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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,831 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: Roberts Arm volcanic belt, central Newfoundland: Late Ordovician-Early Silurian underthrusting and regional metamorphism of a peri-Gondwanan Darriwilian-Caradocian arc complex beneath Laurentia
Brian H. O’Brien
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Roberts Arm volcanic belt, central Newfoundland: Late Ordovician-Early Silurian underthrusting and regional metamorphism of a peri...
Memorial: Robert W. Burger (1906-1945)
Rollin Eckis
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert W. Burger (1906-1945) Rollin Eckis R O B E R T W. B U R G E R (1906-1945) The death of Robert W. Burger on September 25, 1945...
Front Matter: GCAGS Journal, Volume 7 (2018)
Robert K. Merrill
GCAGS Journal
...Front Matter: GCAGS Journal, Volume 7 (2018) Robert K. Merrill GCAGS Journal A Publication of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies...
Front Matter: GCAGS Journal, Volume 9 (2020)
Robert K. Merrill
GCAGS Journal
...Front Matter: GCAGS Journal, Volume 9 (2020) Robert K. Merrill GCAGS Journal A Publication of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies...
Searching for Stratigraphic Traps
Jane Whaley, Robert Trice
GEO ExPro Magazine
...Searching for Stratigraphic Traps Jane Whaley, Robert Trice enizagam ecneicsoeg muelortep etiruovaf ehT sparT cihpargitartS rof gnihcraeS ecirT...
Frontmatter: The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary and Lower Tertiary of the Brazos River Valley
Thomas E. Yancey
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... the favored one for field trips to examine Tertiary strata. Field trips organized by Fred Smith (1962), Robert Berg (1970), and David Kersey & Robert Stanton...
AAPG Pacific Section, May 8-11, 2011, Anchorage, Alaska, USA; Abstracts, #90125 (2011).
Search and Discovery.com
Front Matter: GCAGS Journal, Volume 4 (2015)
Barry Jay Katz
GCAGS Journal
..., Robert G. Loucks, and William A. Ambrose Low-Thermal-Maturity (<0.7% VR) Mudrock Pore Systems: Mississippian Barnett Shale, Southern Fort Worth...
Southwest Section AAPG Convention. March 1-4, 2003
Fort Worth Geological Society
... to Subsurface Fractured Reservoirs, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma James J. Emme and Robert W. Stancil Anadarkos Bossier Gas Play A Sleeping Giant...
Report on Selected Oil and Gas Fields - North Louisiana and South Arkansas, Vol. 6, 1980, Geologic Column, Title Page, Table of Contents and Preface
Shreveport Geological Society
Shreveport Geological Society
... President 1979-1980 Lee Kincade, Jr. Robert Daigle Robert Williamson Max G. Hare Nolan Shaw, Jr. H. N. Kinney Brookings Robert Daigle Robert Williamson...
Frontmatter: Alaska Geological Society 2005 Geology Symposium, April 29, 2005
Paul J. McCarthy, Michael T. Whalen, Sarah J. Fowell
Alaska Geological Society
... Robert Herrick: Inferences from Martian Craters Formed by Low-angle Impacts 11:15–11:45 AM Peter Haeusler: What Made Denali so Tall? Structural...
62 Years: History of the Pacific Section AAPG; 1924-1985
Charles F. Green
Pacific Section of AAPG
... and Civilian Service 14 First Engineer Petroleum Production Depot - J. B. Anderson 15 War-Time Experiences, WWII of Dr. Robert M. Kleinpell - Robert N...
Sedimentation of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Outcrops, Rock Springs Uplift; 19th Annual Field Conference Guidebook
R. H. DeVoto, R. K. Bitter
Wyoming Geological Association
... Springs and Blair Formations On and Adjacent to the Rock Springs Uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, by Robert E. Keith 42 Cyclic Sedimentation...
Memorial: Robert William Landes (1910-1969)
D. B. Layer, J. C. Sproule
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert William Landes (1910-1969) D. B. Layer, J. C. Sproule ROBERT WILLIAM LANDES (1910-1969) Dr. Robert William Landes passed away...
Memorial: Robert C. Lang, III (1923-1993)
Robert W. Allen, Tom Jobe, Walter Neustadt Jr.
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
...Memorial: Robert C. Lang, III (1923-1993) Robert W. Allen, Tom Jobe, Walter Neustadt Jr. Memorials , • / i \ Robert C. Lang, III (1923-1993...
Production History Plots for Piceance Basin Oil and Gas Fields
Robert M. Cluff, Kenneth Graff
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Production History Plots for Piceance Basin Oil and Gas Fields Robert M. Cluff, Kenneth Graff – Chapter 16 – Production History Plots for Piceance...
Gabilan Range and Adjacent San Andreas Fault Guidebook
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Fault Creep at the Almaden Winery, Cienega Road, Hollister Don Tocher and Robert D. Nason 99 Active Faulting in the Hollister Area...
Geology and Oilfields: West Side Southern San Joaquin Valley
Stanley E. Karp
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Weddle 25 Stratigraphy of the West Side Southern San Joaquin Valley: Charles D. Foss and Robert Blaisdell 33 Some Solutions to Logging Problems...
Abstract: Liquid Hydrocarbon Migration Paths in Thick, Rapidly Deposited Clastic Sediments, by Robert J. Cordell; #90974 (1975).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Numerical Aspects of Chemical Variation and Texture--Contribution from Maya Archaeology, by Ronald L. Bishop, Frank G. Ethridge, Robert L. Rands; #90972 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com