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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,108 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
2010 Field Trip Road Logs: A Geological Tour of a Portion of the Laramie Foreland of Natrona and Converse Counties, Wyoming
Wyoming Geological Association
Wyoming Geological Association
..., structure, mineral resource development heritage, paleontology, geoarchaelogy and geomorphology of a portion of the Laramie Foreland of Natrona...
Paleontology: Part 5. Laboratory Methods
Robert W. Scott
AAPG Special Volumes
...Paleontology: Part 5. Laboratory Methods Robert W. Scott 1992 229 232 ME 10: Development Geology Reference Manual Paleontology, the study of fossil...
Tephrochronology of the Monterey and Modelo Formations; #42578 (2022)
Jeffrey R. Knott, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, and John A. Barron
Search and Discovery.com
... in glass • INAA and ICP-MS • Paleontology, Paleomagnetics, 40Ar/39Ar – Supplemented by Platy shards from Lava Creek B eruption from Snake River Plain...
Correlations in Austin Group of Texas
Oscar L. Paulson, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... in regional correlations and it is believed that similar results can be obtained in other areas if systematic sampling and exact stratigraphic positions...
Power and Limitations of X-ray Fluorescence from Cuttings: A Test in the Utica and Lorraine Shales from Quebec; #40766 (2011)
J-Y. Chatellier, E. Quartero, M. Urban, M. Molgat, A. Deconinck, and P. Francus
Search and Discovery.com
... Ordovician Lorraine Shale (b) None Thrusted Transition Thrusted (A) Lorraine Problem 2000m of prospective Lorraine shale with no paleontology...
High-Resolution Biostratigraphy in the Upper Cambrian Ore Hill Member of the Gatesburg Formation, South-Central Pennsylvania
James D. Loch, John F. Taylor
Special Publications of SEPM
... AND JOHN F TAYLOR Geoscience Department Indiana Universiry of Pennsylvania Indiana Pennsylvania 15705 ABSTRAcr Microstratigraphic sampling of four...
Ostracoda and Stratigraphy of the Henryhouse and Haragan Formations in Southcentral Oklahoma
Robert F. Lundin
Tulsa Geological Society
... (Silurian) of Oklahoma: Jour. Paleontology, v. 25, no. 1, p. 69-96, pl. 15-20, 1 fig. Amsden, T. W., 1957, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Hunton...
Abstract: “Gotcha Deep” Project: PVT Quality Fluid Samples Using New MDT Sampling Probes Lead to More Accurate Reservoir Answers in Less Time, by Peter Weinheber, John Johns, and Paul Babasick; #90069 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Preservation Potential and Diversity of Tropical Rocky Shore Gastropod Communities, San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Jacalyn M. Wittmer
... intertidal gastropod communities from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Using a hierarchical sampling approach, 17,703 intertidal gastropod specimens...
Ergodic Sampling: A New Data Acquisition Method to Gather More Information
Mengli Zhang, Yaoguo Li
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Ergodic Sampling: A New Data Acquisition Method to Gather More Information Mengli Zhang, Yaoguo Li Ergodic sampling: A new data acquisition method...
Economic Possibilities of the Cheyenne Sandstone in South-Central Kansas
Robert O. Kulstad
Kansas Geological Society
... to the paleontology of the plains: Washburn Coll. Lab. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 65-68. Nixon, E. K., Runnels, R. T., and Kulstad, R. O. (1950...
Geological Society of Malaysia Newsletter Number 8 (September 1967)
GSM Editor
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... record in rl[alaya and Singapore 1900-1965. in Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia, Vol. II,p.309-359~ ~Newtotl., R.B., 1900. On marine...
Trends in Sedimentology
R. Dana Russell
AAPG Bulletin
... subscribers than members; the Journal of Paleontology has a mailing list of 1,238, and the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 702. Our founders were chiefly...
Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield Imaging
Peter W. Cary
Search and Discovery.com
...Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield Imaging Peter W. Cary Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield...
Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield Imaging
Peter W. Cary
Search and Discovery.com
...Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield Imaging Peter W. Cary Some Fundamental Issues on the Effect of Sampling on Wavefield...
Irregular acquisition design to maximize information: From cross-lines to ergodic sampling
Mengli Zhang, Yaoguo Li
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Irregular acquisition design to maximize information: From cross-lines to ergodic sampling Mengli Zhang, Yaoguo Li Irregular acquisition design...
Recommended Practices for Baseline Sampling of Water Sources in Areas of Shale Oil and Gas Development
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Acquisition Optimization for Exploration in Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins; #42268 (2018)
Pedro Muñoz, Juan Uribe, Nestor Sanabria
Search and Discovery.com
... sampling acquisition and its reconstruction by compressive sensing techniques. This process requires the use of reconstruction techniques combined...
Who needs (lower Paleozoic) biostratigraphy?
John F. Taylor
... years. Such gains, however, require submeter-scale sampling, considerably narrowed species concepts (for good examples in trilobites, see Sundberg...
Classification and Analysis of Palynomorphs of the Aguja Formation (Campanian), Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas
Nina L. Baghai
GCAGS Transactions
..., T. M., 1989a, Rattlesnake Mountain, in Busbey, A. B., and Lehman, T. M., eds., Vertebrate paleontology, biostratigraphy and depositional environments...
Faunal Succession of Norian (Late Triassic) Level-Bottom Benthos in the Lombardian Basin: Implications for the Timing, Rate, and Nature of the Early Mesozoic Marine Revolution
Lydia S. Tackett, David J. Bottjer
... of the Lombardian Alps (black box) that are shown below; B) map of sampling localities in the Imagna Valley (left inset) and Lake Iseo (right inset), with detailed...
Quantitative analysis of taphofacies and paleocommunities in the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte
Fangchen Zhao, Jean-Bernard Caron, Shixue Hu, Maoyan Zhu
... (.10,000 specimens) of Chengjiang-type fossils collected systematically using a standard and rigorous sampling method within superimposed couplets of thin...
"Sampling and Analysis Strategies for Delineating Petroleum-Contaminated Soils and Groundwater [Abstract]"
Headley, J.V., Rae, W.
CSPG Bulletin
..."Sampling and Analysis Strategies for Delineating Petroleum-Contaminated Soils and Groundwater [Abstract]" Headley, J.V., Rae, W. 1991 214 214 Vol...
Foraminiferal Paleoecology of the Grayson Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of North-Central Texas
Ernest A. Mancini
GCAGS Transactions
...., 1967, Estimating the needed sampling area for subaquatic ecologic studies: Jour. Paleontology, v. 41, p. 706-708. Harman, R. A., 1964, Distribution...