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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 144 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Hydal Saeeda

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... REVERBERATIONS. Hydal Saeeda, WesternGeco In the Colombus Basin, off the east coast of Trinidad and Tobago, the presence of multiples and their attenuation...


ABSTRACT: Adaptive Subtraction of Multiples: a Case History from the Middle East; #90051 (2006)

Dr Jaafar Ali, Dr Roald Van Borselen

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...-surface multiples & internal reverberations, and weak primaries. This paper will shade lights on some of the practical aspects of applying these data...


Abstract: Land Demultiple without Velocity Discrimination: Tau-P Deconvolution on High Fold Desert Data; #90211 (2015)

Qiang Li and Shelton Hubbell

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... and include real data examples that will demonstrate the effect of Tau-P deconvolution on land multiples. Reverberations and interbed multiples...


Abstract: An Integrated Approach for AVA Amplitude Friendly Processing; #90319 (2018)

Arun K. Sarkar, Ahmed A. Alghamdi, Gunawan Romli, Ayman Suleiman, Salah Elhagali

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... noise were attenuated after interpolating the sources and receivers to a finer grid. Receiver side multiples and short period reverberations were...


ABSTRACT: Model-Driven Land Multiple Suppression - the Third Generation; #90051 (2006)

Weihong Zhu, Khalid Alrufaii, Panos Kelamis

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... greater problem is caused by deeper non-surface related interbed reverberations where the multiple stacking velocity is close to that of the primary...


Demultiple for Wide-Tow Broadband Acquisition in a Shallow Water Environment: A Case Study from the NW Shelf, Australia

Mike Hartley, Shuo Ji, Alex Browne

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... dataset in the Northern Carnarvon basin, North West shelf Australia. We demonstrate that the removal of shallow water multiples can be optimized...


Seismic Interpretation I and II--Recent Advances in Seismic Exploration: ABSTRACT

Ray L. Sengbush

AAPG Bulletin

... and reverberations is overcome by deconvolution, where the unknown and spacial varying source pulse is replaced by one that has constant and more...


CGG 3D Surface-Related Multiple Modelling: A Unique Approach, #41590 (2015).

David Le Meur, Antonio Pica, Terje Weisser

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... the efficiency of our 3D SRMM approach to handle complex diffracted multiples due to the 3D structure of the water bottom. 3D surveys acquired in Offshore...


Characteristics of the Free Surface Multiple Attenuation Using Wave Field Extrapolation; #40504 (2010)

PatrĂ­cia P. Ferreira, Marco Antonio, Cetale Santos, and Luiz Landau

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...-related multiples (water layer reverberations and peg-legs, for example), which have been researched by Berkhout (1982), Verschuur et al., (1992...


Marchenko-based internal multiple attenuation feasibility analysis for a thin-layered media in ultra-shallow water OBN from offshore Middle East

Frederico Xavier de Melo, Suyang Chen, Luis Salinas, Shotaro Nakayama, Nozomi Yamamoto

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... multiples originating in the overburden manifest themselves as shortperiod and non-periodic peg-leg reverberations. Depending on the acoustic contrast...


Abstract: Intrinsic and Apparent Seismic Attenuation in VSP Data; #90211 (2015)

Arnim Haase and Robert Stewart

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..., the stratigraphic Q caused by reverberations between layer interfaces, and a gain component. When comparing results from a 1D wave equation model...


Abstract: 2D2C OBC Offshore Processing Experience in Kuwait; #90319 (2018)

Riyanto Kusumo, Agus Abdullah, Fatma Basha, Hanan Al-Hasan, Anwar Al-Kandari

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... Survey exhibits low signal to noise ratio because of disturbance of direct waves, short period reverberations, multiples, severe bubbling in shallow...


ABSTRACT: Time vs Depth Imaging: Improving Seismic-well Correlation and AVO Modeling for a Heterogeneous Shallow Marine Reservoir: Example from Krishna-Godavari Basin; #90118 (2011)

Tandra Roy, Pavel Vasilyev, Dhananjay Tiwari, Bijay K. Behera, and D. Srinivas

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... extremely noisy due to the presence of rigs, vessels and fishing activities that were going on during acquisition as well as the nature of multiples...


Overview of Exploration Geophysics: Recent Breakthroughs and Challenging New Problems: Hydrocarbons

B. S. Flowers

AAPG Special Volumes

... model of the multiple generators which must be obtained from the reflection record by accounting for all of the reverberations, s mple multiples...


Eye-Openers from Re-Processing of Oil Sands Seismic Data; #41290 (2014)

David Gray, Seann Day, and Scott Shapper

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... the seismic gathers at these wide angles. Wide-angle noise such as multiples, converted-waves, refractions, and first-break reverberations must also...


The Geophysicists' Bane: Multiple Suppression on the North West Shelf

C. R. T. Ramsden, M. R. Hobson, R. Cooper

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-leg multiples, the problem is compounded by a strong intrabed multiple generated by a Tertiary carbonate wedge which thickens offshore to the north...


Overview of Exploration Geophysics--Recent Breakthroughs and Challenging New Problems

B. S. Flowers

AAPG Bulletin

... by accounting for all of the reverberations, simple m ltiples, and peg-leg multiples generated by the reflecting interfaces. Or, it requires a predictive...


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