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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reconstructing Pre-Salt Paleodrainage Pathways and Source Terrains for the Late Triassic Eagle Mills Formation, Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
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Complex Petrophysical Studies to Evaluate the Safety of an Underground Gas Storage in Porous Rocks
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Effective application of geological analogue databases to reservoir facies modelling
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Abstract: Arctic Crustal Thickness, Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution, and Ocean-Continent Transition Structure From Gravity Inversion; #90310 (2017)
Nick J. Kusznir, Andy D. Alvey, Alan M. Roberts
Search and Discovery.com
... presents a substantial scientific and technical challenge common to all frontier deep-water hydrocarbon exploration. Using gravity anomaly inversion, we...
Abstract: Grain Segmentation and Region Mask Generation in Digital Rock Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks;
Rengarajan Pelapur, Arash Aghaei, Connor Burt, Bidur Bohara
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... Scientific Rengarajan Pelapur, Arash Aghaei, Connor Burt, Bidur Bohara 9.29.2020 - 10.1.2020 – AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition 2020, Online/Virtual...
Management of Produced Water from Coalbed Natural Gas Wells, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
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Abstract: Two scientific revolutions in the earth sciences
J. Tuzo Wilson
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Two scientific revolutions in the earth sciences J. Tuzo Wilson AI1.ANI1C GEOLOGY 291 Two scientific revolutlons In the earth sciences I...
Part I, Future Role of American Association of Petroleum Geologists: ABSTRACT
G. M. Knebel
AAPG Bulletin
... in membership of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists since its organization has been matched by growth in stature in scientific, professional...
ABSTRACT: Mesozoic Dinosauria and Related Reptiles from Western Colorado, the Abundance and Uses of a Scientific Treasury, by Harley J. Armstrong; #91002 (1990).
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Department of Energy Drilling Programs and the Geosciences: ABSTRACT
Donald M. Kerr
AAPG Bulletin
... the Continental Scientific Drill Program (CSDP), these existing data will be readily available to the scientific community through a central data facility...
Are Scientific Honesty and "Best Practices" in Conflict? by David M. Abbott, Jr; #90052 (2006)
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Are Scientific Honesty and "Best Practices" in Conflict?, by David M. Abbott, #70024 (2006).
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Improvement of the Exploration Process as One Measure for Early Fulfilling of the Tasks of the Seven Year Plan for Increasing the Commercial Reserves of Oil and Gas
S. T. Korotkov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in the exploration process, an increase in the effectiveness of drilling, an improvement in the work of the scientific research organizations...
Eocene-Middle Miocene Structural Reconstruction of the Duri Anticline, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Sayentika, Syafruddin, Benyamin Sapiie
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to reconstruct the deformation that formed during Eocene-Middle Miocene by using available seismic data. The method used in this paper is flattening method...
A Data-Driven Method for Processing and Analysis of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Signals in Differentiation of Oil Samples, #42401 (2019).
Le Lu, Andrew Bishop, Tianxing Wang, Rosemarie Bisquera, Yongchun Tang,
Search and Discovery.com
...A Data-Driven Method for Processing and Analysis of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Signals in Differentiation of Oil Samples, #42401...
An enhanced method for gas evaluation by pulsed neutron logging technology in tight reservoirs
Bing Xie, Jilin Fan, Feng Zhang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...An enhanced method for gas evaluation by pulsed neutron logging technology in tight reservoirs Bing Xie, Jilin Fan, Feng Zhang An Enhanced Method...
Quantitative evaluation of vibroseis excitation signal based on signal-noise separation
Fei Luo, Yang Zhu, Tie Wei, Guowei Wei, Lianbin Jiang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... evaluation method of vibroseis excitation signal is more intuitive, clear and scientific than the traditional evaluation method. (2) The comparative...
Method of seismic wave advance geological prediction in soft layer
Xingmeng Dong, Zhoutuo Wei, Yuwen Zhai, Jigen Xia
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Method of seismic wave advance geological prediction in soft layer Xingmeng Dong, Zhoutuo Wei, Yuwen Zhai, Jigen Xia Method of seismic wave advance...
Corelation Between Carbon Capture and Storage with Enhanced Oil Recovery for Good Enviroment
Wa Ode Aulia Kahar, Fitriani, Fauziah Maswah, La Ode Marzujibran, Rahmat Hidayat, Sabrianto Aswad
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... INTRODUCTION In injection process, CO2 can be monitored in postinjection using Microgravity Method to prevent leakage and groundwater pollution, and to know...
Petroleum Prospectivity in 1850s North America
Raymond P. Sorenson
Petroleum History Institute
... of the 1850s a few hundred scientific publications had documented the natural occurrence of hydrocarbons or rocks suitable for coal-oil manufacture...
How burial diagenesis of chalk sediments controls sonic velocity and porosity
Ida L. Fabricius
AAPG Bulletin
.... Anderson, J. K., 1999, The capabilities and challenges of the seismic method in chalk exploration, in A. J. Fleet, and S. A. R. Boldy, eds...
Antropov’s Paper in Connnection with the Main Tasks of Theory and Practice
I. O. Brod
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... importance (underlining mine–I. B.); this should increase the weight of scientific prediction in solving practical problems of prospecting-exploration...
The Tasks of Preparation of Commercial Oil and Gas Reserves and of Increasing the Effectiveness of Geologic Exploration in the RSFSR
A. N. Mustafinov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... oils. The effectiveness of prospecting in the USSR is higher than in the USA - which indicates a higher scientific level of geologic exploration...