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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Corrigan-Cowden - Breathing New Life into an Old Waterflood
David J. Entzminger, Kevin Ferdinand, Dan Lawson, Bob Loucks, Paul Mescher, Kim Patty
West Texas Geological Society
... Patty 2000 75 The ARCO-operated Corrigan Cowden Unit is located on the eastern edge of the greater North Cowden Field in the Permian Basin of West...
Abstract: Corrigan-Cowden - Breathing New Life into an Old Waterflood
David J. Entzminger, Kevin Ferdinand, Dan Lawson, Bob Loucks, Paul Mescher, Kim Patty
West Texas Geological Society
... Patty 1999 33 The ARCO-operated Corrigan Cowden Unit is located on the eastern edge of the greater North Cowden Field in the Permian Basin of West...
Memoir 71, Chapter 19: Evaluation of Multiple Geostatistical Models Using Scaling-Up with Coarse Grids: A Practical Study
P. Lemouzy
AAPG Special Volumes
... AAPG Memoir 71: Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances In the field delineation phase, the uncertainty in hydrocarbon reservoir descriptions is large...
ABSTRACT: Field Case : Validation of the Girassol Geological Model through Numerical Well Test Simulations; #90017 (2003)
Jean-Luc Boutaud de la Combe, Lionel Airaud, Philippe Ruelland, Yannick Schildberg
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Field Case : Validation of the Girassol Geological Model through Numerical Well Test Simulations; #90017 (2003) Jean-Luc Boutaud de la...
Compartmentalization in Tidal Valley-Fill Sandstone Reservoirs, Sun Ranch Field, Wyoming
Roderick W. Tillman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... vertical flow between reservoir compartments. Tidally deposited sandstones in the field are predominantly bank-margin tidal-accretion bars. The bars...
Abstract: A Simplifying Discrete Fracture Network Method for Dynamic Test Simulations, by André Fourno; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Brookhaven Oil Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Robert Womack, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... unitization agreement among the various operators and royalty owners for a pressure-maintenance program to prolong the life of the field and to increase...
ABSTRACT: Stochastic Monte-Carlo Simulations of Overpressure Probability Distribution in the Halten Terrace Area, Offshore Norway; #90061 (2006)
Ane Elisabet Lothe and Are Tømmerås
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Stochastic Monte-Carlo Simulations of Overpressure Probability Distribution in the Halten Terrace Area, Offshore Norway; #90061 (2006) Ane...
ABSTRACT: Carbonate Reservoir Models: Coupling Depositional Sequence and Pore Network Models in Static 3-D Realizations, by PAUL D. CREVELLO; #90916(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Structures, Part I: Rheology of Reservoir Rocks, by S. Busetti, K. Mish, and Z. Reches; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Williston Basin Symposium
... of wells in any field if there is to be any hope for a reasonable ultimate recovery factor for the average reservoir. It is true...
Storytelling of the AMENAM Oil and Gas Discovery (Offshore Niger Delta)
Search and Discovery.com
Combining Depositional and Fluid Flow Simulations to Improve Subsurface Reservoir Characterization
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Reservoir characterization, modeling, and evaluation of Upper Jurassic Smackover microbial carbonate and associated facies in Little Cedar Creek field, southwest Alabama, eastern Gulf coastal plain of the United States
Sharbel Al Haddad, Ernest A. Mancini
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Upper Jurassic Smackover microbial carbonate reservoir and associated reservoir facies at Little Cedar Creek field, northeastern Gulf...
ABSTRACT: Bringing Geoscience Back into the Reservoir Model: A Proposed Methodology for Predicting Heterogeneity within the Athabasca Oil Sands, Canada, by Bujor, Sorin; Thenin, Damien
Search and Discovery.com
Field Study: Antioch Field, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana
Neil B. Crow
Shreveport Geological Society
...: The Smackover reservoir was produced until about September, 1956. At that time it was shut in pending unitization. Gas cycling of the unitized field...
Frontmatter: Oil Fields in the Williston basin in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota
J. R. Hamke, L. C. Marchant, C. Q. Cupps
Bureau of Mines
... evaluation and testing Casing programs Well stimulation Production problems and practices Production summary Reservoir characteristics Properties of produced...
BMS-50/52 and Adjacent Areas: New Giant Hydrocarbon Opportunities, Santos Basin, Brazil
Search and Discovery.com
Clifford R. Mctee
Lafayette Geological Society
... of reservoir sands, Opelousas field, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. End_Page 26A------------------------ Figure 26b. Structure map, contoured...
Abstract: Comprehensive Reservoir Modeling of a Mature, Geologically Complex Reservoir, by R. Pawar; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Fault Rock Property Prediction in Deepwater Reservoirs, by Stephen J. Naruk and U.O. Onyeagoro; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Jimmy E. Goolsby, Graeme D. Finley
Wyoming Geological Association
... Commission files. Field Carson Location T54N R73W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Muddy Author Jimmy E. Goolsby & Graeme D...
Geology of Erath Field, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana
M. H. Steig , I. K. Nichols , Shapleigh G. Gray , R. L. Denham
AAPG Bulletin
... is very diversified, and unitization was necessary in order to permit efficient well spacing and cycling operations. The field below a depth of 8,000 feet...
Field Summary: Dune Ridge Field - Water Flood Performance
Shell Oil Co.
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... pinchout type reservoir with a gas cap on the southeast flank. Early in the life of the field, producing gas oil ratios increased abruptly and were...