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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,826 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Significant Reserve Additions from Oligocene Hackberry Sands Utilizing 3-D Seismic, Upper Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast, by R. L. Zamboras; #90955 (1995).
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Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Relations Among Three Frontier-Turner Depocenters in Wyoming Portion of Powder River Basin: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Brenner
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Relations Among Three Frontier-Turner Depocenters in Wyoming Portion of Powder River Basin: ABSTRACT Robert L...
Minnelusa-Powder River Basin--Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Roehrs
AAPG Bulletin
...Minnelusa-Powder River Basin--Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT Robert C. Roehrs 1979 839 839 63 5. (May) The Permian-Pennsylvanian Minnelusa...
Turbidite Channel Reservoirs in Canyon Sandstone, Roundtop Area, Fisher County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Turbidite Channel Reservoirs in Canyon Sandstone, Roundtop Area, Fisher County, Texas: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg 1979 1425 1425 63 8. (August) Thin...
Evidence for Wrench Faulting, Southern Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Webster
AAPG Bulletin
...Evidence for Wrench Faulting, Southern Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas: ABSTRACT Robert E. Webster 1979 1428 1429 63 8. (August) A structural...
Petrology and Maturation of Dispersed Organic Matter in New Albany Shale Group of Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT
Mary H. Barrows, Robert M. Cluff, Richard D. Harvey
AAPG Bulletin
...Petrology and Maturation of Dispersed Organic Matter in New Albany Shale Group of Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT Mary H. Barrows, Robert M. Cluff, Richard...
Paleozoic Disruptive Deformation in North American Continent and Its Relation to Formation and Development of Interior Basins and Deformation Within Orogenic Core: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Shumaker
AAPG Bulletin
... Orogenic Core: ABSTRACT Robert C. Shumaker 1979 1588 1588 63 9. (September) The two major disruptive tectonic events during the Paleozoic which...
Exploration for Pennsylvanian Sandstones, South-Central Kansas: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Exploration for Pennsylvanian Sandstones, South-Central Kansas: ABSTRACT J. Robert Berg 1979 2115 2115 63 11. (November) To determine the presence...
STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION: Note 51--Records of Stratigraphic Commission, 1976-78
AAPG Bulletin
.... Harrison (1974-77) Malcolm P. Weiss (1976-79) William W. Hay (1975-78) Robert S. Houston (1977-80) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Norman F. Sohl...
Triassic Paleocaliche in Red Beds of Dolores Formation, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Blodgett
AAPG Bulletin
...Triassic Paleocaliche in Red Beds of Dolores Formation, Southwestern Colorado: ABSTRACT Robert H. Blodgett 1980 678 678 64 5. (May) Early diagenesis...
Depositional Environments in Upper Cambrian Jordan Sandstone in Wisconsin: ABSTRACT
Charles W. Byers, Robert H. Dott, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Depositional Environments in Upper Cambrian Jordan Sandstone in Wisconsin: ABSTRACT Charles W. Byers, Robert H. Dott, Jr. 1980 685 685 64 5. (May...
Internal Structures of Shallow-Marine Tidal Sand Waves: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Dalrymple
AAPG Bulletin
...Internal Structures of Shallow-Marine Tidal Sand Waves: ABSTRACT Robert W. Dalrymple 1980 696 696 64 5. (May) Asymmetric sand waves (average height...
Shale Mineralogy of General Crude Oil and Department of Energy 1 Pleasant Bayou Geopressured-Geothermal Test Well, Brazoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Freed
AAPG Bulletin
... Robert L. Freed 1980 709 709 64 5. (May) Thirty-three shale samples, ranging in depth from 2,185 to 15,592 ft (666 to 4,752 m), were examined by X-ray...
Abstract: Make Fractal Landscapes and Fly-Through Animations Using USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEM's), by J. K. Nakata and R. K. Mark; #90958 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Archive Slides and Negatives on Photo CD's, then Annotate and Enhance, by E. B. Newman, R. K. Mark, and J. K. Nakata; #90958 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Lower Cretaceous Shelf Storm Deposits, North Texas: ABSTRACT
David K. Hobday, Robert A. Morton
AAPG Bulletin
...Lower Cretaceous Shelf Storm Deposits, North Texas: ABSTRACT David K. Hobday, Robert A. Morton 1980 723 723 64 5. (May) Many of the important...
Whitney Canyon Field--Potential Gas Giant in Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT
James B. Judd, William R. Sacrison, Robert A. Bishop
AAPG Bulletin
...Whitney Canyon Field--Potential Gas Giant in Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT James B. Judd, William R. Sacrison, Robert A. Bishop 1980 730 730 64 5...
Abstract: Fossil Resources Involving Federal Lands in California, by G. Wilkerson, R. Reynolds, D. Lawler, and B. Nafus; #90958 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Barrow Gas Fields, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Lantz
AAPG Bulletin
...Barrow Gas Fields, North Slope, Alaska: ABSTRACT Robert J. Lantz 1980 737 737 64 5. (May) The Barrow gas fields, located a few miles south of Point...
Abstract: Hydrogeologic Controls on Petroleum Accumulations in the Great Basin, by R. F. Grabb; #90959 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Resin Rods and Woody Rod-Like Structures in Pennsylvanian Coal Beds of Appalachian and Illinois Basins: ABSTRACT
Paul C. Lyons, Robert B. Finkelman, Orrin G. Oftendahl
AAPG Bulletin
...Resin Rods and Woody Rod-Like Structures in Pennsylvanian Coal Beds of Appalachian and Illinois Basins: ABSTRACT Paul C. Lyons, Robert B. Finkelman...
Geologic Setting and Oil and Gas Potential of Eastern United States Continental Margin North of Cape Hatteras: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Mattick
AAPG Bulletin
...Geologic Setting and Oil and Gas Potential of Eastern United States Continental Margin North of Cape Hatteras: ABSTRACT Robert E. Mattick 1980 746...
Radiolarian Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Eastern Part of Southern Peninsula of Haiti: ABSTRACT
Florentin Maurrasse, Robert Visconti
AAPG Bulletin
...Radiolarian Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Eastern Part of Southern Peninsula of Haiti: ABSTRACT Florentin Maurrasse, Robert Visconti 1980 747...
Getting the Most Out of Radon Geochemistry: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Morse
AAPG Bulletin
...Getting the Most Out of Radon Geochemistry: ABSTRACT Robert H. Morse 1980 754 754 64 5. (May) Radon and radium are specific indicators of uranium...
Location of Littoral Energy Fence and Resolution of Relict Features on Atlantic Shelf, United States--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis: ABSTRACT
Debra Riester, Robert Ehrlich
AAPG Bulletin
... Riester, Robert Ehrlich 1980 773 774 64 5. (May) Even though, in any given area, shelf sands deposited during the Holocene-Pleistocene may have a common...