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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Creating Charles Lyell’s World Online
David McClay
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... extensive field work, travel, popular lectures and bestselling books, Lyell became internationally famous and respected by many scientific communities...
Seismic Imaging of Gas Hydrate Distribution - A Case Study; #80441 (2015)
Jun-Wei Huang
Search and Discovery.com
... to solve the scattered wave field, parallel 3-D viscoelastic Finite Difference modeling (Bohlen, 2002), a most accurate and expensive method so far...
A Rapid Method for Determining Weight Percentages of Unsieved Heavy Minerals
Ralph E. Hunter
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Rapid Method for Determining Weight Percentages of Unsieved Heavy Minerals Ralph E. Hunter 1967 Vol. 37 No. 2. (June), A method is proposed...
Status and Trend of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas
I. P. Zubov, P. N. Enikeev, O. P. Gratsianova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... operations include scientific investigation of the stratigraphy, lithology, and facies of the sediments, paleogeography, tectonics, geochemistry...
How to Make Good Decisions Examples From Exploration
Bernhard W. Seubert
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... people, and not accepted as a scientific method. Marcel Duchamp, a chess player and artist of the last century, coined the phrase “where...
Method of Calculation of Recoverable Oil Reserves in the Final Stage of Exploitation of Oil Strata Under Conditions of Displacement of Oil by Water
M. I. Maksimov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Method of Calculation of Recoverable Oil Reserves in the Final Stage of Exploitation of Oil Strata Under Conditions of Displacement of Oil by Water M...
New Aid in Handling Personnel Problems in Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
AAPG Bulletin
...New Aid in Handling Personnel Problems in Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES 1943 1548 1548 27 11. (November) The Office of Scientific Personnel...
Abstract: Scientific Values of Unique Geopark Sites in South Korea: Jeju Island, Mt. Mudeung and Jeonnam Dinosaur Coast Geoparks
Min Huh, Yong Mun Jeon, Chungwan Lim, Changyeol Lee, Bo Seong Kim, Jin-Young Park, Yeon Woo, Byung-Do Choi
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Scientific Values of Unique Geopark Sites in South Korea: Jeju Island, Mt. Mudeung and Jeonnam Dinosaur Coast Geoparks Min Huh, Yong Mun...
Abstract: Spatial and Temporal Deformation of a Lake Malawi Accommodation Zone: Integration of Dated Scientific Drill Cores and Seismic Data; #90187 (2014)
Tannis McCartney and Christopher A. Scholz
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Spatial and Temporal Deformation of a Lake Malawi Accommodation Zone: Integration of Dated Scientific Drill Cores and Seismic Data; #90187...
Abstract: Deepwater Exploration Challenges and Lessons Learnt From Scientific Ocean Drilling; #90246 (2016)
Moe Kyaw Thu, S.Kuramoto, Y.Yamada
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Deepwater Exploration Challenges and Lessons Learnt From Scientific Ocean Drilling; #90246 (2016) Moe Kyaw Thu, S.Kuramoto, Y.Yamada AAPG...
Mass Areal Seismic Surveying in the Carpathians
V. D. Zav’yalov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... politekh. in-ta., vyp. XXXV, ser. nef. no. 6. 3. Zav’yalov, V. D. and Stolyarova, Ye. N., 1957, Method of mass areal seismic probing: Prikladnaya...
Pore-water chemistry: A proxy for tracking the signature of ongoing silica diagenesis
Shahab Varkouhi, Nicholas J. Tosca, Joseph A. Cartwright
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Breymann, M.T., Barron, J., et al., , eds., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: College Station, Texas, Scientific Results, v. 127– 128, Pt. 1...
Creating Singularity Order Attribute of Seismic Signals Using Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) for Stratigraphic Interpretation Tools
A.M. Ustad, M.S. Jaya, F.J. Herrman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of Seismic Signal Using Continuous Wavelet Transform. 31st HAGI Annual Scientific Meeting CONCLUSIONS A singularity analysis method is presented...
Seismic prediction technology for shale gas double sweet spots: A case study of the Ordovician Ulalik Formation in the western margin of the Ordos Basin, China
Yutan Dou, Fei Li, Guanghong Du, Mengbo Zhang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..." (brittleness index, fracture, pore pressure). The TOC curve of the whole well section calculated by the ΔlgR method is used to optimize the logging...
Abstracts: Application of CSP Gather Modeling for Determination of Velocity Smoothing Operator for Prestack Kirchhoff Depth Migration; #90173 (2015)
Hassan Khaniani and John C. Bancroft
Search and Discovery.com
... Migration (EOM) that is a time migration method. In this direction, the techniques for CSP gathers modeling by ray tracing method are explained. Using...
Euendolithic microborings in basalt glass fragments in hyaloclastites: Extending the ichnofabric index to microbioerosion
Kimberly E. Montague, Anthony W. Walton, Stephen T. Hasiotis
.... These interactions are important because they occur widely in ocean basins and lead to incongruent dissolution of glass. No semiquantitative method currently exists...
A Simple Turbidimeter
John S. Bradley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... G., 1934, An optical method for mechanical analysis of soils, etc.: Jour. Agric. Sci., v. 24, pp. 457-468. RICHARDSON, E. G., 1936, A photo-electric...
Impregnation of Fine-Grained Sediments with a Polyester Resin: A Modification of Altemuller's Method
Gail M. Ashley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Impregnation of Fine-Grained Sediments with a Polyester Resin: A Modification of Altemuller's Method Gail M. Ashley 1973 Vol. 43 No. 1. (March...
Experimental Estimation of Gas Hydrates Accumulation and Existence Conditions in Sediments, by E.M. Chuvilin and E.V. Kozlova; #90035 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Schematic Map of Prognosis of Oil and Gas in the Subsurface of the USSR
V. Ya. Avrov, I. A. Blinnikov, N. I. Guyalov, V. G. Vasil’yev, I. P. Zubov, G. Kh. Dikenshteyn, N. A. Kalinin, S. P. Maksimov, S. N. Simakov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., on a basis of maps of oil-gas prospects of regional economic councils, territorial geological offices, and local scientific institutions, compiled...
A Comparison of the Play Analysis Technique as Applied in Hydrocarbon Resource Assessments of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Kenneth J. Bird
AAPG Special Volumes
... National Wildlife Refuge Kenneth J. Bird 1986 133 142 SG 21: Oil and Gas Assessment: Methods and Applications A play analysis method of petroleum...
Petrophysical Analysis Using Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods in Low Resistivity Zone of Gumai and Talang Akar Formations in Jambi Subbasin South Sumatra
Khusnul Khatimah, Lia Reulina Ketaren, Sabrianto Aswad, Erfan Syamsuddin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to identify petrophysical parameters, namely shale volume (Vsh) by the Stieber method, porosity using neutron-density method, and water saturation determined...
Environmental Challenge as a Geologist
Bernold M. Hanson
GCAGS Transactions
...Environmental Challenge as a Geologist Bernold M. Hanson 1994 Vol. 44 (1994), Many scientific environmental studies involving geology are now...
Long-Range Plan For The American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Frank R. Clark
AAPG Bulletin
... who use scientific techniques as tools. Now it appears that this semantic confusion of the scientific method and the professional purpose has been...
Bringing Australian Geophysical Data onto a High Performance Data Node at the National Computational Infrastructure, #70210 (2016).
Jingbo Wang, Irina Bastrakova, Ben Evans, Carina Kemp, Ryan Fraser, Lesley Wyborn
Search and Discovery.com
... skilled users generally prefer this method. Alternatively, by establishing Virtual Laboratories, which are cloud based scientific workflow portals...