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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Structure Contouring: DISCUSSION
Henry A. Ley
AAPG Bulletin
... with the structural habit of the area or province, others do not. Some are clear, showing the application of scientific principles and multiple working hypotheses...
Why storytelling mattersespecially in mineral exploration
Ahmad Saleem, Steve Beresford
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... As scientists, our major mode of communication is through writing and publishing of scientific papers. But a basic inference of knowledge management...
Some Radiolaria from the Chert Block of Lubok Antu Mélange, Sarawak
Basir Jasin, N. S. Haile
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Melange, Sarawak & N.S. HAILE2 IJabatan Geologi UKM, Bangi, Selangor. 2Petroleum Research and Scientific Services, illu Kelang, Selangor. Present address...
Inexact Geology: DISCUSSION
Luis M. Banks
AAPG Bulletin
... made us violate unconsciously or unwillingly the scientific method. We are mistaken when we say that, since geology is inexact, we should not bother...
Abstract: Qualified Structural Interpretation, Geological Realism and 3D Thinking, by Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstracts: Development of a Dynamical/Statistical Operational System to Forecast and Analyze Atmospheric Winds at Surface Level Valid for up to 168-hour Periods; #90173 (2015)
Edgar Herrera Guzman and Svetlana Machurina
Search and Discovery.com
... boundary layer uses the Troen and Mahrt (1986) scheme. Roughness lengths over oceans are determined from the Charnock (1955) method. Roughness lengths over...
Petroleum: To Be Or Not To Be Abiogenic, by M. R. Mello and J. M. Moldowan
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum: To Be Or Not To Be Abiogenic, by M. R. Mello and J. M. Moldowan; #90043 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Pre-Drake Oil and Gas Wells
Raymond P. Sorenson
Petroleum History Institute
...; Dawson 1853; 1855, p. 195-211; 1868, p. 239-241). been made for this well for surpassing one in Grenelle, France that had reached 1797 feet (Scientific...
Glaucony in Ocean-Margin Sequence Stratigraphy (Oligocene-Pliocene, Offshore New Jersey, U.S.A.; ODP LEG 174A)
Stephen P. Hesselbo , Jenny M. Huggett
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: An Integrated Approach: SEPM, Special Publication 42, p. 39-45. CHRISTIE-BLICK, N., AUSTIN, J.A., JR., AND SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY, 1998, Introduction...
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Database for Selective Use of Seismic Attributes for a Given Application, by Amtmann, Johannes; Eichkitz, Christoph G.; Schreilechner, Marcellus G.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Captivating But Hazardous Geological Phenomena Named Argillaceous Diapir Folds, Domes, Bulges, Feathers and Mud Volcanoes: Far from Rhetoric, Closer to the Reality; #90238 (2015)
H. Martinez-Sacristan
Search and Discovery.com
... for drilling in Galerazamba, Atlántico in 2012. Recently, scientific research into argillaceous diapirs as common phenomena at the Caribbean shoreline...
Uncertainty quantification of full-waveform inversion with adaptive MCMC method
Shuhua Hu, Zeyu Zhao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Uncertainty quantification of full-waveform inversion with adaptive MCMC method Shuhua Hu, Zeyu Zhao Uncertainty quantification of full waveform...
Identification of unconfined aquifer using 3D resistivity analysis at Simpang 5 area, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Supriyadi, Fianti, Dwi Rizki R., Agus Setyawan, Ronaldo Talapessy
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... The method of research is resistivity method using Schlumberger configuration, where data is collected according to the survey design with coordinate ranging...
Application of horizontal wells in three-dimensional shale reservoir modeling: A case study of Longmaxi–Wufeng shale in Fuling gas field, Sichuan Basin: Discussion
Zhijun Yin, Y. Zee Ma, Ernest Gomez, and Shengli Li
AAPG Bulletin
... a verification using a statistical or scientific method. Debiasing well data, either vertical or horizontal wells, and/or verification of unbiased sampling...
A method for assessing statistical significance and uncertainties for calibration of 1-D thermal basin maturation models
S. Noeth, R. O. Thomsen, R. Littke
AAPG Bulletin
...A method for assessing statistical significance and uncertainties for calibration of 1-D thermal basin maturation models S. Noeth, R. O. Thomsen, R...
Structural Zonality of the Salt Dome Area of Northern Pri-Caspia
G. E.-A. Ayzenshtadt
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... are not only of scientific but also of practical interest because they are distinctive of possible types of deposits on other domes...
Petroleum Exploration and Environmental Conservation
M. W. Haas
GCAGS Transactions
... on public environmental issues and work for reasoned solutions based on scientific fact. Much exploration today awaits public consent; geologists must...
Memorial: Edwin Dinwiddie McKee (1906-1984)
Raymond C. Gutschick
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... M. Nevin, who sparked Eddie's interest in the scientific method as applied to laboratory experiments in sedimentation. McKee received his bachelor's...
Main Features of Geologic Structure of Eastern USSR and Contiguous Territories: Regional Arctic Geology of the USSR
L. I. Krasny
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Pacific mobile belt can form the basis for the solution of scientific and practical problems. Recent conclusions regarding the geologic...
Further Consideration of the Question of Oil Output of Beds
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... method of investigation of wells, the possibilities of which are by far not being used completely. During recent years the hydrodynamic methods...
Concerning the Papers on Oil Output
S. H. Shan’gin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... that “in discussions on oil output we use only surmises and assumptions.” Such a method is illustrated graphically by the second paper in connection...
Devonian geography deduced by the Palaeomagnetic method
K. M. Creer
CSPG Special Publications
...Devonian geography deduced by the Palaeomagnetic method K. M. Creer 1967 1371 1377 An analysis of world wide palaeomagnetic data reveals...
Principles of an Efficient Method of Opening and Testing of Strata During Drilling of Prospecting Wells
G. S. Gazyan
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... In order that this method can be used widely, much coordinated scientific research must be done in the development of instrumentation and methods...
Magnetotelluric Monitoring of Unconventional Energy Resource Development: Disruptive Technology or Damp Squib?
Graham Heinson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005 Graham.Heinson@adelaide.edu.au SUMMARY A significant scientific and engineering challenge for the energy resources industry...