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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Numerical Simulations of the Effects of CO2 Geological Storage on the Flow and Salinity of Formation Water in the Gippsland Basin
Search and Discovery.com
An Efficient Approach for Quantifying the Uncertainty in Groundwater-model Predictions
V. A. Kelley, S. Mishra
AAPG Special Volumes
... the desired performance measure for all simulated reservoir realizations. As a result, detailed forward simulations using all reservoir realizations...
Dead Horse Creek
Eldred D. Johnson
Wyoming Geological Association
...Dead Horse Creek Eldred D. Johnson 2000 140 141 Lawton, J.E., 1958, Dead Horse Creek Field, Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, 13th Annual...
Exploration History of the MB Field, Coastal Area of Northwest Java
Suherman T., A. Syahbuddin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... (Figure 1). Figure 1. MB Field Location The MB Mid-Main Carbonate build-up, the reservoir unit in the MB field, is one of more than twenty build-ups...
Geologic Field Number and Size Assessments of Oil and Gas Plays: ABSTRACT
R. A. Baker, H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, D. A. White
AAPG Bulletin
... in the play, or from simulations of distributions of the play's prospect areas, reservoir parameters and potential hydrocarbon fill. The field size...
John Dunnewald
Wyoming Geological Association
... Geological Assoc., p. 470. McCartney Engineering-Unitization Feasibility Study, 1972. Field Mill-Gillette Location T50N R72W County, State Campbell...
Abstract: The A-Field Offshore Brazil: Timing of Oil Charge and its Effect in Reservoir Diagenesis; #90255 (2017)
Alejandro Jaramillo, Helen Lewis
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: The A-Field Offshore Brazil: Timing of Oil Charge and its Effect in Reservoir Diagenesis; #90255 (2017) Alejandro Jaramillo, Helen Lewis...
ABSTRACT: Effects of Compositional Variations, Texture and Burial History on Composition Driven Diagenesis; #90013 (2003)
Geoffrey Thyne, Anthony Park, Peter Ortoleva
Search and Discovery.com
... portion of reservoir sandstone diagenesis is a result of an intrinsic property, the differences between the mineralogy of reservoir units and adjacent...
In-situ Estimation of Unpropped Fracture Conductivity in Shale and Assessing its Role during Stimulation and Production; #120189 (2015)
Mark W. McClure, Saurabh Tandon, Mingyuan Yang, Siddharth Senthilnathan
Search and Discovery.com
... the perspective of field scale stimulation modeling. Simulations were performed using CFRAC (Complex Fracturing Research Code), which is a two-dimensional discrete...
Stochastic Monte-Carlo simulations of overpressure probability distribution in the Halten Terrace area, by Ane Lothe and Are Tømmerås, #40232 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers in Kuwait: A Geomechanical Assessment of Containment and Subsurface Integrity; #90319 (2018)
Haya Al-Mayyan, Ellen Van Der Veer, Dawood Kamal, Sander Osinga, Shashank Rakeshkumar, Bogdan Orlic
Search and Discovery.com
... to the integrity and the containment of CO2 storage sites. Injection can cause fracturing and faulting of the reservoir-seal pairs creating the potential leakage...
Abstract: Geothermal Resource Characterization of the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation at Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada;
Evan Renaud, John Weissenberger, Nicholas Harris, Jonathan Banks, Brandon Wilson
Search and Discovery.com
... time span. Simulations show the rock properties inherent to the reservoir at Clarke Lake field are capable of sustaining 25 years of hot water...
Geologic Factors in Unitized Pressure Maintenance, Jones Sand Reservoir, Schuler Field, Arkansas
George R. Elliott
AAPG Bulletin
...Geologic Factors in Unitized Pressure Maintenance, Jones Sand Reservoir, Schuler Field, Arkansas George R. Elliott 1944 217 230 28 2. (February...
Abstracts: An Integrated Technical Path to Identify Economic Upside for the Devonian Swan Hills Platform at Deer Mountain Unit #2, Alberta, Canada; #90173 (2015)
R. Carl Hughson
Search and Discovery.com
... degrees) from the Swan Hills Formation since initial production in December of 1964 from 00/12-19-068-08W5/0. Unitization followed in late 1984...
Field Study: Cotton Valley Field, Webster Parish, La.
Shreveport Geological Society
Shreveport Geological Society
... drilled into the Davis Sand during the development of the Cotton Valley field before unitization, all being originally completed as Bodcaw sand producers...
ABSTRACT Simulation of CO2 Distribution at the In Salah Storage Site Using High-Resolution Field-Scale Models, #90104 (2010)
Cavanagh Andrew; Ringrose Phillip
Search and Discovery.com
... is pervasively fractured with the predominant joint set (NW‐SE) in close alignment with the present‐day stress field. The reservoir/aquifer is also segmented...
Abstract: Conditioning of Geological Models to Engineering Data, by U. Araktingi, D. Brock, D. Vasco, and A. Datta-Gupta; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Preliminary Reservoir Simulation for Selection of a Pilot Site for CO2 Sequestration: Effect of Reservoir Properties and Operational Parameters; #90013 (2003)
Thomas A. Cloud, Yuanhai Yang, Craig W. Van Kirk
Search and Discovery.com
..., and for a variety of reservoir characteristics and operational parameters that could be useful for maximizing sequestration capacity. Simulations were run...
Abstract: Simulating Fracture Networks for Engineering Geothermal Production; #91204 (2023)
Will Pettitt, Colleen Barton, Kevin McCarthy, Ole Engels
Search and Discovery.com
... followed by an effective design study that simulates the reservoir development. Simulations have used three-dimensional numerical methods to accurately...
Philippe Berthet, Nabil Hadj Kacem, Pierre Perfetti and Evgeny Tolstukhin
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... in reservoir simulations. Expanded Abstracts of EAGE 68th Conference & Exhibition, Abstract E032, 12-15 June, 2006, Vienna, Austria Figure 1 A 4D attribute...
Philippe Berthet, Nabil Hadj Kacem, Pierre Perfetti and Evgeny Tolstukhin
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... scale 3D/4D seismic features in reservoir simulations. Expanded Abstracts of EAGE 68th Conference & Exhibition, Abstract E032, 12-15 June, 2006, Vienna...
Abstract: Multi-Scale Flow Modeling of Heterogeneous Carbonates, by T. Zhang, N. F. Hurley, and W. Zhao; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com