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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Using X-ray microtomographic imaging to conduct fluid flow simulations on porous media
Search and Discovery.com
Combination of Deep-Reading and Near-Wellbore-Scale Measurement in Accessing Thin Layer Facies of a Carbonate Reservoir, #42511 (2020).
Adrean Pudyaksa, Hendri Harsian, Takefumi Shibuya, Ni Made Wilasari, Olivia Azwar, Ihsan Taufik Pasaribu,
Search and Discovery.com
...-Sirasun-Batur (TSB) Field complex and is located in Kangean block, East Java province (Figure 1). This field was discovered as a biogenic gas reservoir...
Upper Smackover Reservoirs, Walker Creek Field Area, Lafayette and Columbia Counties, Arkansas
Calvin A. Chimene
AAPG Special Volumes
... and conflict by the Geologic Subcommittee on Walker Creek Field Unitization. The data in this paper are the results of an attempt to establish...
Coalbed methane, Cook Inlet, south-central Alaska: A potential giant gas resource
Scott L. Montgomery, Charles E. Barker
AAPG Bulletin
... Geological Survey Opportunities in Alaska Coalbed and Shallow Gas Resources Workshop, Field Trip Guidebook, 258 p. Barker, C. E., T. A. Dallegge, and D. C...
Long Beach, Recreation Park, and Seal Beach Oil Fields Los Angeles County, California
M. E. Wright
Pacific Section of AAPG
... was to drill over 100 wells in the field. During 1927, the oil field reached its peak production of 75,000 barrels of oil per day. A deeper production reservoir...
Conductive and Propped Networks of Induced Hydraulic Fractures and Reactivated Fracture Networks - Evidence From the HFTS-1 In Situ Experiments
Michael Gross, William Dershowitz
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of this paper is to utilize field evidence from HFTS-1 to improve modeling and analysis of reactivated natural fractures and induced fracture networks...
Identification and 3-D Modeling of Petrophysical Rock Types
Christopher J. Murray
AAPG Special Volumes
... in a deterministic fashion beneath the ground, only a limited sample of well log and core data is available from the reservoir. Reservoir flow simulations, which...
Abstract: Characterization of Fractured Reservoir and Simulation of Fluid Flow Therein: Application of Wavelet Transformations, by M. Sahimi; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Brief Biography of a Biogenic Gas Play
Rick Roberson
GEO ExPro Magazine
... offshore Trinidad and Tobago are found in Tertiary shelf and shelf-edge deltaic depositional systems and the Patao-KK fields are no exception. Reservoir...
Simulation Study of Geomechanics Effect for Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Fracture Potential of Challenging Rocks: From Initiation to Productive Stimulated Rock Volume; #120190 (2015)
Uno Mutlu, Jian Huang, Reza Safari, Mojtaba Pordel Shahri
Search and Discovery.com
... to constrain/optimize P-SRV for reservoir/production simulations or infill/new well design (Figure 3c). Summary In this study, we present integrated quick...
ABSTRACT: DFN Modeling Approach and Development Strategies of Fractured Reservoirs in Minagish Field, Kuwait, by EL-Gezeery, Taher; Al-Anezi, Khalaf; Hamim, Ahmed; Sanjay, Kumar; Le Maux, Thierry; De Joussineau, Ghislain
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Efficient Modeling of the Performance of Non-Conventional Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs, by L. Durlofsky; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geological Modelling and Flow Simulation of a Base-of-Slope and Ponded Basin-Plain Turbidite Sequence (Peira Cava Outcrop, France), by Lawrence Amy, Simon A. Peachey, and Andy R. Gardiner; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Time-dependent Flow Partitioning in Weakly Deformed, Giant Carbonate Reservoirs
Susan M. Agar, Ravi Shekhar, Michael Tsenn, Paul Benkendorfer
Search and Discovery.com
... systems that could evolve during their lifespan. By combining insights from field analogs in Oman, published industry data and flow simulations we discuss...
Reactive Transport Modeling of Brine Reflux: Dolomitization, Anhydrite Precipitation, and Porosity Evolution
Anwar B. Al-Helal, Fiona F. Whitaker, Yitian Xiao
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Arab-D reservoir, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia: Geo-Arabia, v. 9, p. 11–36. Charlier, R.H., and Justus, J.R., 1993, Ocean Energies; Environmental...
Integration of Geologic Model and Reservoir Simulation, Popeye Field, Green Canyon 116
Beth Yuvancic-Strickland, Eric Kuhl, Tin-Wai Lee, Benjamin Seldon, Peter B. Flemings, Turgay Ertekin
GCAGS Transactions
...Integration of Geologic Model and Reservoir Simulation, Popeye Field, Green Canyon 116 Beth Yuvancic-Strickland, Eric Kuhl, Tin-Wai Lee, Benjamin...
The Maurice Field: New Gas Reserves from Buried Structure Along the Oligocene Trend of Southwestern Louisiana
Michael P. Prescott
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... along the Oligocene trend. Since discovery in 1988, the MARG. TEX. RESERVOIR C has extended the Maurice field one half mile south and has established...
The Maurice Field: New Gas Reserves from Buried Structure Along the Oligocene Trend of Southwestern Louisiana
Michael P. Prescott
GCAGS Transactions
... opportunities along the Oligocene trend. Since discovery in 1988, the MARG. TEX. RESERVOIR C has extended the Maurice field one half mile south and has...
Quantitative Outcrop Characterization of Incised Valley Fill Combining UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Traditional Geologic Field Methods
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Baffles or Barriers Stretching the recovery envelope by introducing stochastic heterogeneity to the analysis of deep-marine Palaeocene submarine fans in the Jotun Field, offshore Norway; #90007 (2002)
Guargena, Claudia G., Wardell, Jon, Smith, Guy B., Nilsen, Tor H., Hegre, Thor M.
Search and Discovery.com
... of the sand-rich submarine-fan system of the Palaeocene Heimdal Formation. Although a deterministic reservoir model of the Jotun Field adequately...
Subsurface Stratigraphic Analysis of the Prue Sandstone Interval in South-Central Oklahoma (Part 2 - Conclusion)
John Robert Broker
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... to unitization in 1989 the unit had cumulative production of 2,274,000 barrels of oil and 11 BCF of gas. Post-unitization, the field has produced another...