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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 25,506 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
ABSTRACT: New Technique to Estimate High Resolution Porosity and Permeability of Carbonate Reservoirs from Electrical Borehole Images: A Case Study from Offshore Southern Mexico; #90061 (2006)
Vivek Chitale, John Quirein, Rodolfo Escobar, and Antonio Sanchez Trejo
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...ABSTRACT: New Technique to Estimate High Resolution Porosity and Permeability of Carbonate Reservoirs from Electrical Borehole Images: A Case Study...
ABSTRACT: SHRIMP-RG U-Pb Zircon Dating for the Basin-Floor Fans of the Tanqua and Laingsburg Depocentres: A New Stratigraphic Framework for the Karoo Basin, South Africa; #90061 (2006)
Nicholas Drinkwater, Andrea Fildani, Amy Weislogel, Timothy R. McHargue, and Angela Marie Hessler
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... loosely constrained. A relative coarseness to the existing chronostratigraphic resolution has precluded the creation of a robust high-resolution...
ABSTRACT: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Deepwater Miocene Reservoirs of the Chinguetti, Banda, and Tiof Fields, Offshore Mauritania; #90061 (2006)
Neil G. Marshall, G. Smith, T. Meckel, P. Ventris, T. Robertson, J. Rexilius, O. Varol, S. Powell, R. Howe, and J. Jakovoides
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...ABSTRACT: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Deepwater Miocene Reservoirs of the Chinguetti, Banda, and Tiof Fields, Offshore Mauritania...
Abstract: 3D Modelling of (Upper Triassic) Continental Mixed Fluvial Systems Integrating Digital Outcrop Images with High-Resolution Sedimentology: High Atlas, Morocco
Ivan Fabuel-Perez, Jonathan Redfern, Dave Hodgetts
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...Abstract: 3D Modelling of (Upper Triassic) Continental Mixed Fluvial Systems Integrating Digital Outcrop Images with High-Resolution Sedimentology...
ABSTRACT Simulation of CO2 Distribution at the In Salah Storage Site Using High-Resolution Field-Scale Models, #90104 (2010)
Cavanagh Andrew; Ringrose Phillip
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...ABSTRACT Simulation of CO2 Distribution at the In Salah Storage Site Using High-Resolution Field-Scale Models, #90104 (2010) Cavanagh Andrew...
ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Prediction Based on High Resolution Velocity Inversion in Carbonate Rocks Offshore Sirte Basin - Libya, #90104 (2010)
Gruenwald Robert M.; Buitrago Javier; Dessay Jack; Huffman Alan; Moreno Carlos; Gonzalez Munoz Jose Maria
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...ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Prediction Based on High Resolution Velocity Inversion in Carbonate Rocks Offshore Sirte Basin - Libya, #90104 (2010...
ABSTRACT Quicker than Most: Autogenic vs. Allogenic Controls on Ultra-High Resolution, Centennial-Scale Sequences in Arctic Norway, #90104 (2010)
Martinsen Ole J.; Leiknes Sture; Sharp Ian R.
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...ABSTRACT Quicker than Most: Autogenic vs. Allogenic Controls on Ultra-High Resolution, Centennial-Scale Sequences in Arctic Norway, #90104 (2010...
ABSTRACT: Exploring for Tight Oil in the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone on the Nemaha Ridge Using High Resolution 3D Seismic & Stratigraphic Analysis: A New Play in an Old Area; #90133 (2011)
Lee F. Krystinik and Tony Lupo
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...ABSTRACT: Exploring for Tight Oil in the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone on the Nemaha Ridge Using High Resolution 3D Seismic & Stratigraphic...
Abstract: Variable-factor S-transform for Time-frequency Decomposition, Deconvolution, and Noise Attenuation; #90172 (2014)
Todor I. Todorov, Gary F. Margrave
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... decomposition, which improves the resolution of the Gabor transform. The variable-factor S-transform One drawback of the Fourier transform...
Abstract: Identifying Nisku Porosity with Geostatistical Inversion: A Field Example; #90211 (2015)
Case Caulfield and Marina Feroci
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... of Geostatist ical Simulation have been combined with the concepts of Bayesian Inf erence and Markov Chain Monte Carlo to produce a s et of high resolution...
Abstract: High Resolution Correlation and Paleogeography of Bluesky Formation Shoreface Deposits, NW Alberta and NE BC; #90213 (2015)
Kimberly Robinson and Simon A.J. Pattison
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...Abstract: High Resolution Correlation and Paleogeography of Bluesky Formation Shoreface Deposits, NW Alberta and NE BC; #90213 (2015) Kimberly...
Abstract: Reprocessing of Controlled-Source Seismic Data from New Zealand Hikurangi Margin Offshore East Coast Basin; #90235 (2015)
Hanyan Wang
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... is a preparation for high resolution velocity analysis that aims at detecting gas hydrates on the Hikurangi margin in East Coast Basin, New Zealand. Recently...
Abstract: Quantitative Interpretation Using a New Neural Network Approach: Testing on Real Data Cases; #90246 (2016)
Maria Krylova, Jean-Jacques Schnitzler, Thierry Cadoret, Issam Tarrass
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... information as target information during the training process, it has been possible to obtain relatively high-resolution lithological information from...
Abstract: High-Resolution Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Study in Deep Water Reservoir Block M-11, Myanmar Exploration; #90253 (2016)
Khunamai Rungsai, Jakkarin Iamboon, Kanchit Jantarangsi, Puvanat Chumsena
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...Abstract: High-Resolution Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Study in Deep Water Reservoir Block M-11, Myanmar Exploration; #90253 (2016) Khunamai Rungsai...
Abstract: Fully Controlled Sampling Workflow for Multi-Scale X-Ray Imaging of Complex Reservoir Rock Samples to Be Used for Digital Rock Physics; #90254 (2016)
Sven Roth, Youli Hong, Hrishikesh Bale, Tianpeng Zhao, Sreenivas Bhattiprolu, Matthew Andrew, Chai Weichao, Jeff Gelb, and Benjamin Hornberger
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..., laser ablation, and multiscale X-ray scanning with resolution from several micrometer down to nanometer size. The challenge with complex rock types...
Abstract: Helicopter-Borne Transient Electromagnetics for High-Resolution Near-Surface Characterization; #90254 (2016)
Ersan Turkoglu, Diego Rovetta, Armando Sena, Daniele Columbo, Gary W. McNeice
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...Abstract: Helicopter-Borne Transient Electromagnetics for High-Resolution Near-Surface Characterization; #90254 (2016) Ersan Turkoglu, Diego Rovetta...
Abstract: Integration of conventional open hole logs and borehole images for lithofacies interpretation and porosity partitioning in the upper Jurassic Arab Formation, Saudi Arabia; #90254 (2016)
Weihua Wang, Keith A. MacPherson, Thagafy Marwan, Shahzad Ulhaq
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..., bedding dip changes, rock texture change, and fault or fracture zones to aid characterization of the reservoirs. Integration of conventional open...
Abstract: Analysis of Mass Transport Deposits in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico using High-Resolution Non-conductive Mud Borehole Images; #90256 (2016)
Anish Kumar, Wesley Cantwell, Juan Herrera Escobar
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...Abstract: Analysis of Mass Transport Deposits in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico using High-Resolution Non-conductive Mud Borehole Images; #90256 (2016...
Abstract: Delineation Of Hydrocarbon Migration Sweet Spots In Shales Through 3d Basin Modeling, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy And Bitan (Bitumen Anomaly) Mapping Of The South Texas Lower Cretaceous Eagle Ford; #90257 (2016)
John D. Pigott, Kulwadee L. Pigott, Ellen Stuchly
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...Abstract: Delineation Of Hydrocarbon Migration Sweet Spots In Shales Through 3d Basin Modeling, High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy And Bitan...
Abstract: Using Second-Order Adjoint State Methods in GPUS to Quantify Resolution on Full Waveform Inversions; #90255 (2017)
Sergio Abreo, Ana Ramirez, Oscar Mauricio Reyes Torres
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...Abstract: Using Second-Order Adjoint State Methods in GPUS to Quantify Resolution on Full Waveform Inversions; #90255 (2017) Sergio Abreo, Ana...
Abstract: Strategies to Include Geological Knowledge in Full Waveform Inversion; #90255 (2017)
Siddharth Sharma, Dries Gisolf, Stefan Luthi, Runhai Feng
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...-oriented fullwaveform inversion has the potential to deliver high-resolution quantitative images and is a promising technique to obtain macro-scale...
Abstract: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Model of Turbidites: A Case on the 1st Member of Kqn Formation in Dabusu Area, South Songliao Basin; #90310 (2017)
Zhao Ning, Huang Jiangqin, Zhang Guangya, Mao Fengjun, Deng Hongwen
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...Abstract: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Model of Turbidites: A Case on the 1st Member of Kqn Formation in Dabusu Area, South...
Abstract: Drone-Based Remote Sensing for Digital Outcrop Modeling Using Photogrammetry Techniques; #90319 (2018)
AbdulJaleel AbuBshait, Mokhles M. Mezghani, Salem Shammari, Mohammed I. Fallatah
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... an issue. The main goal of this work is to investigate alternative technologies for high resolution 3D outcrop modeling (cm to mm scale). High...
Abstract: New Approach to Aid Multi-Scale Imaging and Characterization of Heterogeneous Carbonate Rocks Using Epoxy-Pore Casts; #90319 (2018)
Ahmed S. Hassan, Viswasanthi Chandra, Maxim Yutkin, Tadeusz Patzek
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... that employs Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) in conjunction with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to obtain high resolution 3D images of epoxy...
Abstract: Scale Dependent Variations in Fracture Network Properties and Implications for Reservoir Characterization: A Fractured Carbonate Analog Study, Northwest Montana;
Adam Cawood, Clare Bond, Hannah Watkins, Mark Cooper, Marian Warren
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... flow pathways in the subsurface, but can be difficult to predict in these settings, given the limitations on availability or resolution of subsurface...