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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,826 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: A Fault-Controlled Gas-Water Boundary Near the Elmworth Field, Alberta: A Mundane Solution to a Previously Anomalous Situation, by E. Mason, C. Murray, J. Davidson, and R. Ehrlich; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: An Overview of Sub-Devonian Plays in the Appalachian and Black Warrior Basins, by R. C. Milici; #91012 (1992).
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Introduction to Composition and Stratigraphy Relationships of Permian Basin Oils, Texas and New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Harold J. Holmquest, Jr., Robert T. Johansen, Harold M. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
...Introduction to Composition and Stratigraphy Relationships of Permian Basin Oils, Texas and New Mexico: ABSTRACT Harold J. Holmquest, Jr., Robert...
Depositional Processes in Salina Salt of Michigan and New York: ABSTRACT
Louis F. Dellwig, Robert Evans
AAPG Bulletin
...Depositional Processes in Salina Salt of Michigan and New York: ABSTRACT Louis F. Dellwig, Robert Evans 1968 524 524 52 3. (March) The contrast...
Sarir, Libya: Desert Surprise: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Sanford
AAPG Bulletin
...Sarir, Libya: Desert Surprise: ABSTRACT Robert M. Sanford 1968 549 549 52 3. (March) The Bunker Hunt-British Petroleum's Sarir oil field of Libya...
Evaporite Deposition in Deep Water: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Schmalz
AAPG Bulletin
...Evaporite Deposition in Deep Water: ABSTRACT Robert F. Schmalz 1968 549 549 52 3. (March) Reasoning by analogy with modern salinas, most geologists...
Petrography and Origin of Lower Tuscaloosa Sandstones, Mallalieu Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg, Billy C. Cook
AAPG Bulletin
...Petrography and Origin of Lower Tuscaloosa Sandstones, Mallalieu Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg, Billy C. Cook 1968 1828...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Productivity Characteristics of Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonates, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain, by E. A. Mancini, B. H. Tew, and R. M. Mink; #91014 (1992).
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Authigenic and Detrital Dolomite in Unconsolidated Deep-Water Sediments of West Florida Slope, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert N. Mitchum, John N. Bubb, Douglas Perry
AAPG Bulletin
...Authigenic and Detrital Dolomite in Unconsolidated Deep-Water Sediments of West Florida Slope, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT Robert N. Mitchum, John N...
Bloodworth Northeast Field, Coke and Nolan Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Wilton J. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Nolan County line in Coke County, Texas, and approximately 15 mi northwest of Robert Lee. The producing reservoir is a Canyon (Upper Pennsylvanian...
Abstract: Flexure Trend Slope Fan Deposition Gulf of Mexico, by R. K. Sawyer and T. C. O'Hearn; #91014 (1992).
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Anacapa Rift, California: ABSTRACT
Robert S. Yeats
AAPG Bulletin
...Anacapa Rift, California: ABSTRACT Robert S. Yeats 1969 460 460 53 2. (February) The Channel Islands, like the Salinian block, have been explained...
Abstract: Relationship of Magnetic Susceptibility and Hydrocarbons, by R. H. Barton and W. D. Tomlinson; #91015 (1992).
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Processes Affecting Distribution of Foraminifera and Other Biogenic Sediment Components off Coast of Washington and Oregon: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Harman
AAPG Bulletin
...Processes Affecting Distribution of Foraminifera and Other Biogenic Sediment Components off Coast of Washington and Oregon: ABSTRACT Robert A. Harman...
Sediment-Foraminiferal Relations within Inner Sublittoral Zone off Coast of Washington: ABSTRACT
Ronald J. Echols, Sarah S. Barnes, Robert A. Harman
AAPG Bulletin
...Sediment-Foraminiferal Relations within Inner Sublittoral Zone off Coast of Washington: ABSTRACT Ronald J. Echols, Sarah S. Barnes, Robert A. Harman...
Distribution of Foraminifera on Alaskan and Siberian Continental Shelves: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Harman, Susan C. Cooper
AAPG Bulletin
...Distribution of Foraminifera on Alaskan and Siberian Continental Shelves: ABSTRACT Robert A. Harman, Susan C. Cooper 1969 466 466 53 2. (February...
Secondary Calcification in Globorotalia Menardii (Foraminiferida): ABSTRACT
Robert L. Fleisher
AAPG Bulletin
...Secondary Calcification in Globorotalia Menardii (Foraminiferida): ABSTRACT Robert L. Fleisher 1969 466 466 53 2. (February) Specimens...
Sediment Distribution, Differential Sedimentary Cycling, and Geochemical "Uniformitarianism": ABSTRACT
Robert M. Garrels, Fred T. Mackenzie
AAPG Bulletin
...Sediment Distribution, Differential Sedimentary Cycling, and Geochemical "Uniformitarianism": ABSTRACT Robert M. Garrels, Fred T. Mackenzie 1969 718...
Studies on Sedimentology of Shell Beds on Bermudian Patch Reefs: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Pohowsky
AAPG Bulletin
...Studies on Sedimentology of Shell Beds on Bermudian Patch Reefs: ABSTRACT Robert A. Pohowsky 1969 736 736 53 3. (March) The upper surfaces of two...
Abstract: Regional Geologic Framework of Santa Maria and Santa Barbara Channel Basins: Potential Productive Structural and Stratigraphic Trends, by R. W. Altobelli, C. K. Ogawa, and R. D. Edwards; #91016 (1992).
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Abstract: The Underground Injection Control Program of the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, by R. Habel; #91016 (1992).
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Surficial Alteration of Pleistocene(?) Limestone Adjacent to Saline Lakes, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico: ABSTRACT
William C. Ward, Robert L. Folk, James Lee Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
...Surficial Alteration of Pleistocene(?) Limestone Adjacent to Saline Lakes, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico: ABSTRACT William C. Ward, Robert L...
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization by Multicomponent 3-D Seismic Imaging, South Casper Creek Field, Wyoming, by T. L. Davis, R. D. Benson, and D. List; #91017 (1992).
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Abstract: International Exploration by Independent, by R. G. Bertragne; #91018 (1992).
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Megafaunal Facies, Estuary to Shelf Edge, Surrounding Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Parker
AAPG Bulletin
...Megafaunal Facies, Estuary to Shelf Edge, Surrounding Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT Robert H. Parker 1969 2042 2042 53 9. (September) Nearly 20 years...