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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Time-Lapse Refraction Seismic II: Field Examples
Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
GEO ExPro Magazine
... discussed the development of time-lapse refraction seismic as a complementary monitoring method. Here we look at some field examples. Scientific theory...
MASDA: Method of Analysis for Staff Development Action
Leoni De Herdt
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...MASDA: Method of Analysis for Staff Development Action Leoni De Herdt 1989 497 504 MASDA (Method of Analysis for Staff Development Action) has been...
Formation pressure modeling using offshore seismic data
Weilai Pei, Lei Han, Chunyuan Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... drilling accidence and promotes the development of natural resources. Traditional modeling process using Eaton method has poor fitting performance under...
Thermoluminescence: A Tool for the Environmental Analysis of Recent Sediment Cores
Harry H. Roberts, William E. Graves
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...), A method has been developed for determining the presence and spatial distribution of minerals in Recent sediment core samples. Autoluminographs...
Sieving Precision: Sonic Sifter Versus Ro-Tap: METHOD PAPER
R. Timothy Wolcott
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Sieving Precision: Sonic Sifter Versus Ro-Tap: METHOD PAPER R. Timothy Wolcott 1978 Vol. 48 No. 2. (June), The Sonic Sifter and the Ro-Tap...
A Practical Method for Preparing Thin Sections of Well Cuttings: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Clifton F. Jordan, Jr., C. Duane Roady
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Practical Method for Preparing Thin Sections of Well Cuttings: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER Clifton F. Jordan, Jr., C. Duane Roady 1987 Vol. 57 No. 4...
Abstract: Investigation of the Relationship between Seismic Velocity Dispersion Principles and the Permeability of Subsurface Porous Materials; #90174 (2014)
Adrienne Campbell, Winnie Pun, and Bernd Milkereit
Search and Discovery.com
... pumping tests, core sample analysis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Such methods are useful, although there are shortcomings to each method. It may...
Advanced Remote Sensing
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
GEO ExPro Magazine
... essaL Radio waves from satellites can now be used to measure miniscule movements at the Earth's surface at a millimetre level. The method has gained...
Abstract: Geological Aspects in Earthquake Engineering
Azlan bin Adnan
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... the geoelectrical resistivity method, the seismic method, and the gravity and magnetic method. The use of geophysical methods in various fields...
Abstract: Spectral-Velocity Prediction of Geological Section Types and Reservoir Properties (SVP-Technology), by Mikhail Afanasyev; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Migration Interpolation using Time-Shift Imaging Condition
Mark Ng
Search and Discovery.com
... method varies with respect to various depth steps ( 'z = 10 m, 20 m, and 40 m, which are one time, two times and four times the depth sampling...
Seismic Migration Interpolation using Time-Shift Imaging Condition
Mark Ng
Search and Discovery.com
... method varies with respect to various depth steps ( 'z = 10 m, 20 m, and 40 m, which are one time, two times and four times the depth sampling...
Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking
Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding
AAPG Special Volumes
... an interpretation of seismic data or other remote measurements, rather than the direct observation of an effect. The scientific method of prediction...
The Kungurian and Ufimian Stages of the Priurals, U.S.S.R.
V. P. Gorsky, E. A. Guseva
CSPG Special Publications
..., V. D., 1949, Stratigraphy and tectonics of Ufa plateau and Juriusano-Sylvenskaya depression: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Oil...
Effectiveness of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas
James W. Clarke
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... The depth of investigation by the seismic method is not sufficient in regions with several structural stages. Structural drilling in most regions...
Stratigraphic Versus Structural Accumulation
A. I. Levorsen
AAPG Bulletin
... of a continuing demand and through scientific methods. Stratigraphic methods offer an almost unlimited field for petroleum geologists with a promise of results...
Gas Lift Optimisation Strategy Using Genetic Algorithm in Coorporating Technical and Economical Aspects
Amega Yasutra, Aris Wakhyudin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Lift operation has to consider the dynamic of oil price, operational cost and capital cost of each scenario. GA method has the flexibility to create...
Fundamental Problems in the Field of the Method of Prospecting and Exploration for Oil and Gas
I. O. Brod И. О. Брод, V. G. Vasilev В. Г. Васильев
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Fundamental Problems in the Field of the Method of Prospecting and Exploration for Oil and Gas I. O. Brod И. О. Брод, V. G. Vasilev В. Г. Васильев...
Optimizing the Enhanced Oil Recovery Method using Nanotechnology to Maximize Oil Production in Old Wells
Ariska Nur, Aldian
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Optimizing the Enhanced Oil Recovery Method using Nanotechnology to Maximize Oil Production in Old Wells Ariska Nur, Aldian This paper has been...
Pipeline Impacts in Vegetated Wetlands
Emmanuel J. Russo, Thomas E. Hunter, Raymond Sauvage, Christee Herbert
GCAGS Transactions
.... Morris, W. Nuttle, C. Simenstad, and D. Swift, 1994, Scientific Assessment of Coastal Wetlands Loss, Restoration and Management in Louisiana...
Advances in 19th Century Petroleum Chemistry by Some America Scientists
Harry N. Giles
Petroleum History Institute
... process of ‘fractional condensation’…is admirable alike as a means of scientific research and as a technological method.…By means of this apparatus Warren...
Note on the Presentation of Stratigraphic Type Sections
H. H. Suter
CSPG Bulletin
... section and furthermore, implies commensurate analysis in field and laboratory. Is conventional macroscopic information enough for scientific or even...
A Light in the Downturn: Geochemical Innovation for Todays Explorers
Hunter C. Eden, Mohamed Said
GEO ExPro Magazine
... budgets are the rule even among E&P companies with a strong scientific focus. When only ‘necessary’ analyses are approved by cost-conscious management...
Memorial: Frederick Andrew Menken (1905-1965)
John C. May, L. C. Decius, Robert M. Kleinpell
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... sandstone outcrops that form the backbone of the Santa Ynez Range behind Santa Barbara. A subsequent scientific note, prepared with C. E. Leach...
Methods of Applied Geophysics: DISCUSSION
E. Pautsch
AAPG Bulletin
.... The reviewer says the author's statement that his book will be a truly scientific paper "may perhaps be misinterpreted in view of the fact...