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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,831 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: CO2 Sequestration via Adsorption in Thermally Treated Coal Seams, by Robert L. Krumm and Milind Deo; #90169 (2013)
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Abstract: Geostatistical Modeling of Mississippian Limestone Garfield County, Oklahoma, by Robert Holman and Priyank Jaiswal; #90176 (2013)
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Abstract: Identifying Pore Structure and Clay Content from Seismic Data within an Argillaceous Sandstone Reservoir, by Robert Schelstrate; #90183 (2013)
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Abstract: Energy Resources of Rocky Mountain Region, by Robert L. Duncan; #91051 (2013)
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Abstract: Searching for the Blind Fault: Haiti Subsurface Imaging Project, by Kocel Eray, Robert R. Stewart, and Paul Mann; #90182 (2013)
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Abstract: Grain Size Geostatistics Enhance Reservoir Characterisation, by Robert Duller, Ricki Walker, and Barrie Wells, #90188 (2014)
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ABSTRACT: Offshore Niger Delta Pleistocene/Holocene Leveed-Channel Fans -Models for Offshore Reservoirs; #90007 (2002)
Robert M. Mitchum, Grant D. Wach
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Offshore Niger Delta Pleistocene/Holocene Leveed-Channel Fans -Models for Offshore Reservoirs; #90007 (2002) Robert M. Mitchum, Grant D...
ABSTRACT: Worldwide Examples of Low Resistivity Pay; #90007 (2002)
Robert M. Sneider
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Worldwide Examples of Low Resistivity Pay; #90007 (2002) Robert M. Sneider AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90007©2002 AAPG Annual...
Analysis of Screened/Cleaned Databases for Exploration, Prospect Identification, Play Definition and Infill Decisions, by Robert Ehrlich, Michael Dropkin, and Kristin Campbell; #90052 (2006)
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Project Management: A New Approach to International Consulting, by James M. Hollywood and Robert C. Olson; #90052 (2006)
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Microfractures in Sandstone, by John N. Hooker, Stephen E. Laubach, Julia F. W. Gale, and Robert M. Reed; #90052 (2006)
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On the Geometry of Tidal Channels, by Aitor Ichaso and Robert W. Dalrymple; #90052 (2006)
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How Low Should You Go: A Method to Calibrate Estimates of P99 Prospect Reserves, by Robert Otis and Paul Haryott; #90052 (2006)
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Regional High-Resolution Biosequence Stratigraphy, Kuparuk Sandstone and Associated Strata, Central North Slope, Alaska, by Robert L. Ravn and David K. Goodman; #90052 (2006)
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Mediation of Dolomite Precipitation by Methanogenic Microorganisms, by Jennifer A. Roberts, Paul Kenward, Luis Gonzalez, and Robert Goldstein; #90052 (2006)
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Automated Analysis of Gridded Geologic Map Data, by Susan M. Schrader and Robert S. Balch; #90052 (2006)
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Surface Casing Program at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ): Fifty Years of Ground Water Protection Recommendations for the Petroleum Industry, by Robert J. Traylor; #90052 (2006)
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Reality Checks for Prospect and Play Risk Assessment, by Chris Wold, Jay Leonard, Marshall Titus, Robert Coskey, and P. Jeffrey Brown; #90052 (2006)
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Stratigraphic Trapping in a Proximal Submarine Canyon: The Gabela Discovery, Angola, Block 14, by Joy M. Roth, George Burg, and Robert J. Minck; #90037 (2005)
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Time-Lapse Seismic Investigation - Rulison Field, Piceance Basin, Colorado, by Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson, and Matthew J. Pranter; #90030 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
The Muddy Sandstone, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: An Underexplored, Stratigraphic Gas Play, by Mason, Robert M.; #90030(2004)
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Analysis of the Pennsylvanian Petroleum System in the Paradox Basin Fold and Fault Belt, Colorado and Utah, by Rasmussen, Dalton L., Donald L. Rasmussen, Robert J. Coskey; #90030(2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Memorial: Robert Alan Harris (1921-2008)
Anne Harris
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert Alan Harris (1921-2008) Anne Harris MEMORIALS Robert Alan Harris 1921-2008 By Anne Harris Houston, Texas Robert Alan Harris died...
Extended Abstract: Secret, Occult, and Concealed: An Overview
Dr. Robert E. Mace
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Extended Abstract: Secret, Occult, and Concealed: An Overview Dr. Robert E. Mace 2016 13 15 Vol. 59 (2016) No. 3. (November) Before there were too...
Memorial: Robert Lee Sprinkel, Jr. (1907-1998)
Kay Sprinkel Beaumont
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert Lee Sprinkel, Jr. (1907-1998) Kay Sprinkel Beaumont ROBERT LEE SPRINKEL, JR. (1907-1998) By Kay Sprinkel Beaumont San Francisco...