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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Evolution of Porosity and Permeability in the Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... is + or - 2 orders of magnitude (Figure 10). For example, for an individual sample with 10% porosity, the 95% prediction interval for permeability ranges from...


Permeability Prediction from Geologic Models

Steven Bryant , Christopher Cade , David Mellor

AAPG Bulletin

...Permeability Prediction from Geologic Models Steven Bryant , Christopher Cade , David Mellor 1993 1338 1350 77 8. (August) Permeability...


Estimation of Influencing Geological Parameters Effects for Reservoir Description: Case Study of Lower Queen Sandstone Reservoir, Means Field, Andrews County, Texas

Changsu Ryu, Jim M. Mazzulo

West Texas Geological Society

... grains (quartz and feldspar), diagenetic anhydrite, and carbonate cement most influence porosity and permeability of the Queen sandstone reservoirs. Ball...


Classification of Reservoir Rocks by Surface Texture

Robert B. Robinson

AAPG Bulletin

... and permeability from 50 to several hundred milidarcys. In the Pennsylvanian Bartlesville sandstone and in the Ordovician "Wilcox" sandstone, both of Oklahoma...


ABSTRACT: Depositional Environment and Reservoir Characteristics of Lower and Upper Dibsiyah Member (Wajid Sandstone), Southwest Saudi Arabia; #90051 (2006)

Ibrahim Taiwo Abdulkadir, Osman M. Abdullatif, Ali Sahin

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..., permeability) as well as geostatistical analysis. The Lower Dibsiyah member consists of medium to very coarse, moderately to poorly sorted sandstone...


Permeability Log Calculation by Integrating Lithology, Well Logs and DST Data … An Application to Sandstone Reservoir in Abadi Field Eastern Indonesia

Takahiro Zushi, Masato Okuno, Koichi Kihara, Tatsuya Konishi, Toru Ito

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to a sandstone reservoir in Abadi field. The resultant permeability log provided better prediction and consistency with the DST kh. The authors conclude...


Effect of Texture on Petrophysical Properties of Dolomite: Evidence From the Cambrian-Ordovician of Southeastern Missouri

Robert E. Woody , Jay M. Gregg , Leonard F. Koederitz

AAPG Bulletin

... and permeability were determined using helium porosimetry and gas permeability. Total porosity and texture type were determined from thin-section...


Porosity Partitioning and Permeability Quantification in Vuggy Carbonates Using Wireline Logs, Permian Basin, West Texas

Chunming Xu, Duffy Russell, Jonas Gournay, Pete Richter

West Texas Geological Society

... and permeability prediction from dipmeter and image logs: A.A.P.G. Bulletin, V. 86, No. 10, P. 1709--1732. Wang, B. and Al-Aasm, I., 2002, Karst-controlled...


Reservoir Quality Prediction in Sandstones and Carbonates: An Overview

Julie A. Kupecz, Jon Gluyas, Salman Bloch

AAPG Special Volumes

... Tobin Tobin shows how data obtained from sandstone and carbonate outcrop exposures can be used to evaluate subsurface porosity and permeability...


Application of Upscaling Permeability Workflow: Pore to Core Plug Scale on Malay Basin Thin Sections (Paper P6)

L. A. Lubis, Z. Z. Tuan Harith, K. A. Moh Noh, H. Khairy, A. Moh Salih

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... permeability prediction workflow. Since we calculate laboratory scale permeability from pore scale permeability, we need to examine and show the accuracy...


Influence of Pore Geometry and Structure on Capillary Pressure J-Function Prediction: An Applicable Technique for a Case Study of the Baturaja Formation in the Jabung Block

Catur Kristiawan, Hilmy Khairi, Aldi Fathurrahman, Sesilia Nandya

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Permeability Prediction and Characteristics of Pore Structure and Geometry as Inferred from Core Data, Presented at the 2009 SPE/EAGE Reservoir...


Depositional Facies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality of Ivishak Sandstone (Sadlerochit Group), Prudhoe Bay Field: ABSTRACT

J. H. McGowen, S. Bloch

AAPG Bulletin

... of diagenesis, including enhancement of porosity and permeability. Comparison of permeability trends among the facies of the Ivishak sandstone with permeability...


Study of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstone from Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT

John E. Noble, Stephen Van Der Har

AAPG Bulletin

...Study of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstone from Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT John E. Noble, Stephen Van Der Har...


Textural Spectrum of Secondary Sandstone Porosity

Volkmar Schmidt, David A. McDonald

AAPG Special Volumes

... of secondary sandstone porosity. They result from the following: (1) shrinkage of intergranular sedimentary matrix (e.g. shrinkage of glauconite matrix...


Permeability Prediction in Chalks; #40506 (2010)

Mohammad M. Alam, Ravi Sharma, Ida L. Fabricius, and Manika Prasad

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... was tested for permeability prediction from well-log velocity data. Chalk from Ekofisk Formation of Paleogene age and from Tor Formation of Cretaceous...


Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Minerals and Textures in Submarine Fans: Implications for the Prediction of Reservoir Quality, #50483 (2011)

Jane Stammer, David Pyles, Alexandra Fleming, Julian Clark, Morgan D. Sullivan, Gregory Gordon, Jeremiah D. Moody,

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...Hydrodynamic Fractionation of Minerals and Textures in Submarine Fans: Implications for the Prediction of Reservoir Quality, #50483 (2011) Jane...


Pore Texture of a Sandstone Reservoir with Low Permeability: Chapter 16

Zhu Yiwu

AAPG Special Volumes

...Pore Texture of a Sandstone Reservoir with Low Permeability: Chapter 16 Zhu Yiwu 1989 223 236 SG 28: Oil Field Development Techniques: Proceedings...


A megascale view of reservoir quality in producing sandstones from the offshore Gulf of Mexico

S. N. Ehrenberg, P. H. Nadeau, O. Steen

AAPG Bulletin

..., thickness, age, and play type for 11,833 sandstone reservoirs, mostly of Miocene age and younger, from the United States offshore Gulf of Mexico (GOM...


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