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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 25,882 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Seismic Monitoring of an Associated Gas Huff N PuffŽ for Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Middle Wolfcamp Shale of the Midland Basin, Texas

Abhash Kumar, Richard Hammack, Alex Bear, William Harbert

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... deployed a surface seismic array of 13 broadband seismometers around the surface footprint of a horizontal Upper Wolfcamp well that underwent huff and puff...


Validating Conductive Fracture Imaging With Cross-well Strain and Permanent Fiber Optic Flow Profiling

Scott Taylor, Anton Reshetnikov, Anna Nazarova

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... level from any temporarily deployed downhole geophone, or fiber optic array (DAS or DSS); (ii) (ii) provide a 4-dimensional observation...


Is Our Carbonate Reservoir Fractured or Not?; #41484 (2014)

Patrick Corbett

Search and

..., The geochoke test response in a catalogue of systematic geotype well test responses: SPE 93992 (presentation at Europec, Madrid, June), 13 p. Corbett...


Significance of Coring-Induced Fractures in Mesaverde Core, Northwestern Colorado (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... for the nonlinear quasistatic response of solids with the conjugate gradient method: Sandia National Laboratories report SAND81-0998, 76 p. Evans, M. A., 1980...


Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) Analysis: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

Allan T. Long, R. C. Anderson

AAPG Special Volumes

... on the angle of incidence. An AVO response not only occurs from an interface characterized by a contrast in Poisson's ratio, but also from interfaces...


ABSTRACT Real-Time Rig-Based Monitoring While Drilling the Riserless Section, #90104 (2010)

Berger William J.; Weller Jennifer

Search and

... wells drilled in the deepwater or in frontier areas require close attention to an array of topics including economic, regulatory,  environmental...


Characterizing Hydraulic Fractures Using the Transient Pressure Surge Effect

Yuesu Jin, Yingcai Zheng, Lianjie Huang, Christine Ehlig-Economides

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... a high sensitivity and a linear response from 1Hz – 600Hz. We installed six transducers on the top block, one (P1 in Fig. 1b and Fig 1d) on the front...


Refrac Candidate Selection Considering Natural Fracture Orientation in the Near-Fault Damage Zone; #42463 (2019)

Travis Ramsay, Luisalic Hernandez, Jennifer Li, Meftun Erdogan

Search and

... by the distribution of its properties with P-impedance and simulated natural fracture Development of an unstructured 3D geocellular array o Including both...


Induced seismicity in Howard County I: The buried Grenville Front in the Midland Basin and its role in localizing induced seismicity, Texas

Andrew Keene, Jeff Zawila, Tony Lupo, Rich Gibson, Alan R. Huffman, Rachel Storniolo

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of background basement, and modeled basement response from inserted structures. Bottom panel: Keller must invoke ~5-15km thick “precambrian granite...


Impacting Factors on Horizontal Coal Seam Gas Well Production and Proxy Model Comparison

Qian Wang, Diane Donovan, Thomas Reay, Bevan Thompson, Iain Rodger, Fengde Zhou, Xianbo Su, Emine Şule Yazιcι

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... gas production in horizontal wells. The results were then used to compare the performance of proxy models based on linear and quadratic response...


Impact of the Big Hole Fault on Fluid Flow in the Navajo Sandstone, Northern San Rafael Swell, Utah

Thomas E. Lachmar, William M. Schieb

Utah Geological Association

... displacement profiles and off-fault deformation—interpreting the records of fault growth at the Chimney Rock fault array, Utah, U.S.: Edinburgh, Edinburgh...


Diving wave tomography: Velocity modelling using first arrival traveltime

Amatul Syafi Abdul Basit, Abdul Rahim Md Arshad, Arulini Permalu

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... in the North Sea (Virieux & Operto, 2009). The linear relationship of velocity with distance travelled by seismic wave (ref. Equation 1) implied a constant...


Resistivity Modeling as a Formation Evaluation Tool - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2

Hezhu Yin

AAPG Special Volumes

...Resistivity Modeling as a Formation Evaluation Tool - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series...


An Integrated Approach to Development Optimization Using Monitor Wells and Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics in the Permian Basin

Ripudaman Manchanda, Yueming Liang, Holger Meier, Karthik Srinivasan, Sergio Leonardi, Mary Johns, Shelby Lyons, Owen Hehmeyer, Justin Eckes, Jonathan Zybala, Alberto Ortega, Kshitij Mohan, Dalton Vice, Satish Kumar Dayalan, Saurabh Rasal, Jake Kamps, Kendal Decker, Peeyush Bhargava, Prasad Sumant, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Isha Sahni, Matthew Bourke, Rayssa Sanchez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) was drilled amongst the pilot wells and equipped with an externally mounted pressure gauge array and an external fiber optic cable for dedicated sensing...


Observations of Induction Dielectric Measurements and Their Role in Determining Thermal Maturity of Organic Mudrocks

John C. Rasmus, Dean Homan, Gong Li Wang, Natalie Uschner

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... comparisons show that the abnormal response of the log measurements may be explained by the presence of graphitic type structures in the organic matter...


Shallow Gas Identification using LWD Monopole Sonic: A Non-Radioactive Solution for Safe and Effective Logs Acquisition in Tunu Field, Mahakam Delta

Antonius Tri Santoso, Hidayat Mukmin, Haris Kurniawan Hidayat, Supriady

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for wave components that have constant slowness across the tool receiver array. The search is done over a set of time windows with systematically...


Time-Lapse Imaging of Heavy Oil Reservoirs at Shallow and Deep Using Ultra-Stable Seismic Sources; #41994 (2017)

Junzo Kasahara

Search and

... or 3D geophone array. Using residual waveforms of before and after the injection of vapor or super critical CO2 to reservoirs, we can image the time...


References: Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2

Hezhu Yin

AAPG Special Volumes

...References: Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2 Hezhu Yin References  References...


The Effect of Marine Seismic Surveys on the Movement, Abundance and Community Structure of Demersal Fish Assemblages on the North West Shelf

Mark G. Meekan, Conrad W. Speed, Robert D. McCauley, Jayson M. Semmens, Stephen J. Newman, Rebecca Fisher, Miles J. G. Parsons

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... array, sailing a racetrack pattern with eight operational (high exposure zone) and eight inactive (vessel control zone) sail lines, with a 500 m...


Maintaining and Repairing Casing Integrity - Workshop Summary

Alan Snider, Don Vogtsberger, Ed Barret, Stefanie Merkel, Rodney Reynolds, Wes Randall, John Francis, Sam Toscano


... or casing wall. Defects such as internal or external corrosion pitting cause flux perturbations that are detected by a circumferential array of inductive...


Broadband Data from Flat Streamers: Considerations for Acquisition and Processing

Phil Fontona, Edward Hager

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... - Spectrum from 7 m deep air gun array (black) and the ghost response from an 18.5 m deep receiver (red). Where the maximum emission response from air...


Subsurface compressional structures and facies transitions imaged by seismic reflection data, eastern margin of Richardson Trough, Peel Plateau, Yukon

Kristin M. M. Rohr, Larry S. Lane, Bernard C. MacLean

CSPG Bulletin

... Anticlinorium (blue shading), Richardson Fault Array (faults in red), Peel Plateau (green shading) and Peel Plain with approximate area of study (Fig. 3...


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