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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,826 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Memorial: Fred M. Thompson, Jr. (1928-1994)
Robert B. Owen, Coleman Lofton, Al Wagner Jr.
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Fred M. Thompson, Jr. (1928-1994) Robert B. Owen, Coleman Lofton, Al Wagner Jr. FRED M. THOMPSON, JR. 1928-1994 By Robert B. Owen Corpus...
Memorial: Louis Joseph Simon (1912-1996)
Neil P. Carroll
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... him to Bakersfield, California to work with Robert Kleinpell. While in Bakersfield, Ralph Reed of Texaco convinced Louis to stop school and go to work...
Memorial: Richard D. Meditz (1926-1997)
Robert R. Johnston
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Richard D. Meditz (1926-1997) Robert R. Johnston Memorials Memorials limited to 800 words (2-3 typewritten double-spaced pages); longer...
ABSTRACT: Sampling and Characteristics of Cretaceous Coals from the Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah
Brenda S. Pierce, Ronald W. Stanton, Robert D. Hettinger
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...ABSTRACT: Sampling and Characteristics of Cretaceous Coals from the Kaiparowits Plateau, Southern Utah Brenda S. Pierce, Ronald W. Stanton, Robert D...
Memorial: Hugh Williams O'Keeffe (1905-1996)
Robert A. Morton
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Hugh Williams O'Keeffe (1905-1996) Robert A. Morton In 1946, Hugh was named chief geologist for Davon Oil Corporation in Oklahoma City...
Geophysical Log Responses to Variatons in Lithology in Borings Clino and Unda, Great Bahama Bank
E. Robert Warzeski, Leslie A. Melim, Robert N. Ginsburg
Special Publications of SEPM
...Geophysical Log Responses to Variatons in Lithology in Borings Clino and Unda, Great Bahama Bank E. Robert Warzeski, Leslie A. Melim, Robert N...
Memorial: Miguel A. Uliana (1944-1997)
Kevin T. Biddle, Robert M. Mitchum Jr.
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Miguel A. Uliana (1944-1997) Kevin T. Biddle, Robert M. Mitchum Jr. MIGUEL A. UI .IAN A (1944-1997) By Kevin T. Biddle and Robert M...
Extended Abstract: Petroleum Systems and Prospects in the Deepwater Mozambique Channel
Robert G. Bertangne
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Extended Abstract: Petroleum Systems and Prospects in the Deepwater Mozambique Channel Robert G. Bertangne 2017 27 Vol. 60 (2017) No. 2. (October...
Field Summary: Blackjack Field
Robert T. Larson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Field Summary: Blackjack Field Robert T. Larson BLACKJACKFIELD 62 BLACKJACK "5-2" FIELD T 4 S. R 5 7 W , Sec. Q a l O ARAPAHOE C O U N T Y . C O L...
Jubilee Anniversary Field Conference Guidebook: Wyoming Geology, Past, Present, and Future
Betty Stroock, Sam Andrew
Wyoming Geological Association
...: An Overview, by D. L. Blackstone, Jr. 121 The Antelope Arch of the Great Divide Bain Fremont and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming, by Robert E. Wellborn...
Memorial: William Bill Edmon Dunaway (1936-1999)
David H. Glenn, Robert E. “Bob” Hilty
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: William Bill Edmon Dunaway (1936-1999) David H. Glenn, Robert E. “Bob” Hilty M e f f i c w r M s Memorials limit ed to 800 words (2-3...
Paragenesis of Eocene and Cretaceous Sands of West Tennessee: NOTES
Robert E. Hershey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Paragenesis of Eocene and Cretaceous Sands of West Tennessee: NOTES Robert E. Hershey 1959 Vol. 29 No. 4. (December), This study is based upon...
Field Summary: Paleface Field
Robert E. Bishop, Hadi P. Soetrisno
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Field Summary: Paleface Field Robert E. Bishop, Hadi P. Soetrisno PALEFACE FIELD PALEFACE FIELD LINCOLN CO., COLORADO PETRQ-LEWIS 1-27 WILLIAMS...
Memorial: Dallas Jake Fiandt, Jr. (1924-2000)
Wesley Fiandt, F. Robert Bussey
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Dallas Jake Fiandt, Jr. (1924-2000) Wesley Fiandt, F. Robert Bussey MEMORIALS Texaco] in New Orleans. After a short period...
Field Summary: Salt Lake Field
Robert P. Daniels
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Field Summary: Salt Lake Field Robert P. Daniels OIL & GAS FELDSOF COLORADOINEBRASKA & ADJACENTARMS 1982 SALT LAKE FIELD Q: Z dl-+ Nk "B ffl...
Memorial: Harold Trapp (1940-2002)
Robert D. Cowdery
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Harold Trapp (1940-2002) Robert D. Cowdery HAROLD TRAPP (1940-2002) By Robert D. Cowdery Wichita, Kansas The materia l for this memorial...
Jeanne E. Harris, Robert J. Groth
Wyoming Geological Association
...Charles Jeanne E. Harris, Robert J. Groth 2000 110 111 Field Charles Location T35-36N R60W County, State Niobrara County, Wyoming Reservoir...
Of Skewnesses and Sands: DISCUSSION
Robert L. Folk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Of Skewnesses and Sands: DISCUSSION Robert L. Folk 1962 Vol. 32 No. 1. (March), FRIEDMAN, GERALD M., 1961, Distinction between dune, beach...
Memorial: Robert Edgar Megill (1923-2005)
Rogge Marsh, Jim Arrington, Ed Capen, Crandell Jones, Larry Nation, Pete Rose
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert Edgar Megill (1923-2005) Rogge Marsh, Jim Arrington, Ed Capen, Crandell Jones, Larry Nation, Pete Rose evaluate exploration...
Swede Draw
Jeanne E. Harris, Robert J. Groth
Wyoming Geological Association
...Swede Draw Jeanne E. Harris, Robert J. Groth 2000 497 497 Whitcomb, H. A., 1965, Ground-Water Resources and Geology of Niobrara County, Wyoming...
Widge North
Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher
Wyoming Geological Association
...Widge North Steve Van Delinder, Robert Fisher 2000 552 553 Wyoming Docket No. 137-70 Wyoming Docket No. 99-71 Wyoming Docket No. 124-72 Field Widge...
West Texas-New Mexico Symposium: Part II: FOREWORD
Ronald K. DeFord , E. Russell Lloyd
AAPG Bulletin
... redefinition. John Emery Adams, M. G. Cheney, Ronald K. DeFord, Robert I. Dickey, Carl O. Dunbar, John M. Hills, Robert E. King, E. Russell Lloyd, A. K...
Abstract: Seismic Facies Analysis of the Synrift Sediments in the Northeast Malay Basin (Paper 10)
Robert Wong, Hamdan Mohamad, M. Firdaus A. Halim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Seismic Facies Analysis of the Synrift Sediments in the Northeast Malay Basin (Paper 10) Robert Wong, Hamdan Mohamad, M. Firdaus A. Halim...
Developments in Arizona, Western New Mexico, and Northern New Mexico in 1947
Paul H. Umbach
AAPG Bulletin
..., Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado," Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Vol. 31, No. 9 (September, 1947). 2. BATES, ROBERT L., WILPOLT, RALPH H., MACALPIN...
Abstract: Structural Style, Tertiary Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution of Southern Sabah: Implications to the Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation of Sabah, Malaysia (Poster 9)
Allagu Balaguru, Gary Nichols, Robert Hall
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of Sabah, Malaysia (Poster 9) Allagu Balaguru, Gary Nichols, Robert Hall 268 Poster 9 Structural style, Tertiary stratigraphy and basin evolution...