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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Kinematics to Geomechanics - an Exercise in Predicting Reservoir Deformation and Flow, by Lewis, Helen, James A Guest, Lisa Hammond, Stephen A Hall; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Adena - Largest Field in Denver Basin
Karl A. Mygdal
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to consideration of the “J” Sand reservoir. LOCATION AND HISTORY The Adena field is located 65 miles northeast of Denver and 10 miles south of Fort Morgan...
Utilising Stratigraphic Driven Approaches and Simulations to Build Robust 3-D Geologic Models for Miocene Reservoirs, “Josh� Field, Niger Delta
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrated Stochastic Modeling and Reservoir Technique for Project Evaluation and Risk Assessment, by K. J. Tyler, C. Sandsdalen, L. M'Land, J. O. Aasen, E. Siring, and M. Barbieri; #90951 (1996).
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State Regulatory Approaches to Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the Big Sky Region
John Talbott
Search and Discovery.com
... ownership; 3) split estates; 4) unitization requirements; 5) complementary rules for CO2 transportation; 6) regulatory agencies and authorities; 7) financial...
State Regulatory Approaches to Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the Big Sky Region
John Talbott
Search and Discovery.com
... ownership; 3) split estates; 4) unitization requirements; 5) complementary rules for CO2 transportation; 6) regulatory agencies and authorities; 7) financial...
Abstract: Identifying Nisku Porosity with Geostatistical Inversion: A Field Example; #90211 (2015)
Case Caulfield and Marina Feroci
Search and Discovery.com
... simulation tools for reservoir properties and lithologies. This set of simulations can then be used to infer uncertainty or create probability density...
Abstract: Clastic Reservoir Characterisation Using Seismic Impedances And Geostatistics: Middle Jurassic Unit Of The Harald Field, Danish North Sea, by O. V. Vejbaek; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Application of High-Resolution Depositional Modeling to Reservoir Characterisation, by K. Liu and L. Paterson; #90956 (1995).
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ABSTRACT: Improving Production from Data-Sparse Fields Application of Outcrop Analogues for Reservoir Simulation; #90061 (2006)
Grant D. Wach and Farrukh Akram
Search and Discovery.com
... the detailed geological models that form the basis of a reservoir model and simulations of depletion strategies? Outcrop studies provide a low-cost...
Impact of Channel-Fill Asymmetry in Field-Scale Dynamic Reservoir Performance Prediction for Deep-Water Channelized Turbidite Systems
Search and Discovery.com
Cranfield Field, Cranfield Unit, Basal Tuscaloosa Reservoir, Adams and Franklin Counties, Mississippi
Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson
Bureau of Mines
...Cranfield Field, Cranfield Unit, Basal Tuscaloosa Reservoir, Adams and Franklin Counties, Mississippi Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson 42 C R A N...
Tholson Ranch
A. R. Renfro, B. E. Chase
Wyoming Geological Association
... and hearing files. Field Tholson Ranch Location T49N R70W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir(s) Minnelusa "A" and "B" sandstones Author...
ABSTRACT: Modeling Uncertainty in Discount Factors for Turbidite Channel Reservoirs; #90013 (2003)
Mark Barton, Frans Van der Vlugt, Pieter Slik
Search and Discovery.com
... of geological detail and incorporate the results as a discount factor to the full field simulations. The process consists of the following steps: First...
ABSTRACT: Scales of Geologic Reservoir Description for Engineering Applications: North Sea Oil Field Example, by Roger M. Slatt and Graham L. Hopkins; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Use of Categorical Indicator Geostatistics for Modeling Facies in Sand-Rich Turbidite Systems: An example from the Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico, by D. J. Goggin and D. L. Jordan; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Molecular dynamics simulations of oil occurrence state in nanopores in shale
Search and Discovery.com
Charles Tenney
Wyoming Geological Association
...Kane Charles Tenney 2000 256 257 Law, David L., 1981, Kane Field, Campbell County, Wyoming; Wyoming Oil and Gas Fields Symposium, Powder River Basin...
ABSTRACT: 3D Geological Modeling and Performance Simulation of a Leveed-Channel Outcrop with Application to Deepwater Leveed-Channel Reservoirs, by Santacruz, Carlos; Correa-Correa, Heidy ; Slatt, Roger M.
Search and Discovery.com
Bonnet Carre Field: St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana
Raymond G. Voelker
New Orleans Geological Society
... No. 2 sand is extremely erratic in occurrence and productivity; it is an oil sand in the discovery well and a gas reservoir on the field's eastern...
ABSTRACT: Postdiagenetic Porosity Distribution: Coupled Flow/Reaction Modeling of Effects of Fluid and Rock Compositions, by Craig H. Moore; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Waterflooding Optimization with Coupled Static-Dynamic Simulations; #90187 (2014)
Damien Thenin and Rob Lavoie
Search and Discovery.com
... waterflood performance requires both a good reservoir description and an optimized placement of wells in the most prospective areas of the field...
Wyoming Geological Association
...Kummerfeld Anonymous 2000 274 275 Terra Resources, 1981, Kummerfeld Field, in Wyoming Geological Association's Powder River Basin Oil and Gas Fields...