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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Memorial: Carl Fries, Jr. (1910-1965)
Eduardo Schmitter
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... access to his private library composed of the latest scientific bulletins and all the classic works. He was one of the pillars of contemporary geology...
Memorial: G Dallas Hanna (1887-1970)
W. F. Barbat
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... of California; leading a team in the adaptation and perfection of a new and inexpensive method of illustrating scientific papers in full color were...
Intensification of Oil Field Development - a Major Way of Increasing Oil Output
N. S. Yerofeyev, G. P. Ovanesov, M. M. Ivanova, N. F. Chernov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... recovery, largely by the method of flooding oil fields. During the seven year period the amount of water injected increased 2.5 fold, reaching 350 million m3...
Scientific-Applied Conference “Little Studied Oil-Gas Complexes of European Russia”
B. A. Solov’yev, S. P. Levshunova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Scientific-Applied Conference “Little Studied Oil-Gas Complexes of European Russia” B. A. Solov’yev, S. P. Levshunova 1998 328 331 Vol. 32 (1998...
Reservoir models selection based on volumetric and connectivity metrics
Peng Li, Dario Grana, Leonardo Azevedo
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... due to the computational cost of dynamic fluid flow simulations. For this reason, we propose a statistical method for the selection of a subset...
Time-lapse full-waveform inversion by model order reduction using radial basis function
Haipeng Li, Robert G. Clapp
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., Full waveform inversion and the truncated Newton method: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35, no. 2, B401–B437. Plessix, R. E., 2006, A review...
RTM method of prismatic-waves under the undulating surface: A case study of the Longmen Piedmont
Bo Ma, Yingming Qu, Zhenchun Li, Jianggui Zhu, Chang Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...RTM method of prismatic-waves under the undulating surface: A case study of the Longmen Piedmont Bo Ma, Yingming Qu, Zhenchun Li, Jianggui Zhu, Chang...
Assessment of natural groundwater recharge: A case study of North Chennai Aquifer
T. Siva Subramanian, and Marykutty Abraham
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... development of groundwater. Natural recharge was estimated by various methods, such as the water level fluctuation method, water balance method, linear...
Memorial: Cassius Asa Fisher (1872-1930)
Max W. Ball
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... collaborated with Veatch and Ashley in promulgating the method of coal land classification and valuation which forms the basis of the method still...
Western Synfuels Symposium Proceedings; Frontmatter
J. F. T. Agapito
Grand Junction Geological Society
... Engineers of Colorado / NSPE © 1985 Colorado School of Mines Contents Foreword v Gravity Oil Recovery: The Target, The Method...
Some Remarks on the Care of Well Samples: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. I. Robinson
AAPG Bulletin
... trained in scientific methods and held positions of importance. Even in instances where samples were carefully preserved they were often in the same...
Sampling Device for Semiconsolidated and Unconsolidated Sediments: NOTES
James D. Howard, Vernon J. Henry, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., salt marsh and associated environments. One method of sedimentary structure analysis employed is that of X-radiography (Hamblin, 1962, 1964, 1965) which...
Abstract: Deghost + Denoise + Demultiple + Velocity & Q Inversion + Depropagate = Seismic Imaging (Geophysics Paper 17)
Mehmet Ferruh Akalin
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... (Backpropagation) + Imaging Condition = Seismic Imaging (Migration). The best subsurface imaging approach PreStack Depth Migration method has to rely...
Abstract: AMG Preconditioning for Sedimentary Basin Simulations in Temistm Calculator, by F. Willien, I. Chetvchenko, R. Masson, P. Quandalle, L. Agelas, and S. Requena; #90066 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Novel Technologies for Unraveling the Charge History of Multiply-Sourced Petroleum Systems, by J. M. (Mike) Moldowan, David Zinniker, Jeremy Dahl, Shaun Moldowan, and Geoffrey Bott; #90175 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Sequence Stratigraphical Analysis of the Neogene Lacustrine Pannonian Basin, by Gabor Vakarcs and Imre Magyar; #90034 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
“The Wernerian Syndrome”—Aspects of Global Climate Change: An Analysis of Assumptions, Data, and Conclusions
Lee C. Gerhard
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... of the scientific method. It is not uncommon in science to have theories driven by force of individual personalities or small but highly motivated groups. The very...
Nature and Origin of Deep-Sea Carbonate Nodules Collected from the Japan Trench: Environmental Processes: Model Investigations of Margin Environmental and Tectonic Processes
H. Wada, H. Okada
AAPG Special Volumes
... fore-arc region off northern Honshu, Legs 56 and 57, Deep sea drilling project, in Scientific party, Initial report of the deep sea drilling project...
Geology in the Petroleum Industry
Wallace E. Pratt
AAPG Bulletin
... positions. In this fashion geologic principles gradually came to permeate the whole industry. For the first time, perhaps, the scientific method began...
The Use of Foraminifera in Geologic Correlation
Joseph A. Cushman
AAPG Bulletin
... to the purposes for which the work is done. For convenience these may be termed scientific and practical, although neither term is a good one...
Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic, Magnetotelluric and Gravity in a Sub-Volcanic Reservoir
Muhammad Irsyad Hibatullah, Maulana hutama Rahma Putra, Firman Syaifuddin Akbar, Dwa Desa Warnana, Fahrenzy Yona Aisha
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... concepts in Indonesia that need to be explored in the future. During the exploration stage, the seismic method plays important rules to understand...
Rate-Transient Analysis of Communicating Wells Using the Dynamic Drainage Area (DDA) Concept
Hossein Ahmadi, Hamidreza Hamdi, Christopher R. Clarkson
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to improved decision making. A semianalytical method for history matching MFHWs communicating through hydraulic fractures has recently been developed...
Principles of Biostratigraphy: Abstract
Robert M. Kleinpell
Tulsa Geological Society
...Principles of Biostratigraphy: Abstract Robert M. Kleinpell 1960 92 92 Vol. 28 (1960) Scientific principles stemming from the data...
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Shows and Source Rocks in Scientific Ocean Drilling
B. J. Katz
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Shows and Source Rocks in Scientific Ocean Drilling B. J. Katz 18th Annual Meeting Abstracts and Program Copyright © 2001...
Abstract: The proposed wilderness research centre of the Labrador Institute of Northern Studies, Memorial University
D. Wilton
Atlantic Geology
... positive scientific and educational impacts on MUN and the province. Labrador is the site of some remarkable and relatively unperturbed terrestrial...