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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,770 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Determination of Flow Potential from Oil Reservoirs to Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDW) in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by R. C. Laudon, D. L. Warner, L. F. Koederitz, and S. Dunn-Norman; #90986 (1994).
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Pressured Shale and Related Sediment Deformation--Mechanism for Development of Regional Contemporaneous Faults: ABSTRACT
C. H. Bruce
AAPG Bulletin
... in size up to 25 mi in width and 10,000 ft vertically. These features, aligned subparallel with the coast, represent residual masses of undercompacted...
A Protocol for the Evaluation and (Semi-)Quantification of Secondary Migration Efficiency, by D. S. Muller; #90986 (1994).
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Upper Devonian Duperow Sedimentary Rocks in Southeastern Saskatchewan--Why No Oil Yet?: ABSTRACT
C. E. Dunn
AAPG Bulletin
... residual trend surface analysis map. A major northeast lineament lines up with the Duperow fields in north Montana. Conjugate sets of weakness...
Development and Economic Implications of Paleokarst, Molas Pass Area, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
R. Mark Maslyn
AAPG Bulletin
... of siltstone and residual clays from the limestone solution. Rising like small peaked knobs from a plain are three examples of the tower karst found near...
Abstract: Seismosaurus, Mammoths, and the Real Jurassic Park, by David D. Gillette; #90985 (1994).
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Abstract: Microtopography, Runoff Processes, Sediment Transport, and Their Implications for Land-Use Planning in the Central Texas Hill Country, by W. M. Marsh and N. L. Marsh; #90983 (1994).
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Abstract: Integrated Interpretation of Airborne Gravity, Magnetic, and Other Geophysical Data in Block SK-12, Onshore Sarawak, Malaysia, by C-C. Hu; #90982 (1994).
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Abstract: Ophiolite and Ophiolitic Complexes in the Philippines, by G. P. Yumul, Jr.; #90982 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Oil Field Technology Maybe Key to DNAPL Delineation, by Jay Lehr; #91020 (1995).
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Sedimentologic Facies in Modern Glacial-Marine Environment: ABSTRACT
Dennis D. Kurtz, John B. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
..., deposition is primarily by floating ice. However, substantial sediment reworking occurs, forming coarse residual deposits and sediments enriched...
Abstract: Numerical Modelling of Displacement Processes in Porous Media, by G. Fiebig and B. M. Krooss; #90956 (1995).
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Abstract: Salt Tectonics and Gravity Driven Deformation: Structural Guidelines for Exploration in Passive Margin, by T. Mauduit, G. Guerin, J. P. Brun, and H. Lecanu; #90956 (1995).
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Channel Sandstone Oil Reservoirs of Pennsylvanian Age, Northwestern Ness County, Kansas: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Walters, Robert J. Gutru, Alfred James, III
AAPG Bulletin
...; (7) the lateral gradational mixing of quartz sand with residual cherts. Greenish clay is present in the upper fine-grained sandstones and glauconite...
Signature Processing of North Sea Air-Gun Data: ABSTRACT
E. A. Booth, A. P. Stacey
AAPG Bulletin
... to enhance the wavelet in the zone of interest. The results were encouraging, so we decided to try removing residual effects in a separate pass on a trace...
Abstract: Dissolution of Stone Corral Salt in the Hugoton Embayment, by R. P. Sorenson; #90957 (1995).
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Sands and Sand Transport on Palimpsest Carbonate Shelf: ABSTRACT
Larry J. Doyle, Thomas W. Neurauter, Thomas E. Pyle
AAPG Bulletin
... as far north as 29°30^prime and is composed mostly of residual carbonate, specifically of patches of molluscan shell hash, foraminiferal, algal, and even...
Petroleum Exploration of National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): ABSTRACT
George Gryc, Arthur L. Bowsher
AAPG Bulletin
... with residual oil. The other wells had minor shows of oil and/or gas. Twelve test wells were included in the program for fiscal years 1978 and 1979. Eight...
Temporal Changes in Depositional Facies in Great Valley Forearc Basin of California--Influence of Basin Evolution and Tectonics: ABSTRACT
Raymond V. Ingersoll
AAPG Bulletin
.... Ingersoll 1980 727 727 64 5. (May) The Great Valley forearc basin began in the Late Jurassic as a residual forearc basin on top of oceanic crust...
Exploring for Niagaran Pinnacle Reefs in Southern Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT
J. Labo, John Cousins
AAPG Bulletin
... of an isochron thick around the reef interval. This feature proved to be a residual salt pillow inside the isochron interval. To reduce the risk...
Uranium Occurrence in Leadville Dolomite at Pitch Mine, Saguache County, Colorado: ABSTRACT
J. Thomas Nash
AAPG Bulletin
.... One surface expression of ore is ocher-colored, leached, porous gossan, characterized by residual silica and limonite and by high radioactivity but low...
ABSTRACT: Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of the Ames Structure, North Central Oklahoma, by Judson L. Ahern; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Case History--Reddell Oil Field, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana, by C. T. Austin; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: A New Geotechnical Ring-Shear Device for the Investigation of Fault Zone Permeability: Design and Preliminary Results, by M. Ben Clennell, Rob J. Knipe, and Alex J. Maltman; #91019 (1996)
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Pressure, Temperature, Salinity, Lithology, and Structure in Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Constance Bayou, Deep Lake, and Southeast Little Pecan Lake Fields, Cameron Parish, Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Frank W. Harrison, III
AAPG Bulletin
... identifying characteristics: low fluid pressures, high formation-water salinity values, and residual high pressure areas. These areas are considered...