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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 53,157 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Innovative Petrophysical Evaluation Workflow Enhances Production: A Case Study From Barmer Basin, Nw India; #90315 (2017)
A.K. Bora, P. Majumdar, S. Verma, S. Konar, P. Kumar, P. Shankar
Search and Discovery.com
... impaired by cementation. The porosity of sandstone ranges from 10-20% and shows permeability variation of 0.01-200mD. Numerous pay zones of 5-10...
Estimating Pore Throat Size in Sandstones from Routine Core-Analysis Data; Edward D. Pittman; Search and Discovery Article #40009 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Pore-Scale Influences on Saline Aquifer CO2 Sequestration; #90013 (2003)
Mark H. Holtz
Search and Discovery.com
... permeability and residual saturation such that their prediction could be accomplished from sandstone rock quality. Parameters used to model relative...
Quantifying Fracture Intensity: An Example from the Piceance Basin
Leonel Gomez, Julia F. W. Gale, S. E. Laubach, S. Cumella
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... by the width of the microfractures that form the crack-seal texture. In the Cozzette Sandstone, microfracture width in crack seal ranges from 5 to 20 µm...
Bioturbation influence on reservoir quality: A case study from the Cretaceous Ben Nevis Formation, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada
Nicola S. Tonkin, Duncan McIlroy, Rudi Meyer, Allison Moore-Turpin
AAPG Bulletin
...) have the net effect of permeability reduction. In contrast, permeability enhancement is documented from muddy sandstone facies with clean sand-filled...
Biogenic Permeability in the Bakken Formation, Canada
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Application of Integrated Seismic-Reservoir Prediction in Predicting Hidden Gas Reservoirs in the Upper Palaeozoic, North Ordos Basin; #90061 (2006)
Ning Dong
Search and Discovery.com
... of the north Ordos Basin are “hidden” reservoirs with low porosity, low permeability and characteristic of thin beds. Adequately prediction of the occurrence...
Permeability Anisotropy Related to Braided Fluvial Facies Architectural Elements in Middle Boggy Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, #51219 (2016).
Mingyu Yang, Dennis R. Kerr
Search and Discovery.com
... Permeability of sedimentary deposits varies with different facies and subfacies and is significantly affected by variations of sediment texture and fabric...
Abstract: Petrology and Depositional Environments of Upper Tannehill (Frye) Sandstone, Fastbreak Field, Stonewall County, Texas, by V. King, F. Hughes, A. Jones, C. Lang, R. Stillwell, and G. Westbrook; #91011 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Mini-Permeameters for Consolidated Rock and Unconsolidated Sand: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
R. Eijpe , K. J. Weber
AAPG Bulletin
..., the permeability at any point in the reservoir may depend on direction. Such a permeability anisotropy is found, for example, in a channel-fill sandstone body...
Permeability-Porosity Patterns and Variations in Some Holocene Sand Bodies
Wayne A. Pryor
AAPG Bulletin
... resulting from burial compaction, cementation, and increased clay content, which also reduce permeabilities. Permeability-porosity versus grain texture...
Permeability Anisotropy Effect in Reservoir Characterization: New Rock Typing Approach
Dedy Irawan, Falza Izza Wihdany, Kharisma Idea
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... maximum horizontal permeability is commonly used for reservoir characterization. Samples from Berea sandstone (measured in laboratory), Nugget...
Abstract: Study of Calcite Cement in Submarine Fan Complex in the Lower Cherry Canyon, Delaware Basin, TX, by Chakraborty, Saswati; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Relationship of Porosity and Permeability to Various Parameters Derived from Mercury Injection-Capillary Pressure Curves for Sandstone (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...Relationship of Porosity and Permeability to Various Parameters Derived from Mercury Injection-Capillary Pressure Curves for Sandstone (1) EDWARD D...
Abstract: Depth Relationships in Porosity and Permeability in the Mount Simon Sandstone of the Midwest Region: Applications for Carbon Sequestration, by Cristian R. Medina, David A. Barnes, and John A. Rupp; #90084 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Variance in reservoir quality due to diagenesis: A study from tidal deposits, Nyalau Formation, Sarawak, East Malaysia
Azirahtul Atifah Mohamed Sabri, Numair A. Siddiqui
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., with petrographic visible porosity ranging from 15% to 35%, indicating reservoir quality of the outcrop is good to very good. Permeability of the sandstone...
Pore Flow Indicator as New Quantitative Approach for Rock Typing in Heterogeneous Reservoir, Main-Massive Formation, Offshore North West Java
Lulus Ilmiawan Saputra, Muhammad Reza
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... data. The Prediction of Permeability equations in each Rock Type come from deduction R35 and Kozeny’s equations. In this Permeability equation...
Case History - St. Peter and Mt. Simon Sandstones, Illinois Basin
Alan P. Byrnes, Michael D. Wilson
Special Publications of SEPM
.... Samplesfromthe Mt. Simon Sandstone are slightly more feldspathic and average 3.6% potassium feld spar. One hundred ten samples from both units contain >99...
Controls of Cement Texture and Composition on Sandstone Mechanical Property Changes From Reaction With CO2-Rich Brine
Search and Discovery.com
Petrophysics of Lower Silurian sandstones and integration with the tectonic-stratigraphic framework, Appalachian basin, United States
James W. Castle, Alan P. Byrnes
AAPG Bulletin
... and Economic Survey Publication v. 25, p. 151155.Beard, D. C., and P. K. Weyl, 1973, Influence of texture on porosity and permeability...
Compaction and Quartz Cementation Modeling for Reservoir Quality Prediction in Sub-Salt Reservoirs of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, #50348 (2010)
David Eickhoff, Nathan Blythe
Search and Discovery.com
... contact author directly. References Beard, D.C. and P.K. Weyl, 1973, Influence of texture on porosity and permeability of unconsolidated sand: AAPG...
Integrated Sedimentology Characters and Seismic Geomorphology for Reservoir Prediction of Tidal Shelf Ridge: The Upper Cibulakan Formation As A Shallow Marine Reservoir Analogue
Faris Nauval Rasyid, Muhammad Azen, Rahmatulloh Ramadhan, Priantoro K. Dani Setiawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., sandstone INTRODUCTION The highest oil and gas production from the Offshore North West Java Block is mainly originated from the sand reservoir...
Influence of Depositional Sand Quality and Diagenesis on Porosity and Permeability: Examples from Brent Group Reservoirs, Northern North Sea
S. N. Ehrenberg
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Influence of Depositional Sand Quality and Diagenesis on Porosity and Permeability: Examples from Brent Group Reservoirs, Northern North Sea S. N...
ABSTRACT: Distribution Patterns of Porosity and Permeability in the Hydrocarbon Bearing Sands of the Agbada Formation, Niger Delta Continental Shelf, Nigeria; #90108 (2010)
George A. Chiamogu and Olugbenga A. Ehinola
Search and Discovery.com
... prediction during exploration and development of subsurface hydrocarbon. Investigation depth ranges from 5000 feet to 16,000 feet, spanning the currently...