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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Current Status on Exploration Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico

Manuel Marrero Faz

GCAGS Transactions

...ABSTRACT: Current Status on Exploration Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba in the Gulf of Mexico Manuel Marrero Faz Current Status...


Petroleum Exploration and Environmental Conservation: ABSTRACT

M. W. Haas

AAPG Bulletin

... solutions based on scientific fact. Much exploration today awaits public consent; geologists must aid in showing public that energy-environmental...


Abstract: Milankovic Cycles on Mars and the Impact on Economic Exploration;

Matthew Brzostowski

Search and

...Abstract: Milankovic Cycles on Mars and the Impact on Economic Exploration; Matthew Brzostowski Milankovic Cycles on Mars and the Impact on Economic...


I. M. Gubkin - An Example of the Close Association of the Scientific Creative with the Practical

S. I. Mironov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... at Syzrani and then in the Devonian at Tuymazy. Further the creative enthusiasm based on scientific prediction and the daring of Gubkin’s exploration inspired...


Petroleum Geology in 1980s: ABSTRACT

John D. Haun

AAPG Bulletin

... our scientific knowledge and professional skill been more necessary than it is today. As a result of the mature stage of development in most United...


Geologic-Economic Indexes of Exploration Operations for Oil and Gas in the West Siberian Lowland

A. S. Arkhipchenko, V. I. Nazarov, D. Z. Shames

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., and detailed gravity), 43.6; structure profile drilling, 20.3; deep structure-exploration drilling, 14.2; stratigraphic drilling, 15.5; and scientific research...


Memorial: Leo Horvitz (1909-1986)

Martin J. Davidson

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...' death on March 25, 1986, after ten weeks of fighting cancer, marks the end of an era. While not the discoverer of petroleum geochemical exploration...


Selected References on Research: RESEARCH NOTES

S. W. Lowman

AAPG Bulletin

... and scientific research has revealed many articles that are pertinent to our present problems. Two of these have been mimeographed and are ready for distribution...


Abstract: Deep-Water Sands of Gulf of Mexico: Results of DSDP Leg 96

James M. Coleman, A. H. Bouma, and Leg Scientific Party

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Deep-Water Sands of Gulf of Mexico: Results of DSDP Leg 96 James M. Coleman, A. H. Bouma, and Leg Scientific Party 1985 3 3...


Lithologically Controlled ‘Split’ Gas-Hydrate BSR at the Voring Plateau and Below the Storegga Slide Deposits, Off-shore Norway

S. Bouriak, V. Galaktionov, Shipboard Scientific Party

CSPG Special Publications

.... Galaktionov, Shipboard Scientific Party 2001 23 25...


ABSTRACT: Surface Remediation Lawsuits: Scientific Theories on Trial; #90007 (2002)

Derek L. Brooks

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Surface Remediation Lawsuits: Scientific Theories on Trial; #90007 (2002) Derek L. Brooks AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90007©2002...


Abstract: Simon Papp, a Prominent Hungarian Petroleum Geologist: How to Run Exploration Projects from a Prison Cell; #90255 (2017)

Istvan Berczi, Gabor Tari

Search and

...Abstract: Simon Papp, a Prominent Hungarian Petroleum Geologist: How to Run Exploration Projects from a Prison Cell; #90255 (2017) Istvan Berczi...


Discovery of the Ural-Volga Oil District - A Scientific Achievement of I. M. Gubkin

A. A. Trofimuk

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Kalitskiy - the chief authority of the Geological Committee for oil geology managing the scientific aspects of oil exploration in the Volga-Ural...


Scientific Exploration of the Pacific Basins by the Ocean Drilling Program

A.W. Meyer, J.G. Baldauf, A.T. Fisher, L.E. Garrison, T.R. Janecek, P.D. Rabinowitz

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...Scientific Exploration of the Pacific Basins by the Ocean Drilling Program A.W. Meyer, J.G. Baldauf, A.T. Fisher, L.E. Garrison, T.R. Janecek, P.D....


To Secure an Increase of Proved Oil and Gas Reserves for Fulfilling the Directives of the XXI Session of the KPSS

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... according to a single plan using integrated scientific methods of exploration and thus to obtain in the shortest time all the necessary data for evaluation...


Calcareous Nannofossils

John Dunlap, Jr.

New Orleans Geological Society

.... 235, p. 1156-1167. Snelling, N. J. (editor), 1985, The Chronology of the Geological Record: The Geological Society, Memoir 10, Blackwell Scientific...


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