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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,856 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Abstract: Integrated Interpretation Processing in Noonen Ranch Field, by R. Q. Wales; #91018 (1992).
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Gross Transport of Suspended Sediments over Continental Shelves as Analyzed from Gemini and Apollo Space Photography: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Stevenson
AAPG Bulletin
...Gross Transport of Suspended Sediments over Continental Shelves as Analyzed from Gemini and Apollo Space Photography: ABSTRACT Robert E. Stevenson...
Statistical Analysis of Calcisiltites from Bird Spring Group, Mountain Springs, Nevada: ABSTRACT
Donald S. McDougall, Robert H. Osborne
AAPG Bulletin
...Statistical Analysis of Calcisiltites from Bird Spring Group, Mountain Springs, Nevada: ABSTRACT Donald S. McDougall, Robert H. Osborne 1970 556 556...
Cyclicity in Upper Tertiary Basin-Margin Deposits of California Coast Ranges: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Stanton, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Cyclicity in Upper Tertiary Basin-Margin Deposits of California Coast Ranges: ABSTRACT Robert J. Stanton, Jr. 1970 561 561 54 3. (March) Upper...
Depositional Environments of Muddy Reservoir Sandstones (Lower Cretaceous) in Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg, David K. Davies
AAPG Bulletin
...Depositional Environments of Muddy Reservoir Sandstones (Lower Cretaceous) in Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg, David...
Abstract: 3-D Multicomponent Seismic Reservoir Characterization of South Casper Creek Field, Natrona County, Wyoming, by R. D. Benson, T. L. Davis, and D. List; #90987 (1993).
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Criteria for Identification of Sedimentary Environments in Reservoir Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Criteria for Identification of Sedimentary Environments in Reservoir Sandstones: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg 1970 1782 1783 54 9. (September...
Correlation of Silurian Strata Between Georgia, Alabama, and Florida Based on Chitinozoan Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT
Robert F. Goldstein
AAPG Bulletin
...Correlation of Silurian Strata Between Georgia, Alabama, and Florida Based on Chitinozoan Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT Robert F. Goldstein 1970 1784...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Trap Classification Using a Tetrahedral Model, by R. F. Ehinger; #90987 (1993).
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Gross Transport of Suspended Sediments Over Continental Shelves as Analyzed from Gemini and Apollo Space Photography: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Stevenson
AAPG Bulletin
...Gross Transport of Suspended Sediments Over Continental Shelves as Analyzed from Gemini and Apollo Space Photography: ABSTRACT Robert E. Stevenson...
Mesozoic Sequence in Arctic Alaska: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Detterman
AAPG Bulletin
...Mesozoic Sequence in Arctic Alaska: ABSTRACT Robert L. Detterman 1970 2477 2477 54 12. (December) Early Mesozoic rocks in Arctic Alaska reflect...
Abstract: Rebuilding the Gulf of Mexico through Integration and Cooperation, by R. L. Howard; #90987 (1993).
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Abstract: Downdip Regressive-Transgressive Sequences in the Claiborne Group, by R. A. Hull; #90987 (1993).
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Physical Chemistry of Carbonates in Oceans: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Berner
AAPG Bulletin
...Physical Chemistry of Carbonates in Oceans: ABSTRACT Robert A. Berner 1971 331 331 55 2. (February) The common carbonate minerals found in oceanic...
Geology, Oil Fields, and Future Petroleum Potential of Santa Barbara Channel Region, California: ABSTRACT
John F. Curran, Kemptom B. Hall, Robert F. Herron
AAPG Bulletin
...Geology, Oil Fields, and Future Petroleum Potential of Santa Barbara Channel Region, California: ABSTRACT John F. Curran, Kemptom B. Hall, Robert F...
Petrographic Analysis of Sandstones in Stratigraphic Exploration: ABSTRACT
David K. Davies, Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Petrographic Analysis of Sandstones in Stratigraphic Exploration: ABSTRACT David K. Davies, Robert R. Berg 1971 335 335 55 2. (February) All...
Progress in Ichnology--Study of Animal Spoor: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Frey
AAPG Bulletin
...Progress in Ichnology--Study of Animal Spoor: ABSTRACT Robert W. Frey 1971 339 339 55 2. (February) Trace fossils--the tracks, trails, burrows...
Landward Movement of Carbonate Mud: New Model for Regressive Cycles in Carbonates: ABSTRACT
Robert N. Ginsburg
AAPG Bulletin
...Landward Movement of Carbonate Mud: New Model for Regressive Cycles in Carbonates: ABSTRACT Robert N. Ginsburg 1971 340 340 55 2. (February) Repeated...
Morphologic Variation in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT
Alan D. Hecht, Robert G. Douglas
AAPG Bulletin
...Morphologic Variation in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera: ABSTRACT Alan D. Hecht, Robert G. Douglas 1971 342 342 55 2. (February) Intraspecific...
Stratigraphic and Paleoecologic Significance of Ostracods from Shubuta Clay (Tertiary) of Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Howe, Herbert J. Howe
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphic and Paleoecologic Significance of Ostracods from Shubuta Clay (Tertiary) of Mississippi: ABSTRACT Robert C. Howe, Herbert J. Howe 1971...
Stratigraphic Exploration Symposium--Summary: ABSTRACT
Robert E. King
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphic Exploration Symposium--Summary: ABSTRACT Robert E. King 1971 347 347 55 2. (February) Despite the existence of some truly giant oil...
Deep-Sea Chert in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Laury
AAPG Bulletin
...Deep-Sea Chert in Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT Robert L. Laury 1971 348 348 55 2. (February) Chert from at least 9 different stratigraphic zones, ranging...
Porosity-Cement-Depth Relation for Minnelusa Sandstones, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
W. Richard Moore, Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Porosity-Cement-Depth Relation for Minnelusa Sandstones, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT W. Richard Moore, Robert R. Berg 1971 354 354 55 2...
Stratification in Willow Creek Alluvial Fan, Eureka Valley, Inyo County, California: ABSTRACT
Robert Q. Oaks, Jr., Emily C. Oaks
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratification in Willow Creek Alluvial Fan, Eureka Valley, Inyo County, California: ABSTRACT Robert Q. Oaks, Jr., Emily C. Oaks 1971 356 356 55 2...
Calcified Algal Filaments in Reefs: Criterion of Early Diagenesis: ABSTRACT
Johannes H. Schroeder, Robert N. Ginsburg
AAPG Bulletin
...Calcified Algal Filaments in Reefs: Criterion of Early Diagenesis: ABSTRACT Johannes H. Schroeder, Robert N. Ginsburg 1971 364 364 55 2. (February...