterogeneity on Production Characteristics of Heavy Oil and Tar Sand(HOTS) Reservoirs
Steve Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... behavior under cold and thermal recovery but surprisingly, in most reservoir simulations, fluid variations are often ignored! Petroleum biodegradation...
The Impact of Oil Viscosity Heterogeneity on Production Characteristics of Heavy Oil and Tar Sand(HOTS) Reservoirs
Steve Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... behavior under cold and thermal recovery but surprisingly, in most reservoir simulations, fluid variations are often ignored! Petroleum biodegradation...
Time-Lapse Imaging of Heavy Oil Reservoirs at Shallow and Deep Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Sources; #41994 (2017)
Junzo Kasahara
Search and Discovery.com
... simulations at heavy oil, shale gas and CCS and three field studied in Japan and Saudi Arabia. The real applications of our method to the oil fields...
Using X-ray microtomographic imaging to conduct fluid flow simulations on porous media
Search and Discovery.com