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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 53,157 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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How Porosity and Permeability Vary Spatially with Grain Size, Sorting, Cement Volume, and Mineral Dissolution in Fluvial Triassic Sandstones: The Value of Geostatistics and Local Regression

J.M. McKinley, P.M. Atkinson, C.D. Lloyd, A.H. Ruffell, R.H. Worden

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the cross-stratified sandstone (Fig. 7B). Results from variography and spatial prediction indicate maximum permeability in the direction of erosion...


Developing porosity–permeability transforms in two important oil-bearing formations in Ohio: The Clinton Sandstone and the Copper Ridge Dolomite

Jared Hawkins, Srikanta Mishra, and Bryan O’Reilly

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... processes (e.g., composition, texture, and burial history), statistical correlations of porosity and permeability for sandstone reservoirs...


Prediction of Permeability in Quartz-Rich Sandstones: Examples from the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the Fontainebleau Sandstone

Olav Walderhaug, Arild Eliassen, Nils Einar Aase

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Prediction of Permeability in Quartz-Rich Sandstones: Examples from the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the Fontainebleau Sandstone Olav Walderhaug...


Abstract: Quantitative Prediction of Sandstone Reservoir Quality Via Simulation of Compaction and Quartz Cementation

Robert H. Lander

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... upon deposition. Burial history data can be obtained from basin models while sandstone texture and compositional data can be derived from thin section...


Study of Calcite Cement in Submarine Fan Complex in the Lower Cherry Canyon, Delaware Basin, Texas; #50819 (2013)

Saswati Chakraborty

Search and

... the dominant control on heterogeneity in porosity and permeability. From four cored wells (~750 ft of core) and thin sections, there are four submarine channel...


The Concept of Stationarity and Support in Permeability Assessment for Upscaling using the Probe Permeameter

Septi Anggraeni

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the San Andres formation", SPE. J September, pp 233-240. In sandstone, permeability is controlled by texture as a primary depositional factor...


ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Controls on Texture and Petrophysical Attributes of a Tide-dominated Reservoir Sandstone:Upper Naricual Formation, Carito Field, Venezuela; #90013 (2003)


Search and

...ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Controls on Texture and Petrophysical Attributes of a Tide-dominated Reservoir Sandstone:Upper Naricual...


Estimation of Single-Phase Permeability from Parameters of Particle-Size Distribution

Manmath N. Panda, Larry W. Lake

AAPG Bulletin

... of closely packed particles: Applied Science Research, v. A1, no. 2, p. 81-92. Bryant, S., C. Cade, and D. Mellor, 1993, Permeability prediction from...


Petrophysical Rock Typing: Enhanced Permeability Prediction and Reservoir Descriptions; #51265 (2016)

Wanida Sritongthae

Search and

... sandstone and siltstone - Contain high amount of clay minerals 31 Rocktype Prediction and Permeability Estimation 32 Outlines • Introduction • Core...


Abstract: Depositional Texture-Dependent and Independent Diagenetic Control of Petrophysical Properties, Norphlet Sandstone, Onshore and Offshore Alabama

Ralph L. Kugler

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Depositional Texture-Dependent and Independent Diagenetic Control of Petrophysical Properties, Norphlet Sandstone, Onshore and Offshore...


ABSTRACT: Linking Texture and Diagenesis to Porosity and Permeability of Sandstones; #90007 (2002)

Ayako Kameda, Jack Dvorkin

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Linking Texture and Diagenesis to Porosity and Permeability of Sandstones; #90007 (2002) Ayako Kameda, Jack Dvorkin AAPG Search...


Prediction of Permeability and Capillary Pressure

Alan P. Byrnes

Special Publications of SEPM

... the surface area, resulting in a very 350 CHAPTER 19 - Prediction of Permeability and Capillary Pressure General Types of Dispersed Clay in Sandstone...


Application of seismic curvature attributes in the delineation of coal texture and deformation in Zhengzhuang field, southern Qinshui Basin

Lutong Cao, Yanbin Yao, Dameng Liu, Yanhui Yang, Yingjin Wang, and Yidong Cai

AAPG Bulletin

... with the curvature controlled the local development of the coal texture types and thus resulted in regional differences in permeability. Finally...


The Relation Between Porosity, Permeability, and Porous Geometry in Reservoir Rock

Kimball L. Hamberger

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...) provided data to show the variations in permeability to be derived from changes in porosity. It was shown by Hazen (5), Slichter (3), Terzaghi (6...


Reservoir Heterogeneities of Some Cretaceous Sandstones

Charles F. Dodge , Dennis P. Holler , Robert L. Meyer

AAPG Bulletin

... detailed understanding of the various sedimentary and directional parameters that control both porosity and permeability in sandstone reservoirs...


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