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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: The Interface of Science and Politics: A Porous or Impermeable Boundary
Michael T. Childress
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
.... The scientific method is (or at least tries to be) objective and empirical-adjectives rarely used to describe a political system or the motives of policy-makers...
Abstract: The Interface of Science and Politics: A Porous or Impermeable Boundary?, by M. T. Childress; #90939 (1997)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Cognitive Bias, the Elephant in the Living Room of Science and Professionalism; #90290 (2017)
Pete Rose
Search and Discovery.com
... knew that dedicated practice of the Scientific Method is the key to elimination of Cognitive Bias, recommending “a kind of scientific integrity...
Enrollment of Geologists and Geophysicists in National Scientific Register: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
David M. Delo
AAPG Bulletin
...Enrollment of Geologists and Geophysicists in National Scientific Register: GEOLOGICAL NOTES David M. Delo 1951 107 107 35 1. (January) Planning...
S. I. Mironov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., and scientific supervisor of the largest oil geological institute of the USSR - the VNIGRI. On his initiative the micropaleontological method of investigation...
Overview of Scientific Investigations of Gas Hydrate Occurrences at the Mallik Field, Mackenzie Delta, Canada
Scott R. Dallimore, Timothy S. Collett, Takashi Uchida, The Mallik L- Scientific Party
CSPG Special Publications
...Overview of Scientific Investigations of Gas Hydrate Occurrences at the Mallik Field, Mackenzie Delta, Canada Scott R. Dallimore, Timothy S. Collett...
ABSTRACT: Development of Singular Points Method in Geophysics Singular Points Method Development in Geophysics; #90118 (2011)
A. Chernov, V. Boldyreva, Elyseeva, and R. Pasteka
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Development of Singular Points Method in Geophysics Singular Points Method Development in Geophysics; #90118 (2011) A. Chernov, V...
The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy, #80421 (2014).
Natalie Whitcomb
Search and Discovery.com
...The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy, #80421 (2014). Natalie Whitcomb PS The Rain Garden...
Abstract: A Professional Geologist's View on the Business of Expert Testimony, by P. R. Rose; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Investigating vegetation changes in alpine environments in Jasper National Park
Sarah J. Hart, Colin P. Laroque
Atlantic Geology
... method of vegetative establishment in this alpine environment. Eleven tree islands were sampled across an altitudinal gradient encompassing the range...
Debt of Geology to the Petroleum Industry
E. DeGolyer
AAPG Bulletin
... profession, directly or by implication, have come from our scientific colleagues,--geologists not engaged in economic work. These criticisms range from...
Extended Abstract: Cognitive Bias, the "Elephant in the Living Room" of Science And Professionalism
Peter R. Rose, PhD
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... practice of the Scientific Method is the key to elimination of Cognitive Bias, recommending "a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific...
Abstract: Assessing two methods for estimating bulk density of particles in suspension
Alexander J. Hurley, Paul S. Hill
Atlantic Geology
... density without directly sampling suspended particles. A new, fast, but untested method uses a Sequoia Scientific LISST 100× particle sizer, which...
ABSTRACT: Toward A Method and Theory for Restoring Coastal Louisiana, by S. M. Gagliano; #90941 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Half-Page Method of Manuscript Preparation: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. Armstrong Price
AAPG Bulletin
...Half-Page Method of Manuscript Preparation: GEOLOGICAL NOTES W. Armstrong Price 1946 1198 1199 30 7. (July) There may be those who can compose...
Greater Attention to the Methods and Techniques of Geophysical Exploration in the UkSSR
A. Khokhlov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... that the seismic method is the main method for exploration and preparation of structures for deep drilling for oil and gas. Geophysical logs have been...
Abstract: Uniformitarianism--Doctrine Which Needs Rethinking, by Steven A. Austin; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Magnetotelluric Surveys in Inaccessible Geodynamic Active Places from the Curvature of the Oriental Carpathians; #90255 (2017)
Rasvan Stochici, Marian Popescu
Search and Discovery.com
... still concerns scientists from geosciences. In this scientific context we have reached the conclusion it is necessary to have research activities...
Raymond Moore
AAPG Bulletin
... in parts of volumes than in one complete volume, and that this method advances considerably the time when the scientific papers of the Association...
The Scaffolding of Basin Analysis: LETTER
B.D. Ricketts
CSPG Bulletin
... the more formal aspects of methodological schemata, evaluating arguments for and against scientific method. It establishes the elements of inference...
Exploration of the Carson, Bonnition, and Salar Basins — An Integrated Seep Hunting and Geochemical Sampling Approach Reduces Uncertainty and Increases Scientific Knowledge in Frontier Basins
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Microspectrofluorescence Measurements Using a Zeiss Zonax System and a Vickers-Gamma Scientific System
Carolyn L. Thompson
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Scientific method of light and color measurement includes wavelength and intensity calibration t o a National to light and includes intensity t3ureau...
Discarded Theories are Essential to Progress — Examples from Western Geology: ABSTRACT
William Lee Stokes
Utah Geological Association
...Discarded Theories are Essential to Progress — Examples from Western Geology: ABSTRACT William Lee Stokes 1982 1 1 The scientific method includes...
Differential Thermal Analysis: Correlative Tool Where Other Methods Fail: ABSTRACT
George B. Mangold
AAPG Bulletin
... thermal analysis (DTA) provides a valuable scientific method for determining correlation markers and mineral composition of zones. It is based...
Abstract: Thinking Patterns for Geologists
Samuel P. Ellison, Jr.
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of the conditions. In order to place these thought patterns in their proper frame of reference, a review of the Scientific Method may be outlined...