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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Borehole Informatics: Data Integration Challenges of Scientific Drilling
Search and Discovery.com
A Fast Semi-Analytical Method for Refracturing Candidate Selection and Performance Estimation of Shale Wells
Chigozie Aniemena, Iman Oraki Kohshour
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...A Fast Semi-Analytical Method for Refracturing Candidate Selection and Performance Estimation of Shale Wells Chigozie Aniemena, Iman Oraki Kohshour...
X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis of potsherds, Sungai Batu Complex, Bujang Valley, Kedah
Mohd Hasfarisham Abd Halim, Mokhtar Saidin
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... method used is the excavation to collect evidence of potsherds to conduct quantitative and scientific analysis. After the sample was obtained...
Uncertainty, Subjectivity and Bias, #120048 (2012)
Andrew Curtis, Matthew Walker
Search and Discovery.com
... of the scientific method: it allows for leaps of faith, which occasionally lead to new proposals that prove to be valid. However, the effects of biases on expert...
Origin of Authigenic Mn-Fe Carbonates and Pore-Water Evolution in Marine Sediments: Evidence from Cenozoic Strata of the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian-Greenland Sea (Odp Leg 151)
Nancy Chow , Sadoon Morad , Ihsan S. Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results: College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, v. 151, p. 583-591. BANNER, J.L, HANSON, G.N....
Application of transfer learning and multi-scale feature fusion in intelligent suppression of seismic random noise
Xin Xu, Wuyang Yang, Xinjian Wei, Haishan Li, Nang Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... as output. Subtracting the latter from the former yields the denoised actual seismic data post-stack. The novel method proposed in this paper has...
Introduction to Ground-Water Hydrology, 1993 - Appendix B Assignments
New Orleans Geological Society
... Method Assignment 5: Estimating Transmissivity and Storativity with the Jacob Straight-Line Method In doing assignments and projects, the approach I...
Priorities for Future Australian Petroleum Research and Development
P. E. Williamson, D. Wright
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... companies in Australia have tended to have a sharp focus on understanding the scientific and technical issues associated with the exploration...
New Data on the Geology of the West Cis-Caucasus and the Prospect of Discovery of Large New Oil Fields
S. T. Korotkhov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... and Cis-Caucasus, is in an unsatisfactory status. Expeditions of the central scientific research institutes and even several scientists of the territorial...
Conservation of Oil and Gas Resources in California
R. P. McLaughlin
AAPG Bulletin
... of the work may be of interest to geologists and engineers for the reason that the technical or scientific element is predominent. Natural laws, such as those...
The Oil Exploration Aureole
R. A. Steinmayer
GCAGS Transactions
.... 21Biennial Reports, Louisana Department of Conservation, 1928-1929 to 1936-1937. 22Bulletins 1-4, 1931-1934, Department of Conservation Bureau of Scientific...
Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Techniques: A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization
H. Beucher-Darricau, B. Doligez, J. M. Yarus
AAPG Special Volumes
... in reservoir modelling using the truncated Gaussian method, in A. Soares, ed., Geostatistics tria '92, v. 1: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic...
Application of interactive convolutional neural network micro-fracture prediction technology based on prestack depth migration data in deep shale gas reservoirs
Xiaolan Wang, Furong Wu, Junfeng Liu, Dianguang Zang, Xiao Yang, Yangjing Li, Xiaoyan Cheng
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and sustainable development of the energy industry. Theory and/or Method 1. Tilted Transversely Isotropic (TTI) Anisotropic Pre-stack Depth Migration Technology...
Introduction to a Special Issue on Petroleum Resource Assessment Methods and Case Studies
Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk G. Osadetz, Jim Davidson, Mike Dawson
CSPG Bulletin
..., X. 2012.A statistical method for determining the petroleum accumulation coefficient and its application to assessment of petroleum resources...
A Critique of the "McLaren Method" for Defining Sediment Transport Paths: DISCUSSION
Shu Gao, Michael Collins
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... dune, beach and river sands from their textural characteristics: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 31, p. 514-529. GRIFFITHS, J. C., 1967, Scientific Method...
Geoheritage of Labuan Island
Dony Adriansyah Nazaruddin, Hafzan Eva Mansor, Siti Syaza Aiman Seh Wali
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., they range between small to medium sizes. These geological resources have been assessed based on some geodiversity/geoheritage values including scientific...
U-Pb Direct Dating of Multiple Diagenetic Events in the Upper Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir of Bekhme Formation, Kurdistan-NE Iraq; #51671 (2020)
Namam Muhammed Salih, Howri Mansurbeg, Kamal Kolo, Axel Gerdes, Alain Préat
Search and Discovery.com
...-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany 5 Res. Grp., Biogeochemistry & Modeling of the Earth System, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 6 Scientific...
Provenance, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Hydrogeologic Influence of Turbidites on the Mid-Ocean Ridge Flank of Northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean
Michael B. Underwood, Kimberley D. Hoke, Andrew T. Fisher, Earl E. Davis, Emily Giambalvo, Lars Zuhlsdorff, Glenn A. Spinelli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of sediments in northwestern Cascadia Basin, in Fisher, A.T., Davis, E.E., and Escutia, C., eds., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific...
R. John Knight, J. Ross Mclean
CSPG Special Publications
.... Johnson, H. D. 1978. Shallow siliciclastic seas. In: Reading, H. G. (Ed.), Sedimentary environments and facies. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific...
Memorial: Carroll Edward Dobbin (1892-1967)
Arthur E. Brainerd
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... without text and for 20 years the work of the division was distributed.by this method. The field work for the Montana plains map, first published...
Memorial: Gerald M. "Gerry" Friedman (1921-2011)
Charles A. Sternbach
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
..., and scientific analysis, Gerry was one of the greats in the field of applied sedimentology, which he helped create. He was among the first to recognize...
"The New Global Tectonics": Age of Linear Magnetic Anomalies of Ocean Basins: REPLY TO R. A. FACER
Howard A. Meyerhoff , A. A. Meyerhoff
AAPG Bulletin
... to ocean forsakes scientific method and rigorous logic. The fallacy of this mental exercise becomes even more striking when it is recalled...
Progress Toward a Petroleum System Approach to Gas Hydrate Resource Assessment, by Kirk G. Osadetz and Zhuoheng Chen; #90035 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Modeling and Imaging - Making Waves, by Phillip Bording and Larry Lines, #40066
Search and Discovery.com
Anisotropic elastic moduli of presalt carbonates from Santos Basin, Brazil
Irineu Lima Neto, Marco Ceia, Roseane Misságia, Lucas Oliveira, Victor Santos, Jéssica Moreira
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and Engineering Laboratory (LENEP) b. Scientific Computing Supporting Foundation (FACC) c. National Institute of Petroleum Geophysics (INCT-GP) Summary...