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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Publisher's Note
AAPG Special Volumes
... its appreciation of the superior editorial efforts made by A. J. Tankard and H. R. Balkwill in directing the scientific aspects of this volume...
Abstract: Besides the Natural Gas, What about the Biodiversity?; #90273 (2017)
Michel Bariche
Search and Discovery.com
... about 80% of the total Mediterranean waters. Scientific knowledge of the deep-sea diversity is scarce and limited to a few groups of organisms. Deep...
Abstract: The Power of Scientific Ocean Drilling Data in Frontier Exploration; #90310 (2017)
Sally Morgan
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: The Power of Scientific Ocean Drilling Data in Frontier Exploration; #90310 (2017) Sally Morgan AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article...
3D real-time imaging for electromagnetic fracturing monitoring based on deep learning
Zhigang Wang, Yao Lu, Ying Hu, Yinchu Li, Ke Wang, Dikun Yang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., Dikun Yang, The Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Southern University of Science and Technology Summary The electromagnetic method has a proven...
Book Reviews
Arthur Saller, Gian Gaspare Zuffa
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Richard Lane during the 1993 meeting of the Northeastern Section of the GSA. It is the most recent publication on the graphic correlation method...
Velocity Dispersion and Attenuation in Vibroseis Data
L. Flora Sun
Search and Discovery.com
.... In order to detect velocity dispersion in the exploration seismic frequency band, a new signal processing method for uncorrelated Vibroseis data...
Velocity Dispersion and Attenuation in Vibroseis Data
L. Flora Sun
Search and Discovery.com
.... In order to detect velocity dispersion in the exploration seismic frequency band, a new signal processing method for uncorrelated Vibroseis data...
Study of the Structure of Pore Space
A. F. Bogomolova, N. A. Orlova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...., Proceedings of a conference to develop scientific research on methods of secondary recovery of oil, p. 202, Baku, 1953; Izv. AN AzSSR, vyp. 2, no. 6...
Determination of Oil-Water Saturation and Position of the Water-Oil Contact in Carbonate Reservoirs of Fields of the Kuybyshev Region by Radiometric Methods
L. Z. Tslav, V. V. Laptev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... Scientific Research Institute of the Oil Industry the possibilities were evaluated for using the NGK-NKT methods for investigating oil-water saturation...
Low Power Magnification Photography of Thin Sections: NOTES
S. Duncan Heron, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., AND STANLEY. D. J., 1966, Transmitted infrared radiation: A simple method for studying sedimentary structures: Jour. Sedimentary Petrology, v. 36, p. 1144-1149...
Abstract: Acceleration on Sparse Promoting Seismic Applications; #90187 (2014)
Lina Miao and Felix Herrmann
Search and Discovery.com
.... Theory and/or Method Logic of SPGℓ1 There are different flavors for sparse promoting seismic application, one of which is called BPDN (minimize ||x...
Synthetic Array Curves from Dual Induction Logs, #40889 (2012)
Guoyu Hu, Ingo Geldmacher
Search and Discovery.com
... measurement at multiple frequencies by creating a “pseudo” array response. Usefulness and limitations of the method will also be discussed. We will show how...
Influence of Pore Geometry and Structure on Capillary Pressure J-Function Prediction: An Applicable Technique for a Case Study of the Baturaja Formation in the Jabung Block
Catur Kristiawan, Hilmy Khairi, Aldi Fathurrahman, Sesilia Nandya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... (𝑃𝑐 (𝑆 𝑤 )) using the Leverett J-Function (𝐽(𝑆 𝑤 )) and its relation to the concept of Pore Geometry and Structure (PGS) rock typing method...
Abstract: Integrating Scientific Research with K-12 Education, by G. F. Healy, M. Grammer, and V. Newell; #90937 (1998)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrating Scientific Research with K-12 Education, by G. F. Healy, M. Grammer, and V. Newell; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Velocity Dispersion in Field Seismic Data: Impact, Detection and Application; #90211 (2015)
Langqiu Sun
Search and Discovery.com
..., time-frequency decomposition, and cross-correlation with moving window) have been investigated using simulated data to design a robust method...
B. C. Burchfiel, L. Stegena
AAPG Special Volumes
...Foreword B. C. Burchfiel, L. Stegena 1988 V V M 45: The Pannonian Basin: A Study in Basin Evolution This volume is one of many scientific works...
Phosphorus bioavailability in sediments of a sludge-disposal lake
John R. Branom, Dibyendu Sarkar
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... was analyzed using two methods, the Environmental Protection Agency SW 3050B method for analyzing sludge samples and the traditional ignition method...
Abstracts: Application of the Signal Correlation for the Construction of Age Models of Lake Baikal Sedimentary Records; #90173 (2015)
Karol Rohraff, Vadim A. Kravchinsky, and Mauricio D. Sacchi
Search and Discovery.com
...). The definite advantage of this method is simplicity and short CPU time required to compute a high resolution timescale. Tuning Method In the study...
The Machine Learning's Classification Methods Comparison to Estimate Electrofacies Type, Lithology and Hydrocarbon Fluids from Geophysical Well Log Data
Dimas Andreas Panggabean, Jihan Hardiyanti Arief, Lucky Kriski Muhtar, MN Alamsyah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to be widely used in oil & gas data management. The usage of the method is adjusted to the purpose of data processing, including data classification...
Photogrammetry and Photo Interpretation in Geology Curricula: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Benjamin A. Tator
AAPG Bulletin
... of this lethargy is understandable if not excusable. The teacher, trained in scientific techniques of a previous decade, influenced in some measure by the fixity...
Laboratory Procedures in Coal Petrology
John C. Crelling, Russel R. Dutcher
Special Publications of SEPM
... The Straub Co. Cedar and Ray Avenues Croydon, PA 19020 or Fisher Scientific Holmes Grinder Model 51 Pulverizer Holmes Bros., Inc. 510 Junction Ave. Danville...
Papers on Applied Geophysics: DISCUSSION
L. W. Blau
AAPG Bulletin
... are so antiquated and have been discarded so long that they are of little hist rical, and no scientific value. The difficulties which had to be overcome...
Program of American Geological Institute: ABSTRACT
David M. Delo
AAPG Bulletin
... delegated representatives of eleven national scientific societies in geology and closely related fields, and the support of the National Research...