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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 12,826 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Cash-Maple Lease Extended
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... {"~ ~--~~~~~~T-------~~--------------, Cue Chief Executive Officer, Robert Coppin, sa id the retent ion lease, designated AC/ RL7 covers five graticu lar b locks...
New Developments in North and West-Central Texas in 1941: ABSTRACT
Lewis S. Coryell, Robert Roth, Dolphe E. Simic
AAPG Bulletin
...New Developments in North and West-Central Texas in 1941: ABSTRACT Lewis S. Coryell, Robert Roth, Dolphe E. Simic 1942 917 917 26 5. (May) During...
Abstract: Bobcat Run South Field, Orange County, Texas - Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sand Discovery Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data
Robert L. Zamboras
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Bobcat Run South Field, Orange County, Texas - Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sand Discovery Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data Robert L...
Abstract: Lower Tertiary Wilcox and Midway Sequences in the Subsurface, Downdip Rio Grande Embayment, South Texas
Robert D. Liska
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Lower Tertiary Wilcox and Midway Sequences in the Subsurface, Downdip Rio Grande Embayment, South Texas Robert D. Liska 2000 712 712 Vol...
Elmore Embayment, Garvin County, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Robert R. Wheeler
AAPG Bulletin
...Elmore Embayment, Garvin County, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES Robert R. Wheeler 1946 2034 2034 30 12. (December) During the last year the discovery...
Geology of Northern Santa Rosa Island: ABSTRACT
Robert E. Anderson, Lowell Redwine, Paul McGovney
AAPG Bulletin
...Geology of Northern Santa Rosa Island: ABSTRACT Robert E. Anderson, Lowell Redwine, Paul McGovney 1949 2062 2062 33 12. (December) The stratigraphy...
Brookhaven Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT
Robert Womack, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Brookhaven Field, Lincoln County, Mississippi: ABSTRACT Robert Womack, Jr. 1949 2069 2070 33 12. (December) The Brookhaven oil field, located...
ABSTRACT: Boundary Changes and Additions to the Aquifers of Texas
Peter G. George, Robert E. Mace
GCAGS Transactions
...ABSTRACT: Boundary Changes and Additions to the Aquifers of Texas Peter G. George, Robert E. Mace 2008 303 303 58 The Texas Water Development Board...
Geologic Map of Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Dott
AAPG Bulletin
...Geologic Map of Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Robert H. Dott 1950 619 619 34 3. (March) Assembling data for a new areal geologic map of Oklahoma has been...
Fossils by Length-Slow Chalcedony and Associated Dolimitization: Third-Party Reply to Hatfield: DISCUSSION
Robert L. Folk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Fossils by Length-Slow Chalcedony and Associated Dolimitization: Third-Party Reply to Hatfield: DISCUSSION Robert L. Folk 1975 Vol. 45 No. 4...
Preliminary Report on the Helen Gohlke Field, Dewitt and Victoria Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Appelbaum
AAPG Bulletin
...Preliminary Report on the Helen Gohlke Field, Dewitt and Victoria Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT Robert H. Appelbaum 1951 2625 2625 35 12. (December) Gas...
Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Washita, Beckham, and Roger Mills Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Robert P. McNeal
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Washita, Beckham, and Roger Mills Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT Robert P. McNeal 1952 1675 1675 36 8. (August...
Production Variations Resulting from Recent Earthquakes in Bakersfield Area, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Johnston
AAPG Bulletin
...Production Variations Resulting from Recent Earthquakes in Bakersfield Area, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT Robert L. Johnston 1953 184 184 37 1...
Ham Gossett Oil Field: CORRECTION
G. M. Knebel
AAPG Bulletin
...-drilled." Even though I appreciate being referred to by Mr. Wiggins, I would like to point out that this area was first mapped by Robert Cannon...
Fourth Dimension in Oil-Trap Analysis: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Paschall
AAPG Bulletin
...Fourth Dimension in Oil-Trap Analysis: ABSTRACT Robert H. Paschall 1956 432 433 40 2. (February) The time is past in which oil geologists needed...
Upper Frio Lithofacies in Eastern Counties of Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Thomas Branham, John Grayshon, Robert Johnson
AAPG Bulletin
...Upper Frio Lithofacies in Eastern Counties of Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT Thomas Branham, John Grayshon, Robert Johnson 1959 2514 2514 43 10. (October...
Western Limits of Oil Creek Sand in Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert C. Lang
AAPG Bulletin
...Western Limits of Oil Creek Sand in Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas: ABSTRACT Robert C. Lang 1960 129 129 44 1. (January) The Ordovician Oil...
Graphical Analog Dip Computer: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Manly
AAPG Bulletin
...Graphical Analog Dip Computer: ABSTRACT Robert L. Manly 1961 132 132 45 1. (January) An especially calibrated stereographic net is described...
Foraminiferal Variation in Sediment Layers of Santa Barbara Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Harman
AAPG Bulletin
...Foraminiferal Variation in Sediment Layers of Santa Barbara Basin, California: ABSTRACT Robert A. Harman 1961 132 132 45 1. (January) Quantitative...
Laramide Sediments along Wind River Thrust, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Bulletin
...Laramide Sediments along Wind River Thrust, Wyoming: ABSTRACT Robert R. Berg 1961 416 416 45 3. (March) The Wind River Mountains of west-central...
Robert R. Berg
AAPG Special Volumes
...Summary Robert R. Berg 1978 1 1 CN 3: Exploration for Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps Reservoir morphology can be predicted by interpretational...
Applied Paleozoic Palynology: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Kosanke
AAPG Bulletin
...Applied Paleozoic Palynology: ABSTRACT Robert M. Kosanke 1962 270 270 46 2. (February) Delineation of specific segments of the Paleozoic geological...
Tectonic History of the Glasford Cryptoexplosion Structure: ABSTRACT
Robert Ryan, T. C. Buschbach
AAPG Bulletin
...Tectonic History of the Glasford Cryptoexplosion Structure: ABSTRACT Robert Ryan, T. C. Buschbach 1963 368 369 47 2. (February) Exploration sponsored...
Sedimentology of Hudson Bay, Canada: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Leslie
AAPG Bulletin
...Sedimentology of Hudson Bay, Canada: ABSTRACT Robert J. Leslie 1963 1772 1772 47 9. (September) Bottom sediment distribution in Hudson Bay...
Genetic and Geometric Relations Between Structures in Basement and Overlying Sedimentary Rocks, with Examples from the Colorado Plateau and Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Robert A. Hodgson
AAPG Bulletin
...: ABSTRACT Robert A. Hodgson 1964 531 531 48 4. (April) Field studies of jointing, faulting, and folding in the San Juan-Grand Canyon region, Arizona...