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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 14,108 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Terrestrial Vertebrates from the Later Eocene of San Diego County, California: A Conspectus
Michael J. Novacek, Jason A. Lillegraven
Pacific Section SEPM
... the San Diego deposits were extensively collected by field parties from the University of California Museum of Paleontology (Berkeley), University...
In situ Sampling, Monitoring and Sub Sampling of Marine Gas Hydrates and Deep Sea Floor Life Processes, by Hans Amann, Eric Anders, Hans-Jürgen Hohnberg, Holger Hüning, Michael Maggiulli, Thjunjoto; #90035 (2004)
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Evaluating Sources of Groundwater Quality Variability in Residential Water Wells for Pre-Drill Sampling
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Statistical Comparison of Hydrocarbon Gas Composition and Isotopic Ratios From Multiple Sampling Methods
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Spatial Sampling Bias in Decision Tree Machine Learning Method for Unconventional Resources
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Paleontology and Paleoecology of the San Pedro Shelf and Vicinity
Robert W. Crouch
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Paleontology and Paleoecology of the San Pedro Shelf and Vicinity Robert W. Crouch 1954 Vol. 24 No. 3. (September), Snapper and dredge type samples...
Taxonomic and ecologic persistence across the onset of the late Paleozoic ice age: Evidence from the Upper Mississippian (Chesterian Series), Illinois Basin, United States
James R. Bonelli, Jr., Mark E. Patzkowsky
... ~ FIGURE 5—Map of the study area. Black dots 5 sampling localities (from Bonelli and Patzkowsky, 2008). identified to the finest taxonomic level possible...
ABSTRACT: Stress Changes and Mechanisms Associated with Subsidence of Clastic Media: Sampling and Testing Field Behavior, by Maurice B. Dusseault; #91030 (2010)
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Abstract: Geo-Environmental Sampling: How Good is a Good Practice?
B. E. Abdel-Rahim, W. Z. W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsuddin, Abdul Ghani Rafek
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Geo-Environmental Sampling: How Good is a Good Practice? B. E. Abdel-Rahim, W. Z. W. Yaacob, Abdul Rahim Samsuddin, Abdul Ghani Rafek 156...
Abstract: Groundwater Verification Monitoring at the Lancaster Landfill, by T. M. Kinney and S. R. Strait; #91009 (1991)
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Middle Cambrian Chemostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy in the Southern Georgina Basin: Correlating the Arthur Creek Hot Shale, #51208 (2015).
Tegan E. Smith, John R. Laurie, Dianne S. Edwards
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... and can be used to test correlative models across the Georgina depocentres. In the current study, high resolution sampling across this Middle Cambrian...
Distribution of Living Benthonic Foraminifera as Indicators of Oceanographic Processes of the South Texas Outer Continental Shelf
Camille Hueni , Jane Anepohl Monroe , Joel Gevirtz , Richard Casey
GCAGS Transactions
..." and Foraminiferida: Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Part C, Protista 2, v. 1, 2, Geol. Soc. America, Univ. Kansas Press, 900 p. Marszalek, D...
Late Ordovician-Early Silurian trace fossils from the Matapedia Group, Tobique River, western New Brunswick, Canada. II. Additional discoveries with descriptions and comments
R. K. Pickerill, L. R. Fyffe, W. H. Forbes
Atlantic Geology
.... The traces are poorly preserved and occur only in low numbers compared to previously documented forms. Nevertheless, the meticulous sampling procedures...
The Brachiopod Succession of the Late Givetian-Frasnian of Iowa
Jed Day
CSPG Special Publications
...., 1966. Upper Devonian conodonts and the Devonian-Mississippian boundary of north-central Iowa. Journal of Paleontology, v. 40, p. 395-415. Anderson, W...
What if elephant shrews really were related to elephants?
Thomas Lehmann
..., but several of their proposed relationships were still questionable. I came into the field of paleontology more or less in that era and embraced the feelings...
Hunton Group (Silurian and Devonian) and Related Strata in Oklahoma: REPLY
J. Philip Shannon, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
..., Silurian graptolites from Oklahoma: Jour. Paleontology, v. 9, no. 5, p. 434-446. End_of_Article - Last_Page 1532------------ I have assumed...
Paleoecologic assessment of an edrioasteroid (Echinodermata) encrusted hardground from the Upper Ordovician (Maysvillian) Bellevue Member, Maysville, Kentucky
René A. Shroat-Lewis, Michael L. McKinney, Carlton E. Brett, David L. Meyer, Colin D. Sumrall
..., region), in Davis, R.A., and Cuffey, R.J., eds., Sampling the Layer Cake that Isn’t; the Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Type-Cincinnatian...
Abstract: Effective Reservoir Fluid Sampling Supports Reservoir Characterization (Geology Poster 29)
Rahimah Abd Karim, Pedro Elias Paris Acuna, Wa Wee Wei, Sammy Haddad
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Effective Reservoir Fluid Sampling Supports Reservoir Characterization (Geology Poster 29) Rahimah Abd Karim, Pedro Elias Paris Acuna, Wa...
Comparison of Otolith-Based Paleoecology to Other Fossil Groups: An Example from the Cane River Formation (Eocene) of Louisiana
Gary L. Stringer , Sylvester Q. Breard
GCAGS Transactions
..., N.M., 1955, Paleoecology of the Viesca Member of the Weches Formation at Smithville, Texas: Journal of Paleontology, v. 29 (2), p. 263-282. Darnell, R.M....
Rapid Growth of Mollusks in the Eocene Gosport Sand, U.S. Gulf Coast
Andrew Haveles and Linda C. Ivany
GCAGS Transactions
...: Extreme longevity of Eocene bivalves from Antarctica: Geology, v. 32, no. 10, p. 921-924. Cobabe, E. A., and W. D. Allmon, 1994, Effects of sampling...
Decomposing Lithification Bias: Preservation of Local Diversity Structure in Recently Cemented Storm-Beach Carbonate Sands, San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Rafał Nawrot
..., this issue is particularly important as methodological biases can potentially be corrected by applying more exhaustive sampling techniques (e.g., Cooper et...
Quartz-Rich Sandy Facies Behind the Miocene Volcanic Activity in South East Java: Insight from Sandstone Characteristics within Jaten Formation
Rian Cahya Rohmana, Fajar Puspo Dewi, Sutrio Wibowo, Adrean Novadhani, Iqbal Fardiansyah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., spot sampling, and geological mapping. In addition, laboratory analysis consisted of petrography analysis and paleontology analyses were conducted...
Guadalupian Paleobiogeography across the Neotethys Ocean; #30225 (2012)
Lucia Angiolini, Giovanni Muttoni, Gaia Crippa, and Vincenzo Verna
Search and Discovery.com
... Grant, 1971, Permian brachiopods from Axel Heiberg island, Canada, and an index of sampling efficiency: Journal of Paleontology, v. 45/3, p. 502-521...
A Collapsible Sampling Box for the Collection and Transport of Intact Block Samples of Friable, Uncemented Sands: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
M. E. Barton, A. Brookes, S. N. Palmer, Y. L. Wong
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Collapsible Sampling Box for the Collection and Transport of Intact Block Samples of Friable, Uncemented Sands: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER M. E. Barton...
... of existing and new paleodiversity data, and (3) detailed ecological sampling of selected, wellcharacterized, biodiverse habitats in time and space. Our work...