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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Scientific-Technical Geophysical Conference
N. P. Dobrynina
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... for evaluating the prospects of individual regions for subsequent exploration. To intensify scientific research for modernizing coordination...
Efficient Access to Relevant Knowledge Extracted from Geoscience Literature Dedicated to Petroleum Basin Exploration by Using IBM Watson,, #42452 (2019).
X. Guichet, N. Dubos-Sallee, M.-C. Cacas-Stentz, D. Rahon, V. Martinez,
Search and Discovery.com
...Efficient Access to Relevant Knowledge Extracted from Geoscience Literature Dedicated to Petroleum Basin Exploration by Using IBM Watson,, #42452...
Organization of Exploration for Oil and Gas
S. P. Kozlenko С. П. Козленко
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... work is unthinkable without systematic self-control. Often the results of the application of individual exploration methods, which enter...
Abstract: Pioneers of Caribbean Sea Exploration; #90238 (2015)
Sally Radford
Search and Discovery.com
... the first regional scientific exploration of the Caribbean Sea Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent regions, CICAR. Coordinated...
Abstract: Iron Mineral Cementation in Shallow Marginal Marine Sandstone: Deep-Water Hydrocarbon Seep Exploration: Underwater Chemical Sensors Come of Age; #90310 (2017)
David Lavallee, Leslie Baksmaty, Benjamin King, Michael Whiticar, Jamshid J. Gharib, Ed Biegert, Gary Sharman, Andrew Ross
Search and Discovery.com
... hydrocarbon seep exploration. This work developed viable, value-generating scientific and operational practice for deploying chemical sensors on underwater...
Aims of Scientific Research in Accordance with Theoretical Principles of Exploration for Oil and Gas Fields in View of the Decisions of the XXI Session of the KPSS and the June Plenium of the TsK KPSS
P. Ya. Antropol
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Aims of Scientific Research in Accordance with Theoretical Principles of Exploration for Oil and Gas Fields in View of the Decisions of the XXI...
Lunar Exploration: ABSTRACT
R. J. Allenby
AAPG Bulletin
...Lunar Exploration: ABSTRACT R. J. Allenby 1965 1078 1078 49 7. (July) A great deal of knowledge about the Moon already has been obtained from earth...
Efficient Access to Relevant Knowledge Extracted From Geoscience Literature Dedicated to Petroleum Basin Exploration by Using IBM Watson
Search and Discovery.com
About the Editors
AAPG Special Volumes
..., the Black Sea and Eastern Europe. He has written scientific papers in a number of geological disciplines including minerals exploration, clastic...
Main Directions of Scientific and Technical Progress in Oil-Gas Geology
A. Ya. Krems
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... scientific-technical progress, to develop methods for effective exploration of offshore structures that are favorable for oil and gas. On a basis...
Model for Hydrocarbon Microseepage and Related Near-Surface Alterations
Donald F. Saunders, K. Ray Burson, and C. Keith Thompson
AAPG Bulletin
... of the scientific basis relating these methods to petroleum deposits. We have reviewed the literature pertinent to the several methods we have used and integrated...
Abstract: Deepwater Exploration Challenges and Lessons Learnt from Scientific Ocean Drilling; #90294 (2017)
Moe Kyaw Thu, S.Kuramoto, Y.Yamada
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Deepwater Exploration Challenges and Lessons Learnt from Scientific Ocean Drilling; #90294 (2017) Moe Kyaw Thu, S.Kuramoto, Y.Yamada AAPG...
Debt of Geology to the Petroleum Industry
E. DeGolyer
AAPG Bulletin
... geologists,--men interested chiefly in the application of our science to the economic problem of petroleum mining--should turn for a moment from...
Black & Blue
Sally Morgan
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and educators. The programme retains its central aim of extending sub-seafloor exploration, but with an increased emphasis on scientific outputs...
Project Mohole: ABSTRACT
Donald M. Taylor
AAPG Bulletin
...Project Mohole: ABSTRACT Donald M. Taylor 1966 651 652 50 3. (March) Project Mohole is this country's scientific effort to explore and sample all...
Seismic Shift: Challenges to Meeting E&P Seismic Needs
Search and Discovery.com
Memorial: Gordon Rittenhouse (1910-1974)
W. C. Gibson
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... on February 6, 1974, a loyal, dedicated, and respected member has been lost from the American scientific community. His passing created a great sense...
Academician A. A. Trofimuk – Eightieth Birthday
James W. Clarke
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... field. This operation resulted in substantial increase in production. His scientific erudition, organizational talent, energy, and dedication led...
Legal and Political Status of Antarctica: ABSTRACT
R. Tucker Scully
AAPG Bulletin
... if and when mineral-resource activities take place there. In 1959, the 12 nations then engaged in scientific research activities in Antarctica concluded...
Abstract: IFP: Standing at the Intersection Between Research and Industry, by C. Riviere; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: New Insights from a Young Ocean Basin: Overview of Drilling Results from IODP Expedition 385, Guaymas Basin, Mexico; #91203 (2022)
Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Liselle Persad, and the IODP Expedition 385 Shipboard Scientific Party
Search and Discovery.com
... M. Marsaglia, Liselle Persad, and the IODP Expedition 385 Shipboard Scientific Party AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #91203 © CGS...
Extended Abstract: Cognitive Bias, the "Elephant in the Living Room" of Science And Professionalism
Peter R. Rose, PhD
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... agenda-serving scientific publications, slanted peer review ("pal-review"), withholding of codes and formulae, unreproducible experimental results...
Abstract: Discussion on the Popular Science Education Function of Geopark Museum and its Scientific Significance
Zhiguang Zhang, Yuan Zheng
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Discussion on the Popular Science Education Function of Geopark Museum and its Scientific Significance Zhiguang Zhang, Yuan Zheng...
The Role of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) in Enabling a Sustainable Exploration Effort to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond
Clive Neal
Search and Discovery.com
... fascinating scientific investigations to be conducted. The Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/leag) is at the center of integrating...
Abstract: Geoscience education in our community
Michelle Miskell
Atlantic Geology
..., mud slides, availability of underground water, and exploration of other planets. Geological processes have influenced the shape of the land upon which...