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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,602 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Increasing Geological Complexity of a Basin-Scale Model of the Mt. Simon Sandstone for the Simulation of Carbon Sequestration
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Development of a Conceptual Fluid Flow Model Based on the Tanqua Karoo Turbidites, South Africa; #90013 (2003)
Louise C. den Boer, Stefan M. Luthi, Rudi Ephraim, Jack H. L. Voncken, David Hodgson, David Hodgetts, Erik P. Johannessen
Search and Discovery.com
... that conceptually resembles the field observations. This composite permeability model of a turbidite fan serves as a basis to perform fluid flow simulations to test...
ABSTRACT: A Complex Fluvial-Estuarine Geologic Model, Cerro Negro, Venezuela; #90013 (2003)
G. S. Benson, J. Adame, T. L. Kirst, D. J. O’Donnell, V. D. Rahmanian
Search and Discovery.com
... A Complex Fluvial-Estuarine Geologic Model, Cerro Negro, Venezuela Cerro Negro Field (Orinoco Basin of Venezuela) produces heavy oil from the Morichal...
Abstract: Integrated Fracture Characterization Using Innovative Seismic Fracture Attributes and Seismic Inversion Results; #90319 (2018)
Rajive Kumar, Narhari Srinivas Rao, Hanan Al-Saeed, Talal A Al-Mutairi, Bader Al-Mal
Search and Discovery.com
... in building reservoir models, while performing flow simulations and help in performing risk analysis for fault sealing issues. The first step...
Abstract: Frequency-dependent Elastic Moduli and Attenuation of Sandstone and Carbonate Rocks; #91204 (2023)
Andika Perbawa, Thomas Finkbeiner, Salma Alsinan, Juan Carlos Santamarina
Search and Discovery.com
... of these three methods provides a comprehensive and comparable dataset that emulates subsurface reservoir conditions and simulations...
Abstracts: Observations on SAGD Caprock Integrity; #90173 (2015)
Rick Chalaturnyk
Search and Discovery.com
... geotechnical engineering principles and have generally lead to more use of reservoir-geomechanical simulations (one way coupled or sequentially coupled...
Abstract: Influence of Noise from Passive Seismic Reservoir Detection, by Weiwei Yang, Nima Riahi, and Mike Kelly; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Relating Fracture Patterns to Geodynamics and Petrophysics in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Analogue (Provence, S-E France)
Search and Discovery.com
Quantitative Spatial Variability of Dune and Interdune Facies in the Aeolian Navajo Sandstone, USA: Implications for Reservoir Characterization
Search and Discovery.com
PSDFN Modeling Approach and Development Strategies of Fractured Reservoirs in Minagish Field, Kuwait, #40896 (2012)
Taher El-Gezeery, Khalaf Al-Anezi, Ahmed Hamim, Kumar Sanjay, Thierry Le Maux, Ghislain De Joussineau, Adel Ebaid Senior, Hiba Abyan
Search and Discovery.com
...PSDFN Modeling Approach and Development Strategies of Fractured Reservoirs in Minagish Field, Kuwait, #40896 (2012) Taher El-Gezeery, Khalaf Al...
Strategy for Capturing the Hydrocarbon Volume Uncertainty in Case of Few Wells
Tan Chun Hock, Lothar Schulte
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... along the porosity axis Comment Derived from analysis of neighboring field Derived from reservoir thickness variance given of top and base seismic...
Carbonate Reservoir Models: Integrated High Resolution Studies Are the Future
Paul D. Crevello
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... simulations. The technology asset team is charged with building a framework to define reservoir architecture, encompassing the spatial distribution...
Abstract: Computer Modeling of Vertical Migration of Light Hydrocarbons, by R. W. Klusman; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Computer Modeling of Vertical Migration of Light Hydrocarbons, by R. W. Klusman; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Flow Profile Estimation in Horizontal, Hydraulically Fractured Wells Using a Péclet Number Approach
J.F. App
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on the observed temperature change at each cluster along the lateral. Simulations of a horizontal, hydraulically fractured well are performed for a range...
The Carbonate Analogs Through Time (CATT) Hypothesis – A Systematic and Predictive Look at Phanerozoic Carbonate Reservoirs, by James R. Markello, Richard B. Koepnick, and Lowell E. Waite, #40185 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Gas Fields in Mesaverde Sandstones in the Rifle Embayment of the Southeastern Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado
J. Dan Powell
Grand Junction Geological Society
... parts of the field is mainly from the lower 1,500 ft of the Williams Fork Formation. The reservoir sandstones in this thick zone consist of medium...
Introducing Geological Processes in Reservoir Models
Janice Liwanag
GEO ExPro Magazine
... facilities in the Tyrihans field, where production of light oil is planned to start in 2009. In the Heidrun field, reservoir optimisation studies...
Walker Creek Field--U.S.A. Gulf of Mexico Basin, Arkansas
C. A. Chimene
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Geological and Engineering subcommittees, Walker Creek Field Unitization Project, unpublished. Woods, D. J., 1970b, The Smackover significant Walker...
Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture Growth in Naturally Fractured Rocks: A Case Study of the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site
Meng Cao, Mukul M. Sharma
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a Monte-Carlo uncertainty analysis based on a large number of DFN realizations. Our simulations, coupled with field data, allow us to better describe...