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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,856 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Big Hill Field, Jefferson County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert S. Dollison
AAPG Bulletin
...Big Hill Field, Jefferson County, Texas: ABSTRACT Robert S. Dollison 1965 1749 1749 49 10. (October) Big Hill field is in the Frio sand trend...
(Movie Film) "Rivers-of-Sand" and Other Erosional Processes in Submarine Canyons: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Dill
AAPG Bulletin
...(Movie Film) "Rivers-of-Sand" and Other Erosional Processes in Submarine Canyons: ABSTRACT Robert F. Dill 1965 1759 1759 49 10. (October...
Upper Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera from Yolo and Colusa Counties, California: ABSTRACT
Robert Douglas
AAPG Bulletin
...Upper Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera from Yolo and Colusa Counties, California: ABSTRACT Robert Douglas 1965 1759 1759 49 10. (October) Samples...
Geology and Development of Lathrop Gas Field, San Joaquin County, California: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Teitsworth
AAPG Bulletin
...Geology and Development of Lathrop Gas Field, San Joaquin County, California: ABSTRACT Robert A. Teitsworth 1965 1767 1767 49 10. (October...
Chemical Diagenesis of Some Modern Carbonate Sediments: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Berner
AAPG Bulletin
...Chemical Diagenesis of Some Modern Carbonate Sediments: ABSTRACT Robert A. Berner 1966 606 606 50 3. (March) Mineralogical determinations and pore...
Distribution of Late Cretaceous Rotaliporidae and Globotruncanidae in California and Northwestern Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert Douglas, W. V. Sliter
AAPG Bulletin
...Distribution of Late Cretaceous Rotaliporidae and Globotruncanidae in California and Northwestern Mexico: ABSTRACT Robert Douglas, W. V. Sliter 1966...
Abstract: Prospects for World Oil Supply, by R. W. Esser; #91007 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Ostracodes and Siluro-Devonian Boundary in South-Central Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Lundin
AAPG Bulletin
...Ostracodes and Siluro-Devonian Boundary in South-Central Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Robert F. Lundin 1966 623 624 50 3. (March) Detailed studies...
Paleogeographic and Paleoecologic Analysis of Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
Richard K. Olsson, Robert N. Davids
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleogeographic and Paleoecologic Analysis of Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT Richard K. Olsson, Robert N. Davids 1966 630 630 50 3. (March...
Role of Kinetics in Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Schmalz
AAPG Bulletin
...Role of Kinetics in Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments: ABSTRACT Robert F. Schmalz 1966 633 634 50 3. (March) Because most modern carbonate...
Differentiating Shelf and Marine Sands from Deltaic and Brackish-Water Deposits Using Modern Techniques: ABSTRACT
Robert G. Young
AAPG Bulletin
...Differentiating Shelf and Marine Sands from Deltaic and Brackish-Water Deposits Using Modern Techniques: ABSTRACT Robert G. Young 1966 641 641 50 3...
Abstract: Rosedale Ranch Oil Field, New Shallow Pay in an Old Field, by R. Nahama and R. Sterling; #91009 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Sub-Regional Report of Camerina Zone, Southwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT
Frank W. Harrison, Robert A. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
...Sub-Regional Report of Camerina Zone, Southwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT Frank W. Harrison, Robert A. Anderson 1966 2319 2319 50 10. (October) A detailed...
Abstract: Beneath the Precambrian Belt in the Deepest Well Ever Drilled in Montana, by C. H. Peterson and R. C. Nims; #91010 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Prediction of Hydrocarbon/Water Contacts for Wildcat Prospects Using Pressures and Fluid-Gradient Data--Applications in West Texas, by R. G. Font; #91011 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Geomorphic Evolution of Continental Margins: ABSTRACT
Robert S. Dietz
AAPG Bulletin
...Geomorphic Evolution of Continental Margins: ABSTRACT Robert S. Dietz 1967 461 461 51 3. (March) Continental margins are important realms of gas...
Education for a Scientific Age: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Heller
AAPG Bulletin
...Education for a Scientific Age: ABSTRACT Robert L. Heller 1967 469 469 51 3. (March) Science will play an increasingly significant role in the lives...
Paleoecology of Santa Barbara Zone, Pliocene of Southern California: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Meade
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleoecology of Santa Barbara Zone, Pliocene of Southern California: ABSTRACT Robert F. Meade 1967 474 475 51 3. (March) The Santa Barbara fauna...
Classification of Gravity-Formed Second-Cycle Bedding Features in Mississippian Rocks of Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Morris
AAPG Bulletin
...Classification of Gravity-Formed Second-Cycle Bedding Features in Mississippian Rocks of Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas: ABSTRACT Robert C. Morris 1967...
R-Mode Factor Analysis of Cincinnatian (Upper Ordovician) Limestones: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Osborne
AAPG Bulletin
...R-Mode Factor Analysis of Cincinnatian (Upper Ordovician) Limestones: ABSTRACT Robert H. Osborne 1967 477 477 51 3. (March) An R-mode factor analysis...
Abstract: Cenozoic History of Sedimentation in the Indian Ocean Basins and Margins, by T. A. Davies and R. B. Kidd; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
K-Ar Mineral Age of Ash Bed in Pico Formation, Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Robert S. Yeats, W. A. McLaughlin, George Edwards
AAPG Bulletin
...K-Ar Mineral Age of Ash Bed in Pico Formation, Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT Robert S. Yeats, W. A. McLaughlin, George Edwards 1967 486 486 51...
Computer as Aid to Geologic Communication: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Meader
AAPG Bulletin
...Computer as Aid to Geologic Communication: ABSTRACT Robert W. Meader 1967 1903 1904 51 9. (September) Machine-oriented information retrieval systems...
Rates of Sedimentation and Intrabasin Deformation, Upper Cretaceous, Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
...Rates of Sedimentation and Intrabasin Deformation, Upper Cretaceous, Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT Robert J. Weimer 1967 1907 1907 51 9. (September...