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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Geothermal Resource Characterization Of The Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation At Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, B.C., Canada
Search and Discovery.com
A Review of Washington Field (With Emphasis on the Cockfield "D" Reservoir)
George W. Price, Walter A. Wojciechowski
GCAGS Transactions
...A Review of Washington Field (With Emphasis on the Cockfield "D" Reservoir) George W. Price, Walter A. Wojciechowski 1958 Vol. 8 (1958), Washington...
Field Study: Corney Bayou Field, Smackover, Union Parish, Louisiana
B. Earl Raborn
Shreveport Geological Society
... into Smackover "A", Zone 1. PRODUCTION HISTORY Corney Bayou Field Unitization was effective January 1, 1984. Since that time, Smackover "A" production has been...
In Salah High-Resolution Heterogeneous Simulations of CO2 Storage, #80092 (2010)
Andrew Cavanagh, Phillip Ringrose
Search and Discovery.com
...) in close alignment with the present-day stress field. The reservoir/aquifer is also segmented by a number of strike-slip faults (E-W) related to a regional...
Rangely Field, Colorado - A Large Fluid Injection Operation
William R. Smith
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., and at the time of unitization. © 2010 Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists - - - R.M.A.G. Oil & Gas Field Volume, Colorado-Nebraska-1961...
Novinger Field
Charles A. Renfroe
Kansas Geological Society
... was installed after field unitization. At that time 34 of the wells were completed as producers in the Marmaton pay. In addition four other wells...
Citronelle Oil Field, Mobile County, Alabama
Everett Eaves
AAPG Special Volumes
... that was necessitated for field-wide unitization and improved economics. The necessity of unitization to carry out secondary recovery became apparent...
Mid-Dip Tuscaloosa Trend: Analog Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Data for Prospect Evaluation and Field Development: Rejuvenation of a Mature Giant, North Ward Estes Field, Texas
Roger D. Shew
AAPG Special Volumes
...Mid-Dip Tuscaloosa Trend: Analog Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Data for Prospect Evaluation and Field Development: Rejuvenation...
Role of the U. S. Geological Survey in the Oil and Gas Development of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf
Gayle A. Oglesby
New Orleans Geological Society
.... Similar studies (reservoir) are performed by a Unitization program work section to protect correlative rights where different equities are involved...
Dry Gulch
Gary Hall
Wyoming Geological Association
... Information/Dwights Production Report. Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission files. Field Dry Gulch Location T49N R72W County, State Campbell County...
Keith L. Mohl
Wyoming Geological Association
... Symposium, Oil & Gas Fields Powder River Basin. Field Kiehl Location T53N R67W County, State Crook County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Minnelusa "B...
Tholson Ranch
George G. Anderman
Wyoming Geological Association
...Tholson Ranch George G. Anderman 1981 418 419 Field Tholson Ranch Location T49N-R70W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir...
FIELD DATA: Clear Creek
Charles D. Tyler, Robert S. George
North Dakota Geological Society
.... Applied for unitization of this field before North Dakota Industrial Commission on August 16. 1962 - Skelly Oil Company Unit...
Abstract: Flow Simulations in the Context of Upscaled Fracture Networks Using Petrel 2007, by Valerie L. Smith, Thomas H. Wilson, and Alan L. Brown; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
North Truby (Strawn) Field Jones County, Texas
Bill J. Burton
Abilene Geological Society
... of the field is shown by graph on Plate VI. Plate VI. Production History, Truby North (Strawn) Field, Jones County, Texas Unitization of ownership...
Kiehl West
Keith Mohl
Wyoming Geological Association
...Kiehl West Keith Mohl 2000 262 263 Field Kiehl West Location T53N R68W County, State Crook County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Minnelusa Author...
Royal Draw
Gary Hall
Wyoming Geological Association
... Information/Dwights Production Report. Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Files Field Royal Draw Location T47N R71W County, State Campbell...
Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher
Wyoming Geological Association
...Superhornet Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher 2000 492 493 Field Superhornet Location T50N R71W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming...
Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher
Wyoming Geological Association
...WD Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher 2000 544 545 Unitization Parameters and Waterflood Study Field WD Location T48-49N R71W County, State...
Mike Borgerding
Wyoming Geological Association
..., 1991. Field Cambridge Location T53N R68W County, State Crook County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Minnelusa "B" Sandstone Author Mike Borgerding...
Abstract: Numerical Well Test Simulations in Heterogeneous Reservoirs, by G. Blanc, D. Guerillot, and D. Rahon; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
The True Complexity of Arid-Region Ephemeral-Fluvial Sandstones as Revealed by Outcrop Analysis and Reservoir Simulations, by C. P. North and K. S. Taylor; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Modeling for Optimum Management of a Giant Gas Condensate Reservoir, Jurassic Eolian Nugget Sandstone, Anschutz Ranch East Field, Utah Overthrust (U.S.A.)
Dennis L. Cox, Sandra J. Lindquist, Connie L. Bargas, Karen G. Havholm and R. Mohan Srivastava
AAPG Special Volumes
...Integrated Modeling for Optimum Management of a Giant Gas Condensate Reservoir, Jurassic Eolian Nugget Sandstone, Anschutz Ranch East Field, Utah...
Black Lake Field--Before and After
B. Ross White, Jerry R. Sawyer
GCAGS Transactions
... of the other methods used to obtain the desired information. The Pettit Zone reservoir in the Black Lake Field was proven to be an associated reservoir...