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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,826 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abnormal Pressures in Lower Vicksburg, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg, Mark F. Habeck
AAPG Bulletin
...Abnormal Pressures in Lower Vicksburg, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg, Mark F. Habeck 1982 1425 1425 66 9. (September...
Using Nannofossil Counts in Interpretation of Subsurface Deltas: ABSTRACT
Robert W. Everett, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Using Nannofossil Counts in Interpretation of Subsurface Deltas: ABSTRACT Robert W. Everett, Jr. 1982 1428 1429 66 9. (September) The Balize delta...
ABSTRACT: "Junk Science," Geologists and the Judicial Process, by R. J. Weimer; #91021 (2010)
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Braided-Stream and Alluvial-Fan Depositional Environment of Lower to Middle Eocene Ione Formation, Madera County, California: ABSTRACT
Christopher M. Palmer, Robert D. Merrill
AAPG Bulletin
.... Palmer, Robert D. Merrill 1982 1697 1697 66 10. (October) The lower to middle Eocene Ione Formation in southern Madera County was deposited...
ABSTRACT: Modeling a Miscible Flood in the Prudhoe Bay Field, by R. J. Withers; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Late Miocene Activity on San Gabriel Fault as Indicated by Paleoenvironment of Castaic Formation: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Stanton
AAPG Bulletin
...Late Miocene Activity on San Gabriel Fault as Indicated by Paleoenvironment of Castaic Formation: ABSTRACT Robert J. Stanton 1982 1700 1701 66 10...
Nonmarine Lithofacies Included In Scappoose Formation, Northwest Oregon: ABSTRACT
Robert O. Van Atta, Kevin B. Kelty
AAPG Bulletin
...Nonmarine Lithofacies Included In Scappoose Formation, Northwest Oregon: ABSTRACT Robert O. Van Atta, Kevin B. Kelty 1982 1702 1702 66 10. (October...
ABSTRACT: New Perspectives on Airborne Radiometric Reconnaisance: Analyses of NURE (National Uranium Resource Evaluation) Data Over Four Producing Oilfields, by R. Zinke and J. G. Morse; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: Regional Mapping of Coal Beds in Kentucky, by R. E. Andrews, E. E. Thacker, and G. A. Weisenfluh; #90939 (1997)
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Abstract: West Virginia's Mineral Lands Mapping Program, by G. H. McColloch, Jr., C. Neidig, N. Fedorko, E. Maki, R. Holliday, and C. Desai; #90939 (1997)
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Foraminifera as Paleobathymetric Indicators: ABSTRACT
Robert G. Douglas
AAPG Bulletin
...Foraminifera as Paleobathymetric Indicators: ABSTRACT Robert G. Douglas 1983 452 453 67 3. (March) Benthic foraminifera are one of the principal...
Diagenetic Calcite Varieties from Travertines of Central Italy: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Folk, Henry S. Chafetz
AAPG Bulletin
...Diagenetic Calcite Varieties from Travertines of Central Italy: ABSTRACT Robert L. Folk, Henry S. Chafetz 1983 461 461 67 3. (March) Quaternary...
Close Encounters of Reefal Carbonates and Siliciclastics: ABSTRACT
Robert N. Ginsburg, Dong Ryong Choi, Ian A. McIlreath
AAPG Bulletin
...Close Encounters of Reefal Carbonates and Siliciclastics: ABSTRACT Robert N. Ginsburg, Dong Ryong Choi, Ian A. McIlreath 1983 470 470 67 3. (March...
Skeletal Fine Structure of Polycystine Radiolaria: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Goll, Kjell R. Bjorklund
AAPG Bulletin
...Skeletal Fine Structure of Polycystine Radiolaria: ABSTRACT Robert M. Goll, Kjell R. Bjorklund 1983 471 472 67 3. (March) The skeletons of most...
Interpretation of Conodont Color Alteration and Thermal Maturation in Amadeus Basin, Central Australia: ABSTRACT
J. D. Gorter, Robert S. Nicoll
AAPG Bulletin
...Interpretation of Conodont Color Alteration and Thermal Maturation in Amadeus Basin, Central Australia: ABSTRACT J. D. Gorter, Robert S. Nicoll 1983...
Bellerophontaceans from Hancock, Maryland--Gastropod (Torted) or Monoplacophoran (Untorted)?: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Manzitti
AAPG Bulletin
...Bellerophontaceans from Hancock, Maryland--Gastropod (Torted) or Monoplacophoran (Untorted)?: ABSTRACT Robert C. Manzitti 1983 509 509 67 3. (March...
The Ubiquitous Overbid: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Megill, R. B. Wightman
AAPG Bulletin
...The Ubiquitous Overbid: ABSTRACT Robert E. Megill, R. B. Wightman 1983 512 512 67 3. (March) The ever-present overbid on tracts in sales in the outer...
Abstract: Nyk High, the First Deepwater Well in Norway, by R. R. Hollingsworth, E. K. Hansen, R. F. Marten, and J. E. Kittilsen; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Lower Cretaceous Wabiskaw Tar Sands: Shallow Shelf Reworking of Submarine Fans: ABSTRACT
Mike Ranger, Robert Sharpe
AAPG Bulletin
...Lower Cretaceous Wabiskaw Tar Sands: Shallow Shelf Reworking of Submarine Fans: ABSTRACT Mike Ranger, Robert Sharpe 1983 538 538 67 3. (March...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Migration Through Faults and Successive Reservoir Infilling in the Ghadames Basin, Algeria, by J-L. Rudkiewicz, R. Daniels, and A. Chaouche; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Delineating Multiple Sediment Provenances and Their Effects on Reservoir Quality; Offshore South Caspian Basin, by J. Ruehlman, R. Klimentidis, and S. Suleymanova; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: High Precision Reservoir Volumetric Computation, by J. Sattlegger, H. Zien, and R. Konig; #90942 (1997).
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A Mid-Continent Basin: A Reappraisal: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...A Mid-Continent Basin: A Reappraisal: ABSTRACT J. Robert Berg 1983 1323 1323 67 8. (August) One of the largest unevaluated basins in the Mid...